McKeighla stayed in her room for a while after her little scene with Micky, Micky had given up trying to get her out a long time ago. Now she lay on her bed, mentally going over her options and recounting the different events that lead up to that little misunderstanding. Meeting him at the wedding, totally dispising the little leg maneouver she thought he did deliberately, then meeting him at the reception, dancing with him-thats when she realized she had started to have feelings for him-so thats what started all these uneasy feelings. Damn it, why did she ever accept Davids invitation? Cause you silly girl, you didn't know he would be there-she mentally answered her own question. "Well, I better go explain myself to him..." she might be a wee bit passive, but mean-she wasn't. When she felt she had to explain herself to someone, she did, like now.

McKeighla was just about to open her mouth when Micky saw her, and with a start began talking, "I'm sorry McKeighla, I didn't mean it like that...it just came out-" Micky rambled on "It's ok Micky..." McKeighla stopped him, nervously laughing "...I know what you meant, I'm an idiot for doing what I did" "No way..." Micky laughed, "..you had every right to think that you and your 'canuck brain couldn't handle my complex way of thinkin'" Micky cracked, pointing to his head, winking and nodding. McKeighla smirked, "..so you forgive me then...?" she asked, shying off. Unsure of his answer, "...of course I do roomie'" Micky smiled. For McKeighla, it suddenly got a lot easier to breath.

"Do you want anything?" Micky asked, knocking his gaze from McKeighlas gorgeous face for just a split second. Careful there Dolenz-he cautioned himself. "Oh ya, anything really. I'm both hungry and thirsty, haven't eaten or drank anything since that apple juice 2 days ago..." McKeighla informed, blinking a bit to move her eyes away from Mickys drop dead gorgeous brown eyed gaze. McKeighla Amber Isles, what are you doing?-she asked herself. Following Micky to the kitchen proved easy, since it was just about 15 steps away from the stairs. Where she had been standing.

McKeighla had quite a feast, 3 glasses of orange juice, 2 plates of ravioli then a frosted donut and ice cream. She actually surprised herself with the amount of food she ate, but she guessed going on a binge of no food for 2 days would do that to a person. Micky and McKeighla spent the rest of the night in his living room listening to records and just joking around, by the end of the night they had become quite good friends.

At aproximately 3 A.M. Micky was wakened by aloud high pitched scream coming from McKeighlas room. Without even thinking about it, he through off his covers jumped out of his bed and dashed towards her room. When he got into her room he was treated to a scene of McKeighla sitting up in her bed crying hysterically. When she looked up to him standing in the door, he ran towards her bed and sat beside her. "Micky...Micky...he's coming to get me...he's coming to get me" she sobbed, leaning in towards his chest. Micky almost immediately opened his arms to make room for McKeighla. "...he said he was gonna come get me when the time was right...when I least expected it, what does that mean Micky, what?" McKeighla whined, sniffing. Micky shushed her, then began running his hand down her long brown hair, "...who babe?" he whispered, "...Jake, Jake did...he was attacking me in my dream...calling me these obscene names..."Mickys eyes turned evil, that S.O.B. had taken away her dreams. "...McKeighla, it'll be alright. Davy nor me will let anything happen to you..." He assured her, as he looked into her eyes he caught a glimpse of her arms, full of scares and a ton of brusies. He almost immediately grabbed one of her arms and gave it a closer inspection, even in the dark you could decipher the normal skin from the bruised.

"Kayla..." Micky gapped, looking at her, completely horrified. McKeighla sniffed, then grabbed her arm and covered it with her blanket, "D-d-did he do that to you?" Micky inquired, McKeighla nodded then swallowed hard, "...he not only hurt me inside but also outside..." "Kayla, you should have told someone..." "...now your sounding like David, I can't get away from damn midget father figure..." McKeighla cracked, making Micky laugh, "How old are the cuts?" he asked, surveying the damage on both arms, still in darkness. "Well," McKeighla shifted uncomfortably. She felt uncomfortable for 2 reasons, Mickys hands were soft to the touch and 2, she felt her feelings for him grow by the second. "...Some of them are actually new, since I was thrashing around in bed I must have opened some up again..." she painfully hissed as his thumb hit an open wound. Micky apologized then reached over and switched on the nightstand lamp so he could get a better look at her...her um arms.

He saw that her blood was seeping through the cover, they must have been deep cuts. Almost instantly Micky felt anger rise up in him. No body should be allowed to do that to a woman. "...I'm sorry Micky, I'll pay for new sheet" McKeighla sniffed, Micky looked at her sympathetically, "Oh, no Kayla, I wasn't mad at you..." he tried to make her feel better, "I'm so sorry Micky..." she cried laying her head on his chest, Micky almost instinctively wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back in slow circles. Thats when McKeighla realized that Micky was currently shirtless and she was lying against his bare chest. She had to fight the urges to just run both her hands down his chest, it felt so soft under her head. She never wanted to let go.

McKeighla fell fast asleep on Mickys chest, Micky never noticed till he felt her head start to slide down his chest because for one, he was to busy off in lala land in a blissful daze to realize it and 2, he was so wrapped up in the humming of "Sometime in the Morning"-requested by McKeighla before she sucumb to her sleepiness."Goodnight Kayla..." he whispered, he was about to kiss the top of her head when he drew back, come on man, you only met her 2 days ago. What would Davy say?-then he thought-awe, ta hell with it and he kissed her right on top of the head, but lightly.

He was just about to get up to move when McKeighla squeezed his sides tighter and groggily whispered, "Stay with me...please?" Micky inwardly sighed as he moved himself back into the place he was, this was going to be an uncomfortable night, but he was going to spend "quality" time with his "Kayla" evn though she would be sleeping, made no difference to him.

