McKeighla was awakened by sun shinning in on her face, she smiled and then yawned, then put her hand on her "pillow". When she thought-hey, something's funky here- then remebered Micky she snapped open her eyes and looked right into the face of a sleeping Micky. He was still shirtless (duh?!?), still in the sitting position and he had slipped his arm around her back. She silently cursed as she slid out of his grip and down to the floor. She then turned her face to the clock, it read 10:00 A.M. She couldn't remember if it was a weekend or weekday and that worried her cause she knew he had was working on a record right now with Michael Nesmith, David and Peter Tork and he couldn't be late. So McKeighla almost immediately shook him awake, "What..." Micky asked, he sounded annoyed, "...come on Micky, its late...you gotta get up" McKeighla told him in a rushed voice, "...no I don't" he smirked, he still had his eyes closed but he was now fully awake "...yes you do come on, remember the record, the album you and the others are doing" McKeighla tried to make him remember. "...no I don't, it Saturday..." he smiled, thats when he looked up and opened his eyes.

Micky saw McKeighla in a begging position almost, with her arms on the bed and T-shirt slightly sliding up her leg. Him being him, he snuck a peak before McKeighla noticed then looked back at her and thought-ah not bad, not bad at all- McKeighla thought she saw him sneak a peak so she gave him a questioning glare, Micky just cleared his throat and started rubbing his neck, "Damn, my neck hurts" ya I bet it does-and other things-she thought, but she didn't say anything close to it (at least, she tried not too). "I guess it would, thanks for stayin' with me all night, I'll let you get some-" a knock at Mickys door interupted them. "Uh...I'll get it" Micky babbled frantically trying to climb out of the bed fast enough before his mind had time to think about "outcomes" and that little sneak-a-peak manveour.

Micky opened the door, "Da-D-D-D-Davy..." he stuttered, Micky then looked down at himself, he was only wearing thin white cotton pj bottoms and nothing else, even bare feet. "Hey Mick' I just popped over to see how McKeighla was doing-" "Who is it Micky?" her voice was heard from the stairs, Micky mentally cursed her timing as he saw Davys head whip to the stairs and survey the knee length, thin red shirt of Mickys she was wearing as a night shirt. Davy shot a mean glare to Micky as his eyes dialated, Micky sheepishly grinned, "It's not what you think David" McKeighla cautioned him racing down the stairs to stand beside Micky, "...ya, like hel-" Davy snorted, "It ain't David, god I'm not a little girl-you can believe me-"

When Davy realized how serious she was he dropped it and got down to business, "How are you feeling McKeighla" "Fine David-" McKeighla sighed, she was glad he was coming back to earth, "...fine..." although she did feel faint all of a sudden, when Davy nodded his approval she turned around carefully and excused herself, she had just got to the top of the stairs when she felt herself drop.

Micky and Davy heard a loud thud at the top of the stairs. They looked at each other then frantically raced up the stairs. They saw McKeighla lying on the floor, on her side, unconscious. "Kayla," Micky stressed before diving towards her and leaning in to check her breathing, he looked up to Davy quickly, "She isn't breathing..." he cried, "Calm down Mick' just calm down, I'll go down and phone the ambulance..." Davy calmed him down, even though he could feel adrenaline rush through his vains at that moment replacing the paralitic(*I forgot the word, and sp?*) he would probably be feeling right now if McKeighla wasn't someone he truly worried about her. "Hurry" Micky urged, as he moved towards her head, he clipped her nose together with his 2 fingers and then blew air into her mouth, and counted 1,2,3 then did mouth to mouth again. "Come on Kayla, breathe...come on Ka-Ka..." (CPR) "Ka-Ka...Kayla, come on..."

He thanked god when he heard McKeighla take a sharp breath in. He smiled just as McKeighlas eyes suddenly burst open and her fist jerked up and punched him square in the lower jaw, he fell backwards holding his lower jaw "ow" he moaned, McKeighla jumped to her knees turned around, growled straight at Micky and lunged towards him. "I'll kill you, you bastard!" she screamed punching him with left hooks right hooks under handed punches to the face. "Kayla, Kayla, stop-stop-its me, Micky, please Kayla...stop..." Micky begged trying to shield his face, "McKeighla, please...it's beginning to hurt" it was like his pleaing was falling on deaf ears.

Something finally clicked and she stopped, thats when her eyes got clearer and Micky could see recognition seep slowly back into her mind, "Micky?" she asked, on the verge of tears, Micky smiled weakily and nodded, "...I'm so sorry, I didn't know Mick-I really didn't-that wasn't me-I hope I didn't really hurt you..." she babbled on. "Don't worry Ka-Ka-you didn't..." Micky laughed sitting up, "I'm really sorry Micky I am," McKeighla cried, crumbling towards him, Micky automatically wrapped his arms around her and began rocking back and fourth humming "Sometime in the Morning" as she cried.

