Davy ran up the stairs as soon as he was done on the phone, "Ok, the ambulance should be 'ere" he stopped himself when he saw Micky had McKeighla wrapped in his arms. He was in his own world rocking her back and fourth. Davy noticed how much care he took in comforting McKeighla, he really does love 'er - he thought. He first seen little clues of his guess in the hospital when he had blown up at McKeighla, Micky took it upon his self to get up and comfort her when he could have just sat there or left with him.

He cleared his throat loudly to get attention, when Micky looked up he began "How is she?" he asked. Micky looked down at McKeighla, she was sleeping soundly lying against his chest. "We should put her to bed, don't you think?" Davy asked quietly. Micky looked up to Davy with lost eyes, he didn't want to give her up again. Davy say this and sympathetically smiled, "Come on Mick' ya con't leave her on the ground..." Micky looked down at her once more, fighting in his mind with common sense and what he wanted to do, until finally common sense won. He moaned and groaned as he got up carefully as not to wake her. Micky then lifted her up with all the care he thought he could posses and slowly walked to the bedroom, with Davy closely behind him.

As soon as Micky laid McKeighla on the bed Davy turned to leave, he thought Micky would follow, but instead Micky just walked to the chair in the corner and sat down. Davy cast him a questioning glance, but Micky didn't catch it all he said "Can you let the 'medics in and lead them up here?" Davy was dumbfounded, he had always thought Micky was a "love em and leave em" kind of guy, he had never seen Micky care so much about anyone besides his mom and sisters. "Ah, ya, ya...of course I will Mick'" he answered, walking out of the room.

Anyway...the doctors came and quickly diagnosed McKeighla with a serious case of exhaustion and told Micky that what she had experienced on the stairs was a nervous brake down. "How is that possible, she's only 21" Micky asked, quietly following the doctor out of the room...but he would be back. "Its quite simple Mr. Dolenz" The doctor "Dr. Lucaison" told him walking down the stairs, he could find his own way out "...the one thing about nervous break downs they do not discrimenate against age, race, or colour..." "Well, what do I do...will she be ok?" Micky asked, Dr. Lucaison laughed, "Of course she will, just let her sleep, and when she wakes up she'll probably be hungry and thirsty...have something ready for her" and with that Dr. Lucaison left.

Feeling somewhat dejected and not needed Micky wandered to the living room where Davy had been sitting waiting for Micky to report on McKeighla. Micky sat down in a huff beside Davy and started staring into space, "Well?" Davy asked eagerly, when he got no answer he elbowed Micky in the arm, Micky jumped and then looked at Davy. "Well...?" he asked, in an annoyed tone. "...Kayla had a nervous breakdown, man" Micky told him, still in a state of shock, "What?" Davy asked, in disbelief. "I know..." Micky agreed getting up, he had to do something to keep him occuppied. "Where are you going?" "Downstairs..." he said, disappearing downstairs to his sound studio. Letting Davy leave, if he wanted to.
