Micky was lying in bed one night. It was storming out side and the rain was lashing against the window. He couldn’t sleep. He hadn’t been able to sleep ever since Marie had walked out on him. He knew where she was, she was at Peter’s, that’s where she always went to get away from him. She always went to Peter and that was one of the reasons their marriage had hit trouble, he was jealous. It sounded crazy to admit but he was jealous of the relationship she had with Peter they had always been very close and he hated not having a bond that strong with his own wife. If he was honest, things hadn’t been right in their marriage for a long time and now it was over completely and it was his entire fault. He knew where she was and he wanted to call her so may times to apologise and beg her to come home but he couldn’t bring himself to dial the number and there were days when he found himself sitting in his car in the driveway willing himself to turn the key and drive to Peter’s beach house but he had always lost his nerve and ended up back inside. Suddenly he was jerked out of thoughts by a soft voice calling from the doorway.

“Micky” She called. He turned his head and saw her standing there, her suitcases stacked by the door.

“Marie?” He whispered, not sure whether to believe what his eyes where showing him. She smiled and nodded.

“I’m here sweetheart, I’m home,” She cooed softly. He got out of the bed and walked over to her, never taking his eyes from her, he didn’t dare blink in case she disappeared. He had seen her standing there so many times before in his dreams and he didn’t dare close his eyes until he felt her in his arms. She reached her arms out to him.

“I thought I’d lost you,” He said as he reached her and gripped her into a tight hug.

“You almost did” She replied. He closed his eyes and breathed her in.

“Why have you come back? What made you chance you’re mind?”

“Sshhh no questions ok not tonight. It doesn’t matter any more. I’m home and we’re together, that’s the only thing that matters,” She told him and she kissed him.

“I’m sorry Marie I’m so sorry, please forgive me I’ve missed you so much” He told her tears starting to fall from his eyes.

“It’s ok, I’m home now and we can start again,” She told him as she stroked his hair.

“Thank you I can’t believe you’re here I love you so much”

“I love you too, let’s get some rest ok we’ve got a lot of talking to do tomorrow” She told him and led him to the bed. They both got in and he pulled her close and gripped her tightly. There was no way he was ever going to let her go again. He made a mistake and he was so glad she could forgive him. She kissed him and he closed his eyes and fell asleep in her arms.

Micky awoke suddenly and turned over to find the bed next to him empty, the rain was lashing against the window and the sound of thunder rang out in the night sky. He looked over at the door and the suitcases were gone. Realisation suddenly hitting him like someone had just punched him in the stomach. A dream. It had all been a dream. She hadn’t come home she hadn’t come back to him and he was alone once more. He lay back down and cried himself to sleep, just like he had done every night since she had gone.
