
Three years had now come and gone for the three M's and Davy.

It was now May of 1964; almost every teenage girl in America had fallen hard for the Beatles, a group of four Liverpudlian musician lads.

That February, when they debuted on "The Ed Sullivan Show", Micky, Michelle, Davy, and Mike had all crashed in the livingroom of Mike's new apartment to watch; Michelle had never been the same since....

The eighteen year old San Francisco native was running amuck singing "Do You Want To Know A Secret", and this prompted Micky to sing along...

"Oh Micky,no! You'ah killin' us!" Davy, who was also now eighteen, wailed.

"Mnyeah, mnyeah!" Micky, who was now nineteen, smarted.

"Oh, shutup, allaya!" Mike said good-naturedly; he was twenty now.

They were all hanging around Mike's "Pad" one lazy afternoon. Until.....

"Well, fellas, I gotta go; I 'ave a date with Angela," Davy dismissed himself.

Micky and Mike mumbled incoherent "See ya" 's and MIchelle didn't even look up....

When he'd driven away, Michelle got up and went to the refridgerator....

"Uh-oh," Mike said.

"Here we go again," Micky added.

Michelle came out with the Reeces she'd chilled earlier....

"Michelle, why don't you just ask him already?!" Micky asked desperately.

"Ask who what?" Michelle wondered.

Michelle denied having her hear set on Davy; Mike and MIcky found out she did ever since "that day", but there in the last year, she'd been saying she'd gotten over him....

But her eyes told a different tale.

Davy drove along quietly, thinking about the date that lay ahead of him; ah, the girl was beautiful.....

Yet something was bothering him; something he couldn't see....

Suddenly, "Love Me Do", one of the Beatle's latest songs came on and Davy sang along.....

An image came to his mind as he began to sing; it was of himself and a girl, what one would call a fantasy....the girl wasn't just any girl....

It was Michelle.

This thought made Davy almost steer into the other lane; he pulled over to the side to get over the initial shock of his latest thought.....

Did he like her or something?! No way, they were too much like brother and sister!

He ran a hand through his hair, "I must b'goin' outta my mind!"

Then, still not fully getting over this little escapade, he drove on home to get ready....

Michelle wasn't fully getting over her Reeces kick, either....

It had been four hours since Davy had lef and she had, by now, consumed at least 15......

"Man,why do you say you're over him when you're obviously not?!" Mike asked her.

"I am!" Michelle replied, then added, "I'm just a little hungry."

"Well, I'm heading home for the night, you stayin' or goin' home?" Micky asked.

"I guess I'm goin' on," Michelle replied, reaching up to hug MIke, "'I'll see you tomorrw."

"Bye, shotgun; cheer up," Mike replied, patting her shoulder. Michelle smiled, "Yeah..."

Just as they'd been leaving, Mike could've sworn he'd seen a tear in Michelle's eye....

So, he began to write.....

For a moment, Micky and Michellle rode in silence, listening to Del Shannon's "Runaway"; then Micky broke the silence....

"Uh, Mikeand I've been talking about it, and we think we wanna start a band," he said.

"Really?" Michelle asked with some enthusiasm, "Who all's gonna bein it?"

"Mike can play guitar....so can I, but I'm gonna be the drummer,"Micky began,"and Davy can play a little guitar, not much, tambourine, and maracas."

"You may also need a pianist/keyboardist, and definitely a bassist," Michelle pointed out.

"Bassist, maybe;what's with the other stuff?" Micky asked.

"Hey, every good band needs a keyboardist at least!" Michelle defended her case.

Micky pondered this a moment...

"Can YOU do any of that?"

"You gotta be kiddin'!" MIchelle scoffed.

"Well, hopefully wecan find somebody then; here we are. You commin' over later? I wrote a song and I wanted you to come over and hear it," Micky wondered.

"Sure," Michelle replied, getting out, "bye."

Micky waved as he started off down the street...

Davy and Angela had went out a couple of times before and, at the end of this date, wound up making out on her front steps....

They were both utterly enjoying this until Davy made a fatal mistake....

"Oh, Michelle...." he breathed.

Angela's mouth parted from his point blank.

"Oh my gosh, Angie, I...."

"Who's Michelle, Davy?"

"Nobody, I...."

"Well, you can HAVE Michelle,Davy! The heck with you!"

Angela stormed into the house and slammed the door.

Davy hurriedly went out to his car and drove to his house. Luckily, no one was home....

"Why did I do 'at?!" he demanded to no one as the front door slammed behind him, "WHY?!!"

He put a hand to his head. Man,why was he thinking about Michelle like this?! His best friend?!

He had to get all this off of his mind!

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.....

Davy groaned as he trapsed over to answer it.

"Hi, Davy!" said Michelle as she walked in, "I noticed ya commin' home; how'd the date go?"

For a moment, Davy's eyes bore on her; then, his momentary fit subsided....

"Not very good," Davy muttered, going over to the couch. As he sat, he began to rub at the inner corners of his eyes...

"What happened?" Michelle asked with concern as she rubbed his shoulders.

Suddenly, he snapped....

"Why d'you cahe?!" he demanded. Michelle backed up, her large eyes wide with confusion,

"I dunno, you were driving awfully fast and....."

"Hey, why doncha mind youah own business?!" Davy yelled.

MIchelle's eyes widened, "What's wrong with you?!" she asked.

"Nothin'!" Davy replied, "I'm fine!"

"No you're not!" MIchelle screamed, causing him to get quiet. "Now look, I dunno what your problem is, but you DON'T need to take it out on me," she added, a little quieter.

"You'ah th'problem, " he muttered; he hadn't meant to sound cruel, but...

MIchelle looked hurt, "I'm gonna pretent I didn't hear that; I'm gonna Go home, Lock my door, and pretend this-never- happened," she said cooly, turning on her heel and walking out the door, slamming it behind her.

"Michelle, wait!" Davy yellled, but to no avail...

Suddenly, before getting into her car, she turned back to him, "I don't wanna hear an apology! You said enough," she said the last sentence a bit quieter...

Davy's temper rose again.....

"You'ah a pain, you know 'at?!" he yelled, then regretted it, as he had heard an unmistakable muffled sob comming from her direction as she climbed into the car and screeched down into the street...

Little did they know that the night had the perfect potion for danger....

Micky had been wondering where Michelle had gone when he saw her car go down the street; he'd written a new song he called "Midnight Train" he and his sister Coco had been harmonizing on, and he REALLY wanted her to hear it....

Suddenly, as soon as he put his song and guitar in the livingroom, he heard an awful sound....

Mike had been watching TV when MIcky's urgent phone call came through....


"Mike! It's Micky!"

"What's up?!"

"Uh, oh man.....it's....."

Michelle was driving as though there were a sheet over her eyes; in fact, there was...

Her tears built up and she kept trying to blink them away so she could see...

Suddenly, the Beatles song "Misery" came on the radio, and now she couldn't keep her sobs to herself...

She was crying so hard she couldn't concentrate.....

Next thing she knew, she was rolling...

Davy was trying to call Michellebut kept getting a busy signal; she couldn'tve REALLY meant it when she said that she was disconnecting the phone....

Could she?

As soon as he hung up, the phone rang...

" 'Ello?" he said expectantly.

"Man, who've you been talkin' to?!" Micky's anxious tenor asked.

"I've been tryin' t' call Michelle!" Davy replied, getting a little frustrated.

"It ain;t gonna do no good," Micky replied solemnly.

"Why?" Davy asked.

"She's on her way to LA General," Micky replied.

"What?!! Why?!!" Davy demanded.

"She's been in anaccident; she rolled off the embankment on that bridge they're gonna put that security railing on out by our house," Micky replied.

Davy immediately hung up and jumped out the door; he then dove into his car and drove like a mad-man to LA General......

Mike and Micky had gotten to the hospital very quickly, meeting up with Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs....

"How is she?" Mike asked.

"We don't know; all we know is that she got thrown out the windshield and bounced off the car," Mrs. Dobbs replied in tears.

MIcky swallowed at the thought; what would happen to her?...

Davy pulled the car into the hospital parking lot; he then rested his head on the steering wheel....

How could he have been so STUPID?! Man, just because HE thought abbout HER, he'd lashed out at her....

He then decided that he didn't need to go in just yet; he needed to ride around a bit and get his mind cooled off.....

Michelle was in a world of darkness; her eyes were useless, her hearing and other senses as well...

All she knew at that moment was horrendous pain. So this was what Davy felt like that day....

She was surprised that she had no negative thoughts about him; only thoughts of concern crossed her mind...

Thoughts of "What was wrong?" and "Why was he so angry?" were swimming around in the recesses of her brain.

But not a single answer came to her.

Boy did her arms hurt! And her back! And everything else.....

Especially her heart.

"Why did he yell at me?" she asked herself; she then, in her mind, not in life, began to weep.....

The hospital had now stabilized Michelle well enough that the family and close friendscould come in and visit her...

MIcky and Mike were to her left; after a few moments of standing there, they saw a tear run down her cheek...

"Maybe she's waking up," Micky whispered.

The others leanedforward hopefully butshe didn't stir once...

The only injuries Michellehad were a broken arm, a fractured rib, and a concussion, as well as a few minor cuts and bruises.

A few hours had passed and Davy came in; everyone sat around Michelle,hoping she'd awaken from her coma.

Laying there, motionless, and looking like she was, she didn't look like the same girl that had braved the many angry people who'd ganged up on him that day. She looked fragile, weaker...

Weak was one thing that Michelle Dobbs wasn't.

Everyone then decided to go downstairs....

"You commin', Dave?" Mike asked.

Davy shook his head quietly.

Mike nodded, squeazed his shoulder, and left.

When everyone had been gone a couple of minutes, Davy took Michelle's hand in his and held it; he looked over her still frame. Tears soon clouded his vision.....

"I'm sorry, Michelle," he whispered; his tears then began to run down his cheeks....

As he began to lay her hand down, one of his tears splashed onto it....

Micky was about to go back into the room; Davy had looked terrible....

But when he saw him bowed over Michelle as he was, he decided not to bother him.

In her heavy sleep, Michelle's thoughts of her tears had stopped. IN fact, she wasn't thinking at all...

Suddenly she felt a dampness on her hand, 'Could it be raining?' she thought, 'No, stupid! Blood? Maybe....'

She moved he3r other hand to feel the substance but she couldn't and her eyes fluttered open...

What she saw tore her heart to pieces...

Davy's head was face forward in his arms by her side, his shoulders heaving heavily. She could also hear muffled sobs...

She picked up her hand (the unbroken arm) (the one with Davy's tear) and stroked his hair and massaged his arm until he sat up...


Michelle smiled, "I'm back."

She leaned forward best she could and hugged him tight.

"I'm so sorry baout eahliah; I've just been realizin' somethin', and it's taken 'is t' finalize it," Davy said.

"What's that?" Michelle asked. Davy pulled back ,"I love you."

Slowly, carefully, Davy kissed her. Soon neither cared about how much it hurt (Michelle's lower lip), they just let out all the emotion they'd been holding back for so long....

Mike and Micky were in the food are getting something else to eat when they noticed a blonde guy around Mike's age go up to Michelle's, his, and Micky's parents....

They went over to investigate and caught up with the conversation....

"...I was wondering if the girl was alright..." the guy was saying, 'I'm Peter Tork and, well, the reason I'm wondering's because...."

"You're the one that pulled her away!" Micky exclaimed. When he'd heard the wreck, he went to check it out and, when he realized it was Michelle's car, seen a guy running away....

Peter blushed, "Yeah...."

"Oh..." was all Mrs. Dobbs could say before she pulled Peter into a hug, "Thank you."

"You wanna see her? I'll take ya up there," Micky offered.

Peter nodded and followed Micky.

"I'm Micky Dolenz; I saw you runnin' when I came to see what the crash was. Wy didn't ya stay around?" Micky asked him.

"I-I just didn't wanna be in the way," Peter stammered.

"Man, you save Michelle's life...after you left, the car exploded," Micky said, making Peter stop dead in his tracks, "I don't know what I would've done if Michelle hadn't come out of this alive."

Peter was shocked, "The car ex-exploded?!"

Micky nodded solemnly.

Then they continued toward Michelle's room....

Davy and MIchelle had only stopped kissing once and, by now, they were at it again....

Suddenly Michelle stopped her lips and looked up at the door,blushing and open-mouthed....

The sight that lay in front of Micky made his insides go numb....

Michelle was awake, sucking some major face with Davy!

She suddenly stopped and looked up...

"Micky...is that?..." she indicated the blonde boy next to him.

"Yeah;this is the guy that pulled you away from the car before it exploded; uh, excues me.....Pete,you can go on in...'' Micky said hurriedly,running a hand through his hair and walking swiftly down the hall....

"What was that, Dolenz?" Micky asked himself, "You saw Michelle making out with Davy and you flipped!" Then, more calmly, he added this to his thoughts, "You're not fallin' for her, ya know; you've just never imagined her with a boyfriend....you're not jealous....am I?"

Boy, this was confusing!!

MIchelle took the hand that Peter stretched out to her and held it...

"Why did you run? I asked you to stay with me," Michelle asked him.

"Your friend saw the whole thing and was screaming out your name; I didn't wanna be sitting there taking liberty for just being in the right place at the right time, so..."

Michelle smiled, "Thank you," she pulled him into a one armed hug.

After they pulled away, Michelle introduced Davy....

"Um, this is my boyfriend, Davy Jones," Michelle said, looking to Davy for approval when she said "boyfriend"; she got a smile that could mean only one thing.....


After a little while of Micky not retuning, Mike went to look for him.

When he got to the room, though, he wasn't there.....

"Hey,Michelle, glad to see you're awake; did you happen to see which way Micky went?" he asked.

"Down the left wing and just past the double doors," Peter replied.

" 'E's missin'? I'll 'elp ya look for 'im," Davy volunteered, "I'll see ya latah, luv," he then said as he brushed Michelle's lips with his.

Mike hadn't expected this and it kind of blew his mind; but, none the less, they needed to find Micky....

Micky had found the men's room and, since it was vaccant for the time being, he sat on the floor, leaning hjis head back against the wall.

When had these feelings spawned he wondered? He did kind of have what one could call a "crush" on her during the first week of their friendship; but, as time went on, she became more of apal, or better yet, a sister,so the feelings subsided.

But...man; the feeling when he saw Michelle and Davy kissing hit him so hard and so fast he didn't know what to think...

The door then opened; when the person walked in, he could tell who it was just by their feet.....

"Micky? Why'd ya run off like 'at?" Davy's voice asked.

"Oh, I uh....I felt sick; ya know, the hospital food ain't that great," Micky hoped to goodness that Davy would believe him.

"Oh yeah, I know, they really need t' leahn 'ow t' cook," Davy replied.

"So..are you and Michelle FINALLY goin' out?" Micky wondered.

"Finally?" Davy was puzzled.

"That chick's been crazy about you ever since way-back when!" Micky replied.

"Really? I nevah wouldda known," Davy commented.

"Oh, she'd really good at hiding her emotions from you if she doesn't want you to know what she's thinkning," Micky added.

"I kinda wish I 'ad known,'' Davy thought to himself, "then she might not be 'ere...."

Mike was ambling up and down the hall, looking for Micky; as he did, his thoughts centered on what he'd seen Davy and Michelle do....

He suddenly got an idea for what he'd been working on earlier that day after Micky and Michelle had left and began jotting it down.

After he'd jotted a few lines, the door to the bathroom opened and Davy came out, Micky following.

"Boys," he said, ''I think I have one of the band's first songs...."

"Band? When did 'is come up?" Davy asked.

"Oh, me an' Mick are gettin'a band together; we were plannin' on askin' you if ya wanted to be in it," Mike replied.

"Oh, neat; suah, I'm in," Davy grinned.

"You ain't form California, I can tell that much," Michelle said.

She and Peter had been conversing for a while about various what-not.

"No,I was born in Connecticut,but I lived in New York for the longest," Peter replied.

"Really? What part?" MIchelle asked.

"Greewich; I just movedform there a month ago. I'm a musician and I played bars and stuff for a little money," Peter replied.

"A musician? Really?! What all do you play?" Michelle wondered.

"Guitar, bass, trombone, harmonica, keyboard, piano, ukelele...." Peter trailed, "I'm sorry, I sound like I'm bragging," he added sheepishly.

"No! Oh man, you'd be perfect for the band my friends are trying to get together!" Michelle replied excitedly.

"Band? Really?" Peter asked, just as excited as she.

Suddenly, the boys in question came in...

"I have the solution for your band problem," MIchelle said to them, "Peter!"

She told them everything he could play; Mike let him in on the spot,since he'd saved Michelle from certain death.

Peter, who'd been alone before now had a circle of friends who accepted him for who he was inside; something that he hadn't had in a long time.....
