Micky and Davy had been living peacefully in a run down beach house...queit happily considering the facts. They really didn't have jobs because they were holding out for their big break in the music business and well, with no job, it meant no money-no money meant no food-no food meant starvation. Thank the lord Mickys mom let him "borrow" money off her, or they would be in body bags at that moment, dead from starvation and bordem. They had placed an add in the "L.A. FREE PRESS" a couple weeks back, looking for a guitarist and a bassist, cause they knew with their limited, 2 man act (Micky on drums, Davy on tambourine and lead vocals) they weren't gonna last long, even in the club scene. One cold December evening (about 12C, 55F) the first of their prayers were answered, well sort of. Micky beat Davy to the door by nano-seconds, Micky opened the door, expecting it to be, maybe a friendly old neighbour with some food, he was starving...but nope...Mickys jaw dropped, there was his dream girl standing infront of him, slender face, somewhat tall (like, 5'6"-5'7"), brown eyes that could be mistaken for black, cropped black hair, my god. Mickaela saw the look she was getting from Micky, so she just gave him a funny look and turned his attention to Davy who was standing silently beside him.

"Um, ya...hey, my names Mickaela Nesmith...I'm here about your add-" she showed him the add, Davy uncomfortably nodded. "I read that you needed a guitarist for your band-and well...I was wondering if that position was still open" "...it 'tis" Davy nodded knowingly, "...well-" "...welcome to the band..." Micky spit out, before she could continue. Davy slapped him on the back, then turned back to Mickaela, "...will you excuse us, have a seat..." he gestured for her to come in as he dragged Micky to the bed room.

"What in gods name do you think your doing?" Davy exploded as soon as he pushed Micky on the bed, "...Davy, she's gorgeous...it was just a spur of the moment burst..." Micky defended, "-yur damn right it was, we promised each other this would be an all male group, besides, you probably got the poor girls hopes up-did ya ever think of that?" "...no" Micky frowned, "no, of course not-you never do when it comes to your hormones, what if she's no good, I'd hate to turn her away-" "...what if you give her a test, see how she is, and if she is no good-you can let her go" "...I want no fuss from you later, you hear me?" Davy pointed out, Micky nodded as a small smirk appeared across his face. Davy huffed out of the room and across to a chair, pulled it out and sat infront of Mickaela, "...ok Mickaela, let's see what you can do..." Mickaela nodded and took out a black acoustic guitar from a case, Micky hadn't noticed. Mickaela sat back down and readied the guitar on her lap, "...I'm gonna play "Last Kiss"" she notified them as she began. Through the whole song Micky and Davy sat there mesmorized, she hit every note perfectly, and she actually added the vocals.

(chorus) "Oh where, oh where can my baby be... the lord took her away from me... shes gone to heaven so I got to be good... so I can see my baby when I leave this world..."

"We were out on a date in my daddys' car... we hadn't driven very far... there in the road... straight ahead, a car was stalled, the engine was dead... I couldn't stop so I swirved to the right... I'll never forget the sound that night... the screaching tires... the bustin' glass... the painful scream that I heard last..."


"When I woke up... the rain was pourin' down... there were people standin' all around... something warm runnin' through my eyes... but somehow I found my baby that night... I lifted her head... she looked at me and said, "hold me darlin', just a little while"... I held her close, I kissed our last kiss... I found the love that I knew I had missed..."

"Well now she's gone, even though I hold her tight... I lost my love, my life that night..."


"hmm...hmm, hmm, hmm,hmm... hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm... hmm...hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm..."

By the end of the song, both Micky and Davy had tears in their eyes, they couldn't believe how good she actually was, and how much feeling she put into the song. That was the kind of feeling and heart they needed in their group, ta hell if she was a girl, she was in. So they quickly regained their composure, and came to their conclusion. "Congratulation miss, welcome to the band..." Davy smiled, Mickaela sat there, staring into the 2 grinning faces infront of her in disbelief, "...yur kiddin', right?" she asked in disbelief, "Nope," Davy answered, "...awe great" she smiled, placing her guitar on her seat and getting up and hugging Micky and Davy, "...thank you" she squealed happily. "No problem, I knew you would get in..." Micky smiled, "...well it worked, thank you, thank you, thank you..." she happilly sqeauled. She suddenly stopped "I'm sorry, man...I forgot to get your names..." Davy and Micky smiled, "...I'm Davy, luv, this nut over here is Micky...". Mickaela suddenly burst out laughing, "...Mickys my nickname..." Micky smirked, "I'm sorry," Davy cracked, Micky hit him on the back as he laughed.

After about 4 hours, the shock of the whole deal sort of wore off and Mickaela sat in the living room, and the couch beside Micky, bored out of her mind. "So Mickaela," Micky broke the silence "...tell me about yourself..." "There really isn't much to tell..." Mickaela told him, shifting in her seat, "...I was born in Texas, shortly after I was born, my mother died, my father moved me to Canada, I lived in Scarbrough Ontario...till my fights with my father got to be too much and I moved away-ran away" "...I've travelled all over Canada and the States for 8 years, since I was 16..." Micky's jaw involuntarily dropped, "...not much, I'd say that was quiet alot to tell...wow..." Mickaela smirked a bit, "When were you born?" "December 30th, '42'". Hmmm-older woman, ok I guess-Micky thought, "Where in Texas were you born?" "Dallas...you from around here?" Mickaela inquired "Yep, born and raised" Micky smiled proudly, "Groovy...it's getting late, I'm gonna go set up camp and get ready for bed..." Mickaela informed him, getting up. Micky nodded as he watched her leave.Micky knew as soon as she disaapeared into the extra room that he needed to have her...

(Sorry that its so short...I think the next chapter will be shorter, but then they'll begin to get longer as the story progresses)

