What The War Made ME Choose By: Amanda Marcus I love you this year

I'll love you next year

And than forever

I'll always need you

I'll never leave you

I'll love you forever

Life couldn’t be better, she thought to herself. Juliana O’Dell sat with her boyfriend, Davy Jones under a shady tree in the park. They wanted to do something that was relaxing. Both Juliana and Davy had been worried about him getting his letter to go to the Vietnam War since the war had started. Nothing had come yet, so Davy said that they should go do something that would take their minds off that subject.

“Whot are you thinking?” Davy murmured. Juliana was laying on his chest, his English accent hummed through her body.

“Oh, how life is perfect with you,” She looked up at Davy. He smiled and leaned down and kissed Juliana.

“Do you know ‘ow moch I ‘luv you?” He asked, after breaking the kiss.

Juliana scooted up so she was face to face with him. “Show me,” she said seductively.

Davy scooted Juliana back a little away from him. Juliana looked at him, confused. But then, Davy took out a little black box got on his knees and asked in a nervous voice, “Juliana O’Dell, will you marry me?”

Juliana couldn’t believe it. The one and only man she had ever truly loved had just asked her to marry him. But what if he did get called into war? Juliana shook that off.

“Of course I’ll marry you!” She exclaimed happily. Davy’s worried eyes lit up with happiness. He put the ring on her fingers and then scooped Juliana up in a hug.

“Oh thank you Juliana! You hove just made me the luckiest man alive!” He kissed her passionately.

About two hours later, Davy drove Juliana back to her apartment and then went home himself. He had to tell his friends Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith and Micky Dolenz.

Davy ran up to the apartment and burst through the door with a great big boyish grin on his face. When he came through the door, Micky and Peter were sitting on the couch and Mike was in the kitchen. Micky and Peter jumped sky-high and screamed.

“Sorry guys,” Davy apologized, but couldn’t keep the smile off his face.

Mike came out. “What’s the rush?” he asked.

“You won’t believe whot I did?” Davy said excitedly.

“What?” Peter asked.

“I asked Juliana to marry me and she said yes!” Davy exclaimed. All three of their mouths dropped and their eyes widened.

“Wow, Davy baby, that’s so groovy,” Mike smiled. He, Micky and Peter all rushed up to Davy to give him their congratulations.

“When do plan on having the wedding?” Micky asked happily. He was glad that his friend finally found the one to settle down with.

“Well, Juliana and I want to have it soon, so probably in a month,” Davy answered.

“We’re going to be your best men?!” Peter asked hopefully.

“Of course! Well, I’m going up stairs for a bit,” Davy said and headed to his room, whom he shared with Peter.

“Man, I thought out of all of us, Davy would be the last to be married.” Micky said, sitting back down on the couch.

“Well, Juliana’s a great girl,” Mike said softly. He always liked Juliana since the day Davy brought her over to the pad. He told Davy that Juliana was a special girl and if he ever hurt her, Mike would personally come after him. He didn’t want anybody to really know that he secretly wanted Juliana to be his. But he was extremely glad for Davy and Juliana.

Mike was taken out of his thought at the sound of a knock at the door.

“Guys, can one of get that,” Mike asked, but Micky and Peter were glued to the T.V . “Oh, never mind.” Mike got up and answered the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he knew what this meant. There was a man in an army issued suite with a letter in his hands.

“Is David Thomas Jones here?” The officer asked. “Um…” Mike had to fight back the lump that was in his throat. Micky and Peter were up and at the door at the sound of Davy’s name. “He’s asleep. I’ll give him the letter.” Officer nodded and handed the letter to Mike.

“Oh no,” Peter muttered.

“It’s not fair,” Micky said softly.

“Go get Davy,” Mike choked back all his emotion. Peter nodded and went to get his friend.

Micky and Mike went into the living room and sat down.

“Petah, whot’s wrong?” Davy asked sleepily. Peter couldn’t say the news. His eyes were brimmed with tears. Davy and Peter walked into the living room and Davy knew what was about to come.

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at each of his friends. Peter had tears in his eyes, Micky had gone pale and Mike couldn’t even look at Davy.

“No,” Davy said with dread. “Please no.”

Mike got up and went over to Davy. “I’m sorry,” Mike’s voice was tight. He handed over the letter painfully slow.

“NO!” Davy screamed. “NO! NO! It’s not fair!” He turned on his heels and ran out the door, heading to Juliana’s.

And if you ever change your mind

Think again and give me time

For you're my first love

You are my last love

You're my forever

Davy ran non stop. He didn’t stop for anyone or thing. It just wasn’t fair. He was going to marry Juliana in a month and they were going to live happily.

He reached her apartment and stood there for a minute. How am I going to tell her this? This isn’t fair for her!

Davy knocked on the door and Juliana answered it. Her face lit up at the sight of Davy, but just as quickly as it came on, it came off.

“Davy, what’s wrong?” Juliana asked.

Davy couldn’t say it. He took her into his embrace and held her. She knew.

“No, please say it isn’t true,” Juliana begged.

“I’m so sorry ‘luv.” Davy choked out.

“NO!” Juliana screamed. She clung onto Davy as if her life was going to end. What do I mean? Life is going to end! “You can’t go!” But even Juliana knew that he had to.

“I’m so sorry. I would hove never asked you to marry me if I knew this was going to happen today,” Davy said, still hugging Juliana close. He could feel her body tremble.

“Don’t say that David Thomas Jones. You asking me to marry you was the best thing that I had ever heard.” Juliana said sharply.

“I’ll come back for you,” Davy whispered.

“You better,” Juliana tried to joke. He pulled her back and then kissed her with all the passion he could muster.

I love this feeling

My heart is beating

A mile a minute

No other woman

Has ever been

So deep inside it

Two days later Davy along with Peter, Mike, Micky and Juliana waited for the bus to come. They were all saying their good byes and good lucks.

“I’ll be back guys.” Davy said, trying to sound optimistic. He turned to Mike. Mike, out of all the guys was like Davy’s older brother. Davy looked up to Mike and the one he could truly trust.

“Mike,” he said softly, “please look after Juliana.”

Mike looked at his friend. He knew this was a big thing to Davy. “I will. I promise,” Mike said with sincerity.

Davy turned to Juliana. “I love you. You remember that and don’t get killed. Please come back to me.” Juliana said with a insecure voice. She was trying hard not to cry.

“I ‘luv you too. I’ll be back. Thinking about you will keep me going.” He kissed Juliana as the bus pulled up. “Bye guys,” Davy waved once more and stepped onto the bus. He sat down and waved out the window until he could no longer see his friends. That’s when Juliana broke down.

Mike was instantly at her side, but Juliana waved him off and took off in her car.

“Poor girl,” Peter said sadly. “I don’t think she should be left alone right now.”

“You’re right, Pete. I’ll go,” Mike said. He dropped Peter and Micky at the pad and went over to Juliana’s apartment.

He knocked, no answer. He knocked again this time, a tear stained Juliana came to the door. “Mike,” she cried. She fell into Mike’s arms. Mike just held her. “It’s not fair! We were going to be married!”

“Shh,” Mike tried to calm Juliana before she made herself sick. “I know it’s got to hurt. He’ll be back.”

Juliana looked up at Mike. “He said he would be back, but he never promised.” With that she started to cry again.

Mike brought her over to the couch and sat down. She cried until she had no more tears left. She cried until she fell asleep. Mike stayed with her all night, to make sure nothing went wrong. He even fell asleep with Juliana’s head on his chest.

Juliana woke up first the next morning. Her neck was stiff and she sat up to see what have might caused it. Then she regained her senses she remembered what had happened yesterday. The love of her life had just gone to war.

Then what am I doing on my couch? Juliana sat up to see Mike asleep, using his hand as a pillow. She smiled to herself. She always thought Mike was sweet and treated her with great respect, but nothing developed in her eyes except for a really good friendship.

She let Mike sleep in and she walked to the kitchen. Juliana looked out the window and instantly thought of Davy. Her heart wrenched at the thought of him. His voice rang through her mind.

“Will you marry me? I have to go. I’m sorry, ‘luv, there’s nothing I can do about this. I ‘luv you. I’ll be back.”

The words I’ll be back kept ringing through her head. “No! You won’t be back. How could you have said that? At least you didn’t promise,” Juliana said angrily. She was angry. Not exactly at Davy, but for this stupid war that made him leave her.

She heard the soft shuffle of feet behind her. She wiped the tears away that were forming in her eyes and then turned to Mike.

“Morning Mike,” Juliana said.

“Are you alright?” Mike asked concerned.

Juliana shook her head. “I don’t think I’ll ever be alright until Davy is back here.” She wrapped her arms around herself, as if she was cold. Mike came up and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He really didn’t know what to say so he just kept a comforting arm around her.

Finally broke the silence and looked up at Mike. “Thank you for staying. I didn’t mean to be such a baby about this.”

“Juliana, you’re not a baby. Anyone in the right mind would have done the same thing.” Mike tried to assure her.

“I only wish he didn’t have to go,” she hugged Mike once again.

“We all do,” Mike mumbled.

“Well,” Juliana stepped back. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to be by myself for a while.”

Mike didn’t want to leave her alone, afraid she might do something, but he didn’t want to be pushy either. He just nodded his head and said, “If you need anything at anytime, just call me.”

“Thanks Mike.”

After Mike left, Juliana went up stairs to take a hot shower. When she finished her shower and got dressed she decided to go out to get her mind off things. She went out in town, bought a couple of pants and shirts and then went home. It was mid afternoon by the time she got back to her apartment. Juliana didn’t know what else to do. So she decided to drop by Mike’s place.

Juliana waited at the door of the pad and Peter answered. “Hi Juliana!” Peter said. “How are you feeling?” He let Juliana inside.

“I’m okay. Though, I don’t think I’ll ever be 100% okay until Davy returns.”

“I know how you feel,” Peter hugged Juliana. Mike heard Peter talking to someone and he went out of his room to see Juliana sitting on the couch. He became instantly worried and ran down stairs.

“Juliana, is everything okay?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, I just got a little lonely and I thought of coming over here. Is that okay?”

“Oh yeah its fine! You can come over anytime you’d like, day or night,” Mike said.

“Thanks,” Juliana flashed Mike a smile.

“Well, since you’re here, why don’t we all go out tonight?” Mike suggested.

“Yeah, come on Juliana,” Peter asked.

“I dunno,” Juliana said.

“I don’t know what?” Micky asked, coming in the pad.

“We’re trying to get Juliana to come out with us,” Peter explained.

“Oh! Yeah, please!” Micky begged.

“Oh okay,” Juliana laughed. So they all went out.

Seven months went by slowly for Juliana. She received a letter from Davy telling her how awful the war has been and things don’t look good for the American troops. Juliana’s heart tightened and she couldn’t contain her tears. He also wrote that thinking about her had helped him get through the tough times.

A knock at the door tore Juliana from the letter. She got up and answered it.

“Mike,” Juliana said surprised. She quickly wiped her eyes. Mike gave Juliana a concerned look. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just got a letter from Davy. Here, come in.” She let Mike in and gave him the letter.

My Dearest Juliana,

I miss you so much. There’s only really one way to describe all that is happening. Hell. Luckily I have been stationed away from the true danger. I’ve befriended a few guys, but I’m trying not get to close because there’s always that fear of dying. Thinking about you has been a life saver for me. God I miss you. Please tell the guys I said hi and miss you and also tell them to expect a letter from me!

I love you,


Mike looked up at Juliana. “I’m sorry,” he didn’t really know what to say.

“Don’t be. But here, here are the letters from Davy. Make sure that Peter and Micky get them.” She handed Mike three letters. “What brings you here today?”

“Well, I wanted to see how you were and also we have a gig tonight at a banquet. You want to come?” Mike looked at Juliana hopefully.

At first she was going to protest, but then it could get her mind off things for a bit. “Sure. I love to go. What time should I meet you guys at the pad?”

“Say, 6:30?”

“Okay, see you there.” Juliana and Mike just looked at each other. They both had feelings for each other, but they kept denying it. For one thing, Juliana was still totally in love with Davy and Mike knew it wouldn’t be right to try and hit on her. But he couldn’t help the way he felt about Juliana.

Juliana was falling for Mike, but she was still in love with Davy and as long as he was still alive, Juliana would stay in love with him. But she was having a hard time juggling the way she felt about Mike.

“Well, you better get going,” Juliana smiled.

“Oh, right. Sorry. See you at 6:30.” Mike smiled and left.

“Oh, Davy, I wish you were here,” Juliana sighed. She went up stairs to get ready to go.

“Guys!” Mike shouted, coming into the pad, “we got letters from Davy!”

“Really!?” Peter squealed happily.

Micky came running into the living room as well. Mike handed the letters out and then read his.

Dear Mike,

How are things? I wish I was there with you. I’m sure Juliana told you that things here aren’t good. I miss all of you. I have to make this short, but take care of my dear Juliana. I know you are and I can’t thank you enough. Thanks a bunch Mike.


Mike looked up from his letter feeling guilty about the way he felt about Juliana. Here was his best friend trusting him with his fiancée and he was falling in love. That scared Mike.

“Hey Mike, you okay?” Micky asked.

“Uh, yeah. We need to get ready for the gig,” Mike got up and went into his room. Micky just looked at his friend and shook his head.

6:30 came and Juliana walked up to Mike’s door. She didn’t really know what to wear for this gig, but by the way Mike talked about it, it was going to be fancy. So Juliana dressed in a very nice once piece egg white pant suite. She french braided her hair and put very light lip stick on. (Juliana wasn’t one to put on make up.)

She knocked and Mike answered the door. For a minute, Mike was speechless. He gave Juliana a good look up and down. Noticing this, Juliana slightly blushed.

“Are you ready,” she asked.

Mike nodded his head. “Oh yes, sorry, come on in.” He let Juliana in. “Guys, come on or we’re going to be late,” Mike shouted. Micky and Peter came running out of their rooms.

When they got down stairs, Micky being Micky, gave Juliana a cat call. Juliana again blushed.

“Wow Juliana, you should dress like that more often,” Micky grinned.

“Yeah, she should,” Mike mumbled.

Juliana was the only one to hear Mike. This time it was his turn to blush. “Guys, lets go.” So they got their things and headed to the gig.

Juliana was having a great time even though it wasn’t the same without Davy, she still was enjoying herself. Micky, Mike and Peter were giving it all they had and the people were loving it.

At the break, Mike, Peter and Micky came over to Juliana. “How’s it look?” Mike asked.

“The people are really loving you guys,” Juliana said. Just then a slow song came on.

“Would you like to dance?” Mike asked.

“Uh, sure,” Juliana said. They both got up and went over to the dance floor. Mike pulled Juliana close, relishing the feel of her this close to him. But then he remembered his promise to Davy and instantly pulled away a little.

Juliana was kind of shocked when Mike pulled her away a little. She could also feel him tense up a bit. Confusing emotions ran through Juliana. She loved Davy, but she also couldn’t deny that she felt something for Mike. No! She thought. Davy will be back! You love him and you can’t get close to anyone else!

After the song ended, Mike and Juliana walked quickly over to Micky and Peter.

“You guys looked good out there,” Peter said.

Just then to complete the moment, the Beatles song From Me To You came on. After the song ended, Mike and Juliana were feeling very awkward.

“We better get back on stage.” Mike said quickly. So for another two hours, they played through a variety of songs. Juliana was so confused. She didn’t want to feel anything toward Mike, but she was.

It was time to go and the guys drove Juliana home. “Thanks for the great night,” Juliana said. “I had a lot of fun.”

“No problem,” Peter smiled. “You can come anytime you want.”

“Thanks, see you later.” Mike waited until Juliana got into her home.

As they were driving home, Micky asked seriously, “You like Juliana?” Mike didn’t answer. That’s all that Micky needed. “Just don’t hurt her,” he warned.

Through out the months Juliana went out with Mike, Peter and Micky to gigs and just to go out.

Three months passed and she had not received any letters from Davy. He had been gone a year and during that year Juliana usually got a letter every month from him. But now she was beginning to worry for the worst.

One day Juliana was going over work papers when someone knocked on her door. She went over and answered it. There stood an officer from the war department. Juliana’s heart instantly got caught in her throat.

“Excuse me Miss, are you Juliana O’Dell?” Juliana nodded slowly. “I’m sorry to report that your fiancé David Thomas Jones was killed in a plane accident.” Juliana’s heart stopped. She knew this was a possibility, but not a reality. “I’m sorry,” The officer said sadly and he turned to leave.

Juliana slammed the door shut and screamed at the top of her lungs, “NO!” Her knees gave way and she fell to the floor crying uncontrollably. When she was able to get back up, she took the nearest object and threw it against the wall, shattering into pieces. Finally she fell onto her couch and cried.

How am I going to tell the guys? She sat up and with a trembling hand Juliana called the pad.

“Hello?” It was Micky.

“Micky, tell Peter and Mike to come over. Now.” Juliana said, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Just come over.”

“Alright. We’ll be there in a minute.” Five minutes later, they were all over. She looked at each of them.

“Davy is dead,” she burst out. Peter’s face turned a deathly white, Micky face was lost and Mike, Mike’s expression broke Juliana’s heart. He had tears in his eyes and Mike never cried.

“No,” Mike said softly at first. “NO!” He shouted and ran out. Juliana was sobbing and Peter and Micky went over to comfort her. They all hugged each other, trying to aid each other in this dark hour.

Finally Juliana said, “I have to go find Mike.” Micky and Peter nodded and they left with Juliana. Peter and Micky went their own way soon after they left the house.

Juliana was walking along the beach when she saw Mike sitting on some large rocks. She approached him carefully.

“Mike?” She called softly. He didn’t turn around. Juliana climbed up on the rocks and sat down next to him She saw his tear stained face and he was trying hard not to cry again.

“Why him?” Mike whispered. “Why?”

“I’ve asked myself that too,” Juliana answered. “I don’t know what to do anymore!” She started to cry again.

Mike turned to Juliana and with one movement, he took her into his arms where they both cried for Davy together.

It had been four months since Davy’s death. Juliana nor the guys have yet gotten over Davy. In fact, during the first month Juliana isolated herself from everyone. Mike had eventually coaxed her to go out with him, Peter and Micky.

Juliana and Mike had started a weekly thing where they would go out at least once a week and do something fun. During that time, Juliana hadn’t been on a date with anyone. She was still too heart broken over Davy, though she and Mike had grown to be very close friends. Juliana couldn’t lie that she was attracted to him and the attraction was growing more and more. Yet, she was too sacred to admit it.

One day of the fourth month Mike was out with Juliana one the beach and was having a battle about how he felt about her. Everyday he realized more and more her loved this woman.

Mike, he thought to himself, you’re so stupid! She’s still mourning over Davy! You should be sorry about thinking that you love her! He was sorry, but he couldn’t hide his feelings anymore.

“Mike?” Juliana’s voice brought him back. “Are you okay?” He nodded his head. “Are you sure?” He shook his head. “What’s wrong?”

“Juliana, I’ve been fighting this for a long time. I know you’re still mourning about Davy, but I have to tell you how I feel. Call me shallow, but I love you. I always have. Ever since you first came to the pad, I fell in love. Real love. I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Juliana just sat there, absorbing all this in.

“Juliana?” She turned to him. “Say something. Please.”

“I don’t think you’re shallow. It takes a lot of courage to say what you said. And…I love you too,” she said. Juliana at first was shocked with herself for saying that, but then she realized she really did love Mike. It wasn’t just a crush, it was real love. Like the way she loved Davy.

“You do?” Mike asked hopefully. Juliana nodded. A huge smile came over both of their faces. Mike took Juliana in his arms and kissed her with all the passion he had.

When they broke apart Mike put his forehead against Juliana’s and said, “I’m sorry if I was too forward, but I truly do love you.”

“I love you too. No more words,” Juliana kissed Mike again.

And when the sun shines on our love

That’s when I thank the Lord above

You’re my first love

You are my last love

You’re my beginning

For the rest of the year Mike and Juliana took their relationship slowly. They both didn’t want to rush and they wanted to enjoy every part of it. Micky and Peter were really happy for them too.

Mike and Juliana were sitting at the beach when Mike took Juliana’s hands and stood up, making Juliana stand up too.

“Juliana, we’ve been going out for almost a year now, but it seems that we have been going out longer and everyday I’m with you is like being in heaven. Well, what I’m trying to say is, will you marry me?” Mike took out a small black box and inside a beautiful ring sat.

Juliana’s eyes lit up. “Yes!”

“You will!?” Mike asked happily.

“Yes! Oh Mike, I love you so much!” Juliana said ecstatically. Mike slipped the ring on her finger and then brought her too him in a fiery kiss.

“You have just made me the happiest man alive,” Mike whispered. Juliana smiled and kissed him again.

Mike and Juliana ran back to the pad to tell Peter and Micky about the wedding.

“Guys!” Mike called out.

“In here,” Micky called back. The walked into the living room. “What’s up?”

“Well Juliana and I are getting married in a month!” Mike beamed.

“Oh wow! Really?!” Peter jumped up off the couch and went over to give the couple a hug.

“Congratulations,” Micky shook Mike’s hand and hugged Juliana.

“Thanks,” Juliana said.

“What day, time and of course we are going to be your best men?” Micky stated almost as if it was a fact.

“Of course you’re going to be our best men, who else could we have chosen?” Juliana laughed. “It’s going to be November 23 at noon on the beach.”

“Groovy! I can’t wait!” Peter said excitedly.

It was a day before the wedding. Both Juliana and Mike were getting really nervous. Juliana had picked out this beautiful white wedding dress and Mike picked out a really handsome tux.

Juliana was home, doing some last minute things before she headed over to the pad when the doorbell rang.

“Coming,” She went over and opened the door. Her mouth instantly dropped open.

Standing there, with a cane and a cast on the left foot and in a formal army suite was Davy.

“Davy,” Juliana whispered.

“I’m home. I told you I would come back for you,” he smiled. Juliana let him in.

“But how? They told me you were killed in a plane accident?!” Juliana still couldn’t believe Davy was here in front of her.

“My plane was shot down and I and the survivors were taken as POW. We were there for a very long time. Man, they treated us horribly. They took one of me friends and I went after him, but they shot me in the foot.”

“Oh Davy!” Juliana went over and hugged him tightly. “I can’t wait to tell the guys that you’re alive.”

“Yeah, it will be good to see them again. But I want to spend some time with you. Now we can get married!” Davy said smiling.

Juliana’s smile faded. She was going to be married tomorrow to Mike. How was she going to explain that to Davy.

“Juliana, ‘luv, whot’s the matter?” Davy asked concerned. They both sat down on the couch.

“Um…nothing,” Juliana said slowly. “Lets call the guys over, they’ll be extremely ecstatic to see you.”

Davy knew that there was something that she was hiding, but he didn’t push it.

Juliana called the pad and the guys said they’d be over in a minute.

“Juliana?” Mike asked came in. Micky and Peter rushed in and bumped into Mike.

“Mike, why’d you stop there?” But when Micky saw what stopped Mike, Micky was actually lost for words.

“DAVY!” Peter shouted happily. “You’re home! But how?”

“I was in the plane accident, but I and some others survived it. We were taken as POW and I was shot in the foot for trying to go after a friend.”

“Oh man, Davy I’m glad you’re back though,” Micky smiled.

Davy turned to Mike. “Thanks for looking after her. I knew you would.” Davy shook Mike’s hand.

“Uh, yeah.” Mike said slowly.

“Um, Davy there’s something we need to tell you before anything else happens,” Juliana said.

Davy gave everyone a confused look. “Whot?”

“We’re, Mike and I are getting married tomorrow,” Juliana cringed. Davy was shocked to say the least. Juliana quickly continued. “When we thought you had died, we were all torn apart. Me and the guys started going out to get our minds off all that had happened. Something between Mike and I grew and we fell in love with one another. It wasn’t easy, Davy. I couldn’t get you out of my head. I thought for sure that it was a mistake and you weren’t really dead. But weeks turned into months and reality hit me hard.”

“So you fell in love with Mike and now you’re getting married,” Davy repeated. Mike, Micky and Peter kept quiet. Davy turned to Mike. “You not only took care of her, but hit on her as well.”

“No,” Mike defended, “that’s not what happened. I was there for Juliana. I didn’t try anything. I swear to you Davy. Things just happened.”

Davy was trying to act civilized. He wanted Juliana, that’s what kept him alive all this time and now to come home and find out that his girl and best friend were marring each other!? But he couldn’t blame them either. They thought he was dead and Davy knew Juliana wouldn’t try and cheat on him. He knew her too well. And Mike too. His friend was loyal to him and Davy knew it. It just hurt so much.

“I’m sorry Davy.” Juliana said softly. She was so confused now. She was madly in love with Mike, but that old love she had for Davy was still there. She didn’t know what to do anymore.

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up. It’s just a big shock to me.”

“You have every right to be shocked,” Juliana said. She looked over at Mike. Mike saw the helplessness in her eyes, the confusion.

“Well, do you still have a bed open?” Davy asked Mike.

“Of course. Welcome home. Besides, Peter missed having a roomy,” Micky said before Mike could say anything.

Davy nodded. “Do you guys mind helping me a bit.

“No prob,” Micky and Peter said. They went outside and waited for Davy.

“Congratulations I should say.” Davy said, almost in a sad voice. “But Juliana, I want you to know that I’ll always love you and I’ll always be there for you.” Davy walked out.

Juliana turned to Mike. “You still love him.” Mike said in a statement. Juliana didn’t answer. “Juliana,” he crouched down in front of her, “I just want you to be happy. Follow your heart. Just remember I still really love you.”

“I love you too,” she said gently. “I just don’t know what to do anymore. Oh Mike, what do I do?” Juliana jumped into his arms and hugged him fiercely. Mike hugged her back.

“Lets cancel the wedding so we can work things out and you can think. I don’t want you to marry me and regret it.”

“How could I regret marring you? You’re such a wonderful man.”

“Yeah, but I know you’re still in love with Davy. Give it some time and then make a decision. I’ll be with you all the way. No matter what you say.”

“Thank you Mike. I’m so sorry this happened.” Juliana backed away a little. “I want you to know that I do love you and always will. And thank you for being understanding.”

Mike and Juliana met for a kiss and then Mike backed away. “I better go. I’ll see you later. I love you,” he said quietly and turned and left.

Juliana sat on her couch thinking about what had happened. What am I to do? Mike is a great guy and I love him more than anything! But what about Davy? Oh, if someone can here me, help me choose. I’m so lost.

And when the sun shines on our love

That’s when I thank the Lord above

You’re my first love

You are my last love

You are my everlasting love

You’re my first love

You are my last love

You’re my forever
