

It was now a month ago that the garage band "The Monkees" formed; Michelle, who was now well over her accident injuries, at their first gig, at a club called "The Casandra". Everything the boys had been working for, all the songs, were being laid on the line....

"And now, a newgroup out of L.A., called the Monkees!" polite applause followed this announcement.

"Hey, we're the Monkees and our first song is, "Propinquity","

Mike said to the audience, smiling at Michelle.

MIchelle smiled as the guitar strained through the club; this was the song that Mike'd been working on for so long...

Thunderous applause came from the audience when the song ended; the Monkees were, so far, a smash!

MIchelle whistled; Coco was now seventeen and came along, too. Well, for more reason than the fact that they were ALL friends, she was also dating Mike...

This was a newer arrangement; Coco had eyes for Mike for a long time, but Mike's eyes finally saw that the little girl had bloomed into an irresistable young woman.

"Thank you! Our next one's called "All the King's Horses"," Micky announced, "get ready to dance!"

The guitar intro began and Micky, Peter, and Mike sang lead.

All the dancers went crazy and applauded like mad! These guys were FAB!!

"Don't use up all youah dancin' enahgy now! We 'ave anothah dance tune in a minute!" Davy said as the boys came off stage to sit with the girls.

"You guys are great!" Michelle cheered, kissing Davy as he sat down beside her.

"Ya got a following!" Coco added, for everyone was anxious for the Monkees to go back up on stage.

Mike sat by her, "You're still number one in my book." Coco smiled and kissed him, "You, too!"

MIcky's feelings that he'd gotten when he saw DAvy and MIchelle making out in the hospital hadn't changed much, he still couldn't quite figure himself out.....

When they went back up, they played "The Girl That I Knew Somewhere" and "Love To Love" upon the girls' request.

The room boomed with applause for the band that would become a legend around L.A., much like the Beatles had in Liverpool, climbing the very same path to get to the top.

So, in their own right, the Monkees WERE the American Beatles, the same pride and integrity put into their work.

But, as a group, and in their own personal lives, they had A LOT more growing to do....all of them.....
