
"Everyone; I...we have an announcement," Mike said, holding Coco's hand.

It was now October 1966, a full year behind them...

''We're getting married!" Coco exclaimed, flashing the diamond ring on her finger for all to see.

Michelle squealed and hugged her gal-pal close; she always knew this day would eventually come...

Some new additions had been made to the Monkees' family; Chandra Norris was Peter's newest girlfriend, well.... yeah, newest; they'd went out before but broke it off. Now they were back together and weren't planning on letting eachother go again.

Davy had also aquired a new girlfriend, Naomi Bain; the others were still in awe that he'd had nearly one hundred girls AFTER being with Michelle, but yet he still had the ability to stay with a girl more than a week(he'd been with Naomi three months so far)...

"And," Coco added, "I'm pregant!"

"Oh my gosh! How far along are you?" Chandra asked as she ran a hand through her medium brown, waist length hair, her brown eyes dancing.

"A month," Coco replied with a smile.

Everyone cheered; Micky studied her a moment...

Coco saw this and her enthusiasm dropped; until he smiled and reached out to her, " 'Grats, sis."

Coco hugged him and her eyes welled up with tears, "Thanks."

"So, Daddy, when's th' weddin'?" Davy asked. Mike smiled like he hadn't in a long time, "I dunno, when d'YOU wanna get hitched, Coco?"

Coco thought about this for a moment; her thoughts centered around spring, but she didn't know....

"How's spring?" she asked him.

"Groovy," Mike replied.

"Oh! Ya know what'd be really far out?" Peter asked, "A Christmas wedding!"

Coco gasped, "Groovy idea, Peter! Oh, what'd I ever do without you?!"

Peter shrugged and blushed as Coco hugged him.

Naomi, being the blonde, blue-eyed hippie-child she was, began to dance about the room in celebration; Mike raised an eyebrow at her actions....

The thing about Naomi and Mike was that Mike'd started treating her like his little sister, insulting her and she insulting him in much of the same fashion that brothers and sisters do....

"Oh come one, Mikey! It's a day to celebrate!" the seventeen year old hippie, the youngest of the group, cried.

"Yeah, right on, man!" Davy pumped his fist into the air as he joined her.

Mike stared only for a moment more, for everyone else had now joined in...

'Aw, what the heck?' he thought to himself as he joined his fianc'e on the floor....

Later on that week, on a clear moonlit night, around nine thirty or so, Micky took Michelle out for a walk on the beach; he had a bone to pick with her....

''Well, what is it, Micky?" Michelle asked playfully/ impatiently.

''Mich; I've been thinkin' about it for awhil, and, well..." he pulled something out of his pocket and placed it on her finger, "...marry will you me? Er, I mean...will you marry me?"

Michelle was very surprised; but even her surprise couldn't match Micky's when she took the ring off and placed it in the palm of his hand, cosing his fist over it....

"I can't, Micky; not because of you, but because of me. I spent my best years with my best friends, the Monkees, we all watched eachother grow up. But I can't marry you," Michelle replied.

Micky, although he tried to control it, his eyes filled with unsurpassable tears...

"Why?" the inevitable was asked.

Michelle sighed, "I'm going back to San Francisco; and I know what you're thinking, but it'd never work. I love you with all my heart, baby, but I need a change of scenery. Plus, I don't believe you'd really want to leave Malibu? The band?"

Micky shook his head sheepishly.

"I was plannin' on tellin' ya'll tommorrow, but this kinda helped it along; I'm sorryyou had to find out this way. I love you, Micky," she reached out and they embracedc; she then kissed him on the cheek and went back towards the girls' Pad....

A couple of weeks later, everyone stood around, waiting for the inevitable to come...

''Let me know when the wedding's for sure!" Michelle said, hugging Coco close.

"Peter, Chandra, let me know when YOU'RE getting married!" she teased, hugging them as well.

''Come back sooner than that!" Chandra replied, Peter nodding.

"Lemme know when you've sprouted a few inches, Davy," Michelle teased her buddy, who was now single again.

"Wheah, luv?" he asked teasingly.

"Oh! You!" Michelle smacked him.

"So long, old man," she then said to Mike.

"Uh-huh," he chuckled, "bye, kid...."

Then came Micky....

"Ah, we've come to the last one," Michelle said, "of all the close calls I've had, I'm sure you NEVER thought we'd say goodbye this way."

"I love you, babe," Micky replied softly.

"I love you, too," Michelle replied, hugging him close, "We'll see eachother again, I promise."

Micky nodded as they parted, for the last time...

Michelle would really be gone....

Before she got into her car, she turned and waved, then, she drove away, waving once more. Then, she was gone.

Later on that night, Micky sat beside the large bay windows,looking up at the moon...

Mike had ambled downstairs to get Coco something for one of her crazy cravings and noticed ihm...

"Thinkin' about Michelle?" he asked the drummer.

Micky nodded forlornly.

He crouched down to his friend's level, looking him square in the eyes.

"I know looosin' Michelle must be painful; but there's somethin' else, isn't there?" Mike knew there HAD to be more to it....

Micky pulled out the ring that Michelle had refused.

''So; that's it. You asked her to marry you and then she told you about her plans?"

Micky nodded.

"Well, I'll leave ya alone now; see ya tomorrow," Mike said finally.

"Hey, Mike?" Micky spoke up.

Mike turned to face him.

"When she said "We'll see eachother again", do you think she meant it?"

"I dunno," Mike replied truthfully, "I just don't know...."
