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Chapter: VIII ~ Mr. & Mrs. Delancey
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Whistles of trains sound shrill as Numbers, Sketches, Lola, with Mush's address, and Smokes load aboard. Lady and Bumlets stand aside and watch as it starts to pick up slow, steady rolling pace. They turn and walk towards Tibby's.

"You'se okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Wait, is that Tulip?" She looks across the dusty street past a trolley. She pulls Bumlets along over the road.

"Why didn't you go with others?" Her voice rises a little, as she stands face to face with the freckled girl.

"Because we'se livin' here." This comes from a guy standing next to Tulip, his back was to them.

"What does he mean, and who is he?" Lady pulls on the man's shoulder and he turns.

"Oscar!?! Bumlets exclaims.

"We're married now." Tulip lifts her left hand displaying a thin piece of tin wrapped on her ring finger.

"How?" She asks still in disbelief.

"We met the day after we got here. And I don't know, he's just wonderful." She smiles and he puts his hand on her shoulder and she lays her hand on his. He speaks.

"I guess yer off da hook."

"Yeah, I uh,"

"Please be happy for me. I know we've had our differences. I wanna be friends. How do you know him?" Lady is still a little taken aback. She can't help but think of what the others have told her about Oscar, and his family.

"You didn't tell her?"

"Tell me what?" Tulip asks looking back at her new husband.

"Uh, nothing, just that we met when she first arrived before us that's all." Oscar lies and smiles.

"Yeah, and I wanna be friends too." They both embrace. Oscar and Bumlets stand and stare at each other uncomfortably.

"Well, we better go." Oscar taps his new bride on the shoulder, and they depart, Bumlets and Lady go over to Tibby's, When they walk in and notice all his friends aren't there.

"Weird. Where is every everyone?" Bumlets looks around to only a few of the newsies. They take a seat. Tibby comes over. They sit in silence for a few moments. Finally he breaks it.

"You like Jack?" He looks serious straight at her.


'You said you'se liked someone the other night. You always seem like you'se thinking bout somethin', or someone else, when we sell."

"I am thinking of someone. Two people mostly."

"Somkes." He looks down pitifully.

"Yes, him, but you too."


"Yes, Bumlets, I like you. I figure you quiet liking me after I slapped you." Tibby walks up to them.

"Did you know your friends are at the courthouse? Yeah, the cops came in and took that Smokes kid away."

"Are you sure it was Smokes?" Lady asks confused.

"He is about this high and has blonde hair, wears one of those derby hats." He has hand in the air showing Smokes' height.

"But how? We saw him leave."

"He must gotten off when we'se weren't lookin'." Bumlets gets up and takes her to the courthouse. When they enter, they see Smokes standing in the box next to the bench. The newsies have filled most, if the seats. They wait in the back. continued
