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Chapter: IX ~ Maddy & Dom
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"Jonathan Ocean, can you at least tell us why you came to Manhattan about nine years ago?" The question comes from an old man that is wearing a black suit and his white hair balding.

"I ran way from home. I didn't plan on staying for five years."

"You knew the Delanceies?"

"Yeah, I worked for them."

"Did you murder Antonio Delancey?"

"He was comin' after me, I,"

"Did you kill him!?!" The old man yells.

"Defending myself I did!" Smokes face is turning red and he looks in the back to see new arrivals and calms down.

"Warden Cronin, after hearing this do think it is possible to rehabilitate him?" A young man with long blond hair tied down in the back walks up form his seat in the front row. He takes his hat off as he approaches the bench.

"After reviewing his record, and what I just saw here, I see he has had some past problems but nothing he has been convicted of. His family is in Ohio, his father is sick, and he works as a newsy to help provide. I believe too much time away form them could hurt him in the long run. So, I purpose six months to a year, for mister Ocean." He waits for response from the judge.

"Are you sure?" He whispers to him.

"Yes, quit." The warden nods in confidence.

"So be it!" He bangs down his gavel. Two officers walk to Smokes and take him by the arms, walking him out of the courthouse. Everyone follows. Lady makes her way in the front with Bumlets. He turns to see her as he is about to get on a carriage.

"Please, officer, can I have a moment?" He looks at his partner for a second.

"I'll be watching, so no funny stuff." The two back off, and her and Smokes walk a few feet away.

"Why didn't you make it to Ohio?"

"I got off after a mile or so. I was just going to leave Tulip, but I had to at least make sure she was okay."

"Well, she's fine, she uh, married Oscar."


"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her."

"I wanted to tell you also, that, I'm gonna miss you." He looks down.

"I'm gonna miss you too Jonathan. After you're out you can come visit me. I'm staying here with them." He looks up now.

" Bumlets really likes you. He's really great,"

"And what makes you think I like him?" She sounds defensive, and he laughs a little.

"Madison, I know you, and I know you like him,"

"Times up!" The two officers force him into the carriage. Lady stairs as the pull it out of site by taking a turn around the refuge.

"So, Cowboy are we'se gonna break him out?" Mush asks enthusiastically.

"No, he has a family. He'll be out in a few months. After dat he'll not have ta run." Jack replies as they start back to Tibby's.

" You'se okay, Lady?" Bumlets asks. She looks at him as she stands there, and smiles some.

"Yeah, and it's Maddy or Madison."

"Oh is it now?" He smiles and pulls her to him, and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

"And you have anther name, or is it just Bumlets?" She is leaning in on his arm as they walk, and her head is lying on his shoulder.

"Dominic, or just Dom."

End of part One of Three
