
Chapter: Fourteen

"Heya Songboid." Jack walked up to Merea'. She had just walked outside with a black cloak wrapped around her. Not that it was very cold out; it is summer, she, just felt odd wearing her dress. She wasn't sure what all the other girls would be wearing. Her dark, red hair is almost like a vertical fold in the back, like some kind of long bun. Some of the shorter curls came down around her neck, and her baby bangs hung at her temples. She noticed Jack's new nicer look. He was now sporting a jacket over his tattered clothes, and had ditched the cowboy hat. There are two others with him now, The Jacobs. The guy she guessed to be about her age and the girl too, who has on a blue and white dress and her brown hair in big spiral curls all around her head with a hat. She reminds Merea' of someone, but she can't put her finger on it.

"Songbird? I haven't heard that in a while, well yesterday." Merea' laughed a little.

"Hi, I'm David and this is my sister Sarah." He shook hands with her.

"Hi. I'm Merea'." She could tell Jack and Sarah are together. Sarah has had her arm around Jack the whole time.

"So we've heard. Jack here tells us you sing." Sarah pointed out, while smiling at him and giving him googglie eyes. They all started walking.

"Uh, well not in front of people." She felt embarrassed he said anything.

"Awe sees now I'se hopin' you'se sing somethin'."

"I'm sorry."

"Oh well maybe Mush can get yas to." When Jack said this Merea' 's eyes grew, but she remained silent.

"What?" David asked sensing something.

"Nothin'" Jack replied, not really wanting to embarrass her.

When they got to Irving Hall Merea' couldn't believe the crowd that was there. There must be about 5,000, most of them were outside hanging out.

"I don't see how we are going to get in. This place is so full." Merea' commented. They had stopped a few feet away from the rowdy crowd.

'Wait here." Jack said to them as he went up to the mob. With in a few moments it looked like a sea opening of boys. There is now an opening strait into the hall.

"I think you forgetting who you're with." David commented as the headed toward him.

"Yeah, I guess." Once in it was as she feared. There's wall to wall people and almost nothing but standing room.

"Wow. There are a lot of people here." She began scanning the room for Mush.

"Yep, from all over New Yowk." Jack replied. Just then a guy, one that she remembered from Tibby's and a girl who Merea' didn't recognize approached them.

"Heya Jacky-boy how's it rollin'?" A short guy, who looked to be twelve, with red suspenders and stick thing with a gold end came up to them. He spit into his hand and extended it to Jack's who did the same. The girl he is with is about 5'4, has short brown hair pulled from each side of her head in slight braids and blue eyes. She had a light blue worn dress, but it looks nice. She had her arm Spot, but removed it when they reached them.

"Heya Spot, Dazi. Dis is Merea' Dazi. Both girls shook hands.

"Hi. Whadd's dis all about?" Dazi asked referring to Merea' 's cloak.

"Oh. I just feel weird in this dress." She blushed a little.

"Oh come on. Lemmie see. I know you'se can't be dressed half as bad as some of these goils." Dazi tugged at it. Merea' finally gave in and took it off.

"Wow. I'se don't know what you'se were worried about." Spot got a quick glare from Dazi.

"It looks great doll, don't worry. Well why don't you'se boys go and talk to some of yer pals." With that Jack, Sarah, Spot, and David walked away. Dazi pulled out a cigarette.

"Would you'se like one hun?" Merea' shook her head.

"Sos whadda think of Sarah Jacobs?"

"I don't know, I just met her. She seems nice though."

"Of course, but she can get the green eyed bug worse than anyone when it comes to Jack, so be careful if you'se decide to be good friends wid him." She blew out a cloud of smoke into a girl's face that was walking by, and snickered.

"Okay. Oh! Little Bo Peep!" Merea' yelled slightly remembering who Sarah reminder her of. Dazi was aware of what she was talking about and both laughed some.

"Sos you comin' to see anyone?" Dazi continued.

"Uh, I was supposed to meet Mush here. I haven't been able to find him yet."

"Mush Meyers? Ha! Good luck hun. He's probably got Topaz on one arm and some hooker on de oder."

"Oh." Merea' didn't know what to say to this. She has no reason to believe this girl is lying but at the same time, she seems to be full of pessimistic views.

"Well, it's been real swell an all but I'se better go." With that, Dazi left with out a trace, into the crowd. Merea' is left standing there, just as she predicted. She began to move her way through the excited people, mostly boys. She got a little bit of staring, which she expected. At one point, she was pushed up against a wall, and she dropped her cloak.

"Oh, I'se sorry miss." A boy dressed much like all the others picked up her cloak, and handed it to her.

"Thanks." She smiled slightly. He stared at her for a few moments. Where is Mush!?! She asked herself.

"Mi names Linkin, whadd's yer doll?" He asked putting his arm up to the wall behind her, and leaning in some. She felt trapped.

"Merea'." She replied lightly.' He leaned down to her ear.

"Merea', so whadda say we'se," He started whispering the rest in her ear. She began to turn crimson red, and feel equally as uncomfortable.

"Uh, I don't think so." She is barely loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh come on." His voice is soothing, and calm. He tweaked her nose.

"No, I'm sorry." Her voice this time could be heard by a few of the people around them including Mush, and Racetrack. Just then Linkin is pushed in the back to where he spins round to face, Mush, and see his fist aim at and hit is lip. He started to scramble to his feet.

"I'se didn't want ya's sluty, cripple any ways!" As he said this, she felt so completely and utterly humiliated she just wanted to leave, but at the same time she didn't want anyone to think it hurt her.

"Get outa here ya bum!" Racetrack replied as Linkin, with his bloody lip headed out the door.

"You'se okay?" Mush asked while walking with her to a table with four seats. The seats had things on them, until Mush, and Racetrack removed them.

"I'm fine. Are we taking anyone's seats?" She sat down, and tried to avoid any eye contact, and saying too much at one time. She knew if she did, she would lose it. She already felt like bawling.

"No, we had dem saved." Racetrack replied. He and Mush sat down themselves.

"Sorry we'se couldn't be here any sooner. We'se had an errand to run for Kloppman." Mush explained.

"It's okay."

"Would ya likes somethin' ta drink?" Mush asked. She nodded. Okay she thought that's over, time to get in a better mood. She blinked her eyes a few times to push back any potential tears. As, Mush left she looked at Racetrack.

"So have you had a good time so far?" Merea' asked him.

"I'se just got here. Whadd about you'se?"

"It's been interesting. I've met Dazi, but that's about it."

"Oh, Spot's goil, she's a character." They talked for a few minutes when it was obvious she was looking for Mush. Finally, she spotted him, with some girl literally hanging off his arm. She looked as if she was about to fall if she let go. Merea' stopped what she was saying when she noticed this. Racetrack saw it too.

"Dat's Topaz. She always manages to get drunker dan most of us. She's always had a ding fer him."

"Oh." How could she compete with that she thought. She is so much prettier. Racetrack noticed her face. It is somewhat saddened now, and he knew why.

"Merea' I wanna tell you'se somethin' bout em. Mush, you'se see he's always had dis thing wid goils. He." Just then Merea' had looked away from Racetrack and saw Topaz and Mush in a locked kiss. She got up and walked to a door. Racetrack started for her, but decided to go for Mush. She stood outside with silent tears running down her cheeks. A few moments later she felt a hand on her shoulder. She didn't want to turn around to have anyone see her crying. When she did though it was a big surprise to her.

