Chapter: Seventeen

The next day time seemed to drag forever the next day. Mush is actually in a good mood today. He figured that good things happen to good people, well Merea' is as good as they come, so she's going to be okay. When Mush, and Kid Blink got to Tibby's everyone was there.

"Heya Denton. I'se getting' ready to go see Merea', if dat's okay wid you'se." He is about ready to walk out the door when Denton replied.

"You can't." Mush stopped dead in his tracks. That's not what he was expecting. He started to become cold, sick, and had the sinking feeling.

"Mush early this morning, Merea' passed away." Denton looked down, tears filled his eyes again.

"She couldn't of dough. I'se just saw her last night. She was fine!" He began yelling.

"Mush I know."

"No, no!" He threw open the door and stormed out. He has never felt this bad in his life. He couldn't keep himself from crying. He went to The Lodging House roof. There he found Racetrack too.

"I'se can't believe she's gone. You'se know she really loved you? I never had a chance." Racetrack said. Mush didn't reply. They just both sat there on the picnic table and stared at the sky, their papers and friends forgotten.
