
Chapter: Nine

"Denton?" Merea' asked. The name sounded so familiar to her.

"Denton who?" she continued.

"Bryan Denton, he's a repoteh for da sun." Jack answered. Curiosity arouse in Mush.

"Why?" As he said this Denton pulled up a chair and sat at the end of the table. He looked at the girl for a moment, her dark, red, curly hair hidden almost completely by the a hat, her brown eyes and her pale skin. She said something to Mush when Denton attention was on her again.

"Merea'? Merea' Nansi?" She looked up at him. Her heart stooped for a moment then her face lit up in recognition

"Uncle Bryan?" she whispered. She looked at the man only a foot away, his sandy brown hair, and his eyes. She wasn't sure it was him, she hadn't seen him in years.

"Merea'!" He excitedly got up. Mush slid out of the booth allowing Merea' to do the same. They both stood hesitant for a moment, they both let the feelings inside run there course and then they embraced. After a minute they sat back down.

"Yer Denton's niece?" Jack sprang up in surprise.

"Yes, after the accident, I came here. I remembered that we had some family here. I was almost sure it was you."

"Where have you been this past year. You couldn't have been a newsy this whole time, I would have seen you. He picked up a piece of chicken, but continued to watch her.

"I was well, I met Jack yesterday. She felt weird, she didn't know what to say, she felt weird, but didn't know why. She had he hand under the table on the seat, she felt for Mush's hand, as soon as she felt it, she freaked and pulled away. But was relieved when his sought out hers. After a few moments of silence, Denton, started.

"Where did you stay?

"With, with." She started but she didn't want to say who, what would they think? Just then there was a banging on the windows next to them. The face behind the glass, was disorientated, dirty, mean, and he was obviously drunk.

"Whad's da maddh wid him?" Jack asked. Mush's hand tightened on Merea's hand.

"Morris?" Race questioned. Merea' began to sink in her seat, her face turned a pale color, and she turned her face.

"What's going on?" Tibby, the owner of Tibby's had come over. They all stared hearing obscenities and a name being yelled.

"You'se ok, Merea'?" Jack asked drawing attention to her. The others waited for a reply. Nothing came, she looked at the window just in time to see Morris' figure disappear. Slowly she turned her eyes to the entrance of the restaurant.

"Did he just say yer name?" Race looked at Merea'. The others looked at her and waited for a reply. Nothing came. He came in and up to the table with all the ranting from before. Tibby and a few others tried restraining him from a tantrum.

"Youungreatfulbitch! Isavedyouyouwerenothingbutastreetrat. I'segaveyaahomeantookcareofya. Yourmine!" Morris' shouting could only completely be deciphered by Merea'. To the others they could barely make out a few words, if they were lucky.

"Quiet!" Denton shouted over him. This was enough to silence everyone. He looked at Merea's faint look, which was as of nothing was happening at all. They all began to say her name. Mush put his hand on her shoulder. Concerned he looked at her face then at the others.

"Get your hands off her." Morris grimly said through his teeth. He violently pushed Mush's hands off her. Jack leaped up but Denton intercepted and pushed Jack back in his seat. About this time Merea' started mumbling something.

"I feel sick, I think. I'm hot too. Really hot. Her eyes started to shut and she started leaning on Mush. Morris leaned over and started patting her on the cheek. He took some water and splashed on her as well. None of the Newsies said anything, they had never seen Morris be so kind before, it was shocking and he wasn't doing her any harm now so they let it be. Finally she woke.

"Mush? I mean, Morris!" Heating with anger Morris slightly shoved her in the shoulder. Now it was Denton's turn.

"Get away Morris!" He pushed him back enough to nearly knock him over in a couple of the newsies, and who all shoved him back.

"You'se ok?" Mush handed her a glass, she sipped it, cooled down and began to get her wits about her.

"Merea', I'se dink it's time you'se told 'em." She looked at Mush, Morris, her Uncle and the at the other newsies.

