Gandor’s gun fired.

At that exact same moment, Michael sprung out, tackling JC out of the gun’s firing range.

The bullet blew a massive hole in the wall. Plaster showered the floor.

Michael dragged JC to his feet. “We’ve gotta go!”

They ran for the staircase, but when they attempted to climb, an invisible force bounced them into the table beside the wall.

“You two are not going anywhere,” Devon remarked snidely.

Devon brought his hands together to form another electrifying green ball when JC experienced a stroke of genius. Michael seemed to catch on. Together they lifted the wall mirror. Their makeshift shield protected them from the electric green ball, and sent the force hurdling back at the demons.

Gandor and Devon screamed for mercy as the ball sent spasms through their bodies.

Michael and JC slid down the banister, colliding into another body. Relief filled them.

“Sparrow you’re alive!”

Sparrow rushed with them down the 2nd floor staircase. “Of course I’m alive. I may be old but not stupid. I knew from the get-go that those idiots had it in for me, so when they attacked, I staged my death.”

The trio sped out the front doors. JC’s eyes had trouble adjusting to the darkness.

Ocean waves crashed against the shore. Their shoes kicked up powdery clusters of sand across the beach, their vision aimed for the nearer-growing cliffs next to the forest. In the distance, tormented howls of Lost Souls instilled an eerie silence among the ocean currents, and in general, the night itself.

Sparrow brushed wisps of white hair from her wrinkled face. “Oh no,” she gasped, “They are going to begin ‘the Process’ within ten minutes. They’re sounding the darn signal!”


Kujaur observed the ceremony site with immense pleasure.

3 superior Lost Souls tied Lance to a gnarly oak. Lance wished he could shrink into the bark, avoid the eager stares of the monsters.

Out of nowhere, the Master emerged carrying the same leather book he kept in the Fear Chamber. All 100 Lost Souls, citizens and distinguished warriors, gathered to form a circle around the oak tree.

Lance grit his teeth, desperate not to hyperventilate, but it was becoming so hard to breathe.

“Please let me go!” he tearfully begged Kujaur. For a single moment he forgot about being unloved. He abandoned all thoughts of death. Wasn’t death supposed to be quick and permanent? The outcome of this ceremony looked prolonged, as every fate worse than death was supposed to be.

Yet, despite this realization, Lance couldn’t struggle. The black mood returned.

In his mind he imagined the black mood smothering him, and he became frozen with irrational fear.

Screams rose in his throat until he couldn’t sustain them. He screeched and shouted and screamed and twisted as if the action would rid his soul of pain.

Kujaur squeezed Lance’s throat and watched his eyes bulge. “ You will shut up. Got it?”

The Master lit the circle of red candles surrounding the tree trunk. He joined Kujaur at the center of the circle. The Lost Souls kneeled.

Kujaur observed the moon. A cloud lifted, casting moonlight at the center where he stood.

“The hour has come for James Bass’s demise,

For my Keeper of Fear’s evil to arise,

Cast out Lance’s soul for the Master’s need,

Regenerate thy power to let this condemnation be!”

While the Lost Souls chanted, the Master began to glow. A white-hot beam shot out of his open palm.

The beam pierced Lance’s heart.

Chapter Forty-Five

“NOOO!” JC screamed after a white flash lit the woods. “LANCE! LANCE! HANG ON BUDDY!”

Strong gusts of wind rippled their clothes. Michael shook his head. “It’s over. He’s a goner.”

Sparrow rolled her eyes. “You think it’s that simple to possess someone’s body? ‘The Process’ may last up to fifteen minutes!”

Mist rose from the ground. 5 Lost Souls surrounded them. Michael braced himself in a ready stance, prepared for action. JC didn’t see any way out.

“Stay back!” Sparrow ordered. The Lost Souls moved in closer.


They were no longer under her authority. Within a matter of seconds, before JC could even blink, the Lost Souls attacked.

Blue sparks zipped out of Sparrow’s fingers, which temporarily held 2 of the beasts off. One of the taller ones pounced Michael.

JC’s own pulse throbbed louder than the shrieks and howls as he scrambled past a tree.

A Lost Soul wrapped its claws around his shoulders, slamming him into the tree.

JC squirmed, unable to move, when Michael jumped up from behind and wrestled with the monster.

Another deafening howl chorused from above. JC glanced up to see a Lost Soul leap from a limb.

He tried running, except the large root he tripped over botched his escape. He did a forward roll to avoid getting pinned.

Suddenly the willow five feet away developed a life of its own.

Sparrow moved her left hand.

6 strings of moss hanging from the willow ensnared JC’s legs, snaking around his ankles and tangling his knees. Sparrow thrust her elbow backwards. Vines jerked roughly, pulling JC upward too.

She watched him dangle upside down and laughed at his feeble attempts to break free. She turned to the 5 Lost Souls.

“Did you honestly believe I would dessert you for innocents? You, my minions, are like my children, my family. I’m sure JC can relate to that sense of loyalty.”

Michael grunted under the weight of the branches that bound him to the willow bark. “You lied to us!”

“Well there had to be some means of getting you and JC out of the house. After all, every ounce of hard effort might disintegrate if Kaden’s plan succeeded.”

A pit opened up underneath JC. The vines released his legs. He plunged into the 10 feet deep hole. Bits of dirt sprinkled onto his clothing.

The 5 Lost Souls wandered back to the ceremony site. Sparrow followed them, leaving Michael to tug at the unmoving branches.

“Relax Jace! We’ll find a way out of this mess. We’ve had bad before.”

“But this is worse!” He yelled below. To his dismay, he couldn’t have been more correct.

Dirt showered on top of him. JC coughed at the terrible taste in his mouth. A second blob of dirt smacked his shoulder. Suddenly the hole seemed to be caving in, covering his legs and torso. JC attempted to stand, but screamed when a particularly heavy rain of dirt hit his head, sending him face down into the pile.

Soil pelted his back. JC choked on the junk that filled his mouth, tried to shake it out of his nose and ears.

I’m being buried alive!

Panic seized him. Claustrophobia took hold as dizziness and increasing darkness made it impossible to escape.

“Michael,” he uttered weakly, “Help…” the oxygen seeped away slowly, suffocating him.

From afar he vaguely heard Sparrow shout, “Enjoy your premature grave! Sorry I couldn’t kill you first!”


Nalani tugged Tara away from Kaden’s grip. They stood in the middle of the living room. Kaden’s grief choked on what should have been anger.

Nalani, my beautiful wife, he wanted to cry, what have they done to you? Where’s the only woman I ever loved?

Nalani glared. “Don’t try to melt my heart now.”

Kaden sucked in his breath. “Give me Tara. What use have you got for her? She’s just a little girl. Let me keep her. She’s all I have.”

Nalani squeezed Tara’s shoulders, resulting in a tiny cry of pain from the child. “Kaden, let’s get one thing straight. You will never see Tara again after tonight.”

Kaden balled his fists. The last thing he wanted to do was lung at Nalani, but if that is what it took………wait!

For the first time, he noticed it. His eyes widened.

Though hard to recognize, imprinted on Nalani’s forehead was a crescent-shaped birthmark.

Nalani didn’t have a crescent birthmark on her head!

But, her twin sister, Emerald, did.

The woman, whom he assumed was Nalani, stopped glaring. “What?”

Kaden spun Tara away from her. “You’re not my wife!” he accused. “I know who you are. You’re her twin, the one who was always jealous of her!”

Emerald smirked satisfyingly. “Hmm, I was wondering when you would figure it out. That’s right. I’m not Nalani.”

“I would’ve told you papa,” Tara sobbed, “But Aunt Emerald promised to punish me if I didn’t pretend she was mother!”

Emerald paced in front of the fireplace. “Perhaps it would be appropriate for me to explain. Nalani never thirsted to be a superior being. That was I. I’m the woman the Master converted. I’m a general. I’m the person who kidnapped Tara and Nalani 300 years ago and imprisoned them both in this house. I’m the genius who staged their deaths to drive you out of town.

You see, Kaden darling, nothing pleased me more than to get revenge. You knew both my sister and I were in love with you, but you chose her instead! Tara should be my daughter!” Fiery hatred burned in Emerald’s eyes.

Kaden shook his head. “I loved Nalani because of the wonderful, kind, loving, truly beautiful human she is! Behind your looks I could tell there was something sinister about your character.” He paused sadly. “Guess my instinct proved me right.”

Emerald bared her teeth. “Kaden, don’t deny it! You drove me to become the demon I am. I was absolutely sick of living in Nalani’s shadow. With this awful birthmark scarring my forehead, Nalani was considered the good girl, whereas I was branded as a curse!”

“Apparently so!” Kaden shot back. He picked up Tara and stroked her cheek. “Princess, where is your mother?” Worry filled his mind.

Tara fought back tears. “I don’t know. Mother broke out of the house 2 nights ago. She said she would return for me when the time was right.”

Fur grew from Emerald’s skin. Teeth sharpened. Eyes glowed.


Kaden turned with Tara and sped out the front doors. Emerald jumped onto his back, knocking them to the ground. Kaden dropped Tara, sending her rolling down the steps. “Run honey!” he hollered. “Get help!”

Tara crawled out of sight. Emerald clawed Kaden’s back.



Blood-curdling screams. Agonizing shrieks. Painful howling. All of this noise came from Lance’s mouth.

It felt like his heart was being sucked out of his rib cage. Tingling burning sensations coursed through his veins.

His face heated, then froze, and heated again. His skin itched. Perspiration spilled down his forehead. Vision blurred.

An ungodly explosion of pain stabbed his chest, as the beam grew brighter.


Lance’s body flew forward and banged backwards into the tree three times. The Master increased the power of the beam.

Bit by bit, Lance’s energy traveled to the demon.


His throat closed up. Sucked dry it seemed.

Numbness spread up his limbs. Lance let out another rage of agony.

The Master floated closer. “Oh, not enough pain?” The beam transformed into a shade of blue.

Lance’s body flew forward and banged backwards into the tree six times.


His whole body was bruised up. Every bone felt like it had been fractured and smashed into a million different pieces. Queasiness tore his stomach.

Suddenly every sound echoed. Hallucinating shadows suffocated him. Lance doubled over as one final bout of burning pain struck.

The beam flashed red.

Lance grew unconscious, unable to handle any more misery.

The Master continued to fuel ‘the Process’ while Kujaur observed his apprentice.

“Splendid job. Keep up the great progress. Soon, ‘the Process’ will be over, and Lance’s body will belong to you.”


“Grab the willow moss…grab the willow moss…”

JC thrashed through the dirt until his head poked up a little. Michael held a vine of willow moss over the edge. “Grab on! I’ll pull you out!”

JC’s fingers squeezed the soft, mushy rope with all his strength. Michael knotted part of the moss around his waist, twisted it around his arm, and tugged.

JC coughed and sputtered. “I can’t do it!”

“Yes you can!”

Dirt stung his eyelids. JC closed them and drew his legs out of the dirt pile. Michael pulled harder. Remembering the occasion when he and Lance went rock climbing, JC practiced the same skills climbing up the dirt wall. His legs ached to the breaking point, but Michael relentlessly urged him on.

Soon you could see JC’s hair. Then his face. Then his waist. Then his shoes.

Michael and JC collapsed on the ground, staring at the sky in total exhaustion. JC tried shoving his near death experience out of his mind, tried to forget out terrifying it was not being able to breathe.

They slowly sat up. JC faced Michael. “Man, how did you free yourself?”

Michael chewed his bottom lip nervously. This was it. The moment of truth. His cover was blown.

“Jace,” he began, “I’m not who you believe I am.”

JC frowned curiously. “Excuse me? Listen, haven’t we had enough surprises?”

Michael stood. Warm light cast over his features, dissolving them from a good-looking businessman to…

“Nalani!” JC gasped.

She had Nalani’s hair, body, face… yet, something changed. Here eyes weren’t brimming with malice. She seemed sad.

“I am Nalani,” she answered, “Forgive me for deceiving you, but I had my reasons.”

She explained about Emerald. JC was left in shock once her story finished.

“Gee, um, it’s gonna be weird not calling you evil,” he nodded meekly. Although Michael had never existed, part of JC already missed him.

Nalani obviously felt guilty. “I decided the best way to reach you was to fix my appearance. Whom would you rather befriend? A ghost such as myself, or another prisoner?”

“Well, this explains how you knew so much about Whispers.”


JC admitted, “Kaden probably hates you.” Nalani wiped away tears. “He won’t after he finds out the truth.”

Sudden screams burst through the stillness. Lance’s screams. The white flashes metamorphed from white to red.

JC’s skin paled to a chalky white. Nalani dragged him to his feet.

“Hurry! There’s still a chance to save your friend!”


Justin kicked at the bathroom door. “Man! I know they were trying to protect us, but how are we gonna save Lance if we can’t get out of this freaking bathroom?”

Chris ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t suppose you’re experienced with picking locks?”

“Sure, do it a lot in my spare time,” Justin replied sarcastically.

“Too bad Britney isn’t with us. We could use some of her hair pins.”

“Yeah, great, fine, now any logical ideas?”

“How about body slamming?”

“For real?”

“Any better suggestions, genius?”


On the count of three, Chris and Justin slammed into the door. Once. Twice. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh.


The door busted open, sending the two into the opposite wall.

“Let’s go!” Chris hollered. “How do you know where we’re going?” Justin shot back.

“See those lights flashing outside the windows?” Chris gulped. “I’ve got a sickening feeling that’s where we’ll find Lance.”


Colors. Eye catching colors popped before Lance’s closed eyes. He also saw memories.

It was like watching a movie, yet after each scene was completed, the screen became white. Lance didn’t understand the memories.

Who were those 4 guys I was singing with? Was that my parents? But my mom’s not gone! They actually look happy.

Maybe these weren’t really memories, he thought. Maybe they were wishes.

The terrible pain was gone. All that remained was…nothing. If Lance didn’t know better, he’d say his soul had been separated from his body.

Is that what happened? Where am I?

Blueness swirled around him. In the midst of the blue, the Master’s eyes bore down upon him.

“You shall be mine, Lance.”

Lance suddenly zoomed forward, headed closer and closer to the Master’s eyes, when he realized what was happening.

“No!” he screamed, his voice barely audible.

He had to hang on. There was no other choice. With all his might, Lance resisted the force that threatened to overtake him. It was difficult, and it only increased the soreness he that started to wrack his bones.

Lance buckled down on his knees. Help me, he prayed. We wasn’t 100% positive there was a more powerful being who could rescue his soul, although he vaguely recalled learning of one some time ago.

His body zoomed closer. Lance sensed the heat of the Master’s stare.

“Say goodbye to your former identity…James Lansten Bass…”


Nalani clamped her hand over JC’s mouth. They ducked behind a tree, fear nagging at their hearts when they saw 100 Lost Souls encircled around an oak. JC wanted to cry. Lance looked as if he’d been placed in an agonizing coma. The beam was burning into his heart. The Master was inches away, looking more energetic than he had in 150 years

“We must be patient,” Nalani insisted.

“But…but…” JC stammered.

“No buts! I understand it must be hard to see Lance like this,” she conceded, “But for his sake and your own, get a decent sense of timing.”

Footsteps quietly crunched behind them. JC held his breath when fingers tapped him on the shoulder.

“Chill,” Justin whispered, “It’s only me and Chris.”

The 3 hugged gratefully. “How’d you find us?”

“Try footprints.”

JC explained the situation with Nalani.

“Where’s Joey?” Chris asked.

Nalani sighed. “Kneeling with the rest of the Lost Souls.”

“You mean…” Justin choked.

JC nodded. “Oh yeah.”

“Looks like Lance isn’t the only guy who needs rescuing,” Chris said quietly.

Suddenly the Master lit up, ready to end ‘the Process’ once and for all.

“Do it!” Kujaur yelled.

The Lost Souls started cheering. Joey stayed silent. Not thrilled, but not remorseful either. He didn’t have a clue what to think anymore.

“NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!” JC, Chris, Justin, and Nalani shouted, completely ruining their disguise.

Blinding light blasted.

And then……………

