Chris hesitantly stood at the top of the stairs. Outside, the sky darkened. Thunder boomed overhead. All was quiet. Too quiet.

He peered over the iron railing. A mild wave of dizziness washed over him. Being afraid of heights will do that to you.

Tentative, Chris took a step. And another. And another.

Suddenly, below him, he heard a chair scrape across the floor. Soft scratching sounds. Raspy breathing.

Chris’s legs seemed to melt into jelly. He squeezed the banister till his knuckles whitened.

Something’s downstairs.

He quietly tiptoed back up and ran down the second floor corridor.

Behind him, footsteps pounded up the staircase. The Lost Soul whispered in a singsong tone…


Panting, Chris climbed the next staircase.


For a brief second Chris considered looking back. He stumbled through the third floor hallway.


Nervousness rattled his bones. Chris glanced behind his shoulder.

The corridor was empty.

Relieved, he turned around.

And screamed in fright.

The Lost Soul lurked in front of him.

"Need…blood…hunt…fear…master’s orders…"

The creature lunged at him.

Chris slammed himself against the left wall.

The beast dove for him, shattering the tall mirror. Glass crunched under Chris’s feet as he scrambled into the nearest bedroom on the right.

He hurriedly locked the door. Such a simple task can become difficult when your hands are trembling.

He frantically searched the room for some kind of weapon. Nothing.

The Lost Soul kicked the door, howling with rage. Wood splintered. Hinges gave way. The door crashed to the floor.

Chris stared in shock.

How strong are these monsters?

Its red eyes blazed with fury. Saliva trickled down its chin.

A bolt of lightening illuminated the dark room. The thing’s sharp claws gleamed.

Chris remained frozen from fear.


The Lost Soul grabbed a pillow and moved closer.

"St-stay back," He warned shakily.

He received blow to his chest. He flew backwards, ramming into a dresser. A lamp crashed to the floor.

The Lost Soul crouched down, and put the pillow over Chris’s face.

No, it didn’t plan on killing the trespasser. Just knocking him unconscious.

For awhile, Chris struggled.

His struggles grew weaker.

He fell still.

The Lost Soul picked him up.


