After ducking into the nearest downstairs bedroom, Joey and Michael crammed themselves into a large wardrobe. They had to hide.

“You suppose they’ll find us?”

“Maybe, but let’s hope not.”

“We will get out alive, right?”

“Yeah. Sure.”




“You’ve got one second to get your hand off my butt.”

“Excuse me? It’s not that dark in here.”

“Still, quit squeezing my right shoulder. It’s beginning to hurt.”

“What are you talking about? I’m squished to your left, and if you would stop breathing down the back of my neck…”

“I swear that’s NOT me!”

Fear trickled up their spines.

(Unison): “Then…then who is?!”


Both guys pushed the door open and tumbled across the bed. Michael rolled off, striking his head against the bedpost. “Ahh!”

The Lost Soul towered over them at the foot of the bed. Gradually its monstrous cover vanished.

Joey stared at a beautiful young woman. “Who-who are you?”

Nalani giggled. “Your worst nightmare.”

Joey flew off the bed, landing beside Michael. The bedroom door slammed. Window shutters locked. Obviously nobody was getting out.

Nalani crossed her arms. “You know, this situation can go 2 ways. Try to run, and I’ll have no choice but to gladly kill you. Cooperate, and a lesser punishment will be granted.”

“We’ll never cooperate!” Joey declared.

Michael shivered. “Um, who says?”

“That is a wise answer.” Nalani closed her eyes and murmured a little spell.

“Let thy love be drained from thy hearts, Let all good memories be willing to part, Let hatred of the cruelest come forth, And thee destroy one another to be nevermore!”

A flash of green lightening zipped through the walls. Joey and Michael’s hearts tightened. Terrible headaches pounded at their temples. For 3 minutes, their senses dulled and vision faded…

And…suddenly Joey became energized.

Wow! I’ve never been so alive before!

Michael experienced the same unusual high.

Why am I sitting here whimpering next to that N-Stink dork?

Joey shoved him aside. “Move over!” He growled.

Michael retaliated. “I’m wedged between the bed and your humungous butt!”

Nalani smiled. “Why gee, I was sure you two were friends,” she commented innocently.

Michael’s irritation inflamed from irritation to pure hatred. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to blow that goofy smirk right off his face!

A gun appeared in his hand. “Go on. Go on and do it,” Nalani persisted.

Joey grit his teeth. Boy I wish I could squeeze the freaking life out of him!

His hands took on a life of their own, wrapping around Michael’s throat. They wrestled violently on the floor. Michael pulled the trigger, but missed and shot Nalani.

She didn’t scream. She didn’t flinch. The wound healed with 2 seconds.

Joey bashed Michael’s head into the dresser. The hatred between them was so intense you could capture its vile taste on your tongue.

Nalani observed the scene, pleased with her handiwork. For awhile she listened to the name-calling and hurtful insults. Yet, as the night grew shorter, the dawn of ‘the Process’ grew closer. She looked up. “Kujaur, the deed is done!”

