
A deathly silence hovered over Brenner’s Café. No movements could be seen except for the peculiar shadows lingering in the corners. Every inhabitant sat quietly, waiting for another catastrophe. Dianna and Trace curled up behind the bar. Trace stroked her hair, whispering reassuring words in her ear. Dianna rested her head on his shoulder, grateful to have him beside her. Cricket cradled Adam protectively against her chest. Her eyes darted furtively toward the windows. Ruby slumped her shoulders, her hands clasped solemnly on the table. The ashtray was starting to overflow. Kellen and Harper stood at their posted positions. Cricket cleared her throat. “Why don’t we say a prayer?” She suggested.

They formed a circle, joining hands and bowing heads. When nobody offered to start, Ruby said the Lord’s Prayer. Harper mumbled something about being thankful for his help. Trace and Kellen asked for help. Dianna, however, summed up the thoughts of all the survivors: “God, we’re sorry we have been ignoring you. We realize now how much we need you. Please take care of us, and please help the guys beat those demons. Amen.”

Their prayers were interrupted by a rustling sound nearby. Harper, Ruby, and Kellen froze. “Did anybody hear that?” A quick flash of bluish light lit the room. Dianna and Trace spun around. To their horror, a dark mist rose, dissipated, and rose again under Gabriel’s body...


The group appeared outside the park gates. Chris shivered. “Well, this is it. It’s show time.” Justin popped his knuckles.

JC said, “Hey, remember how we confronted Kujaur in Whispers? Odds were we would be dead within five minutes. But God didn’t let us down. This time won’t be any different.”

Ramona raised her eyebrows. “Are you sure? We’re gambling with Lance and Joey’s lives. And let’s not forget the threat of an apocalypse.” JC elbowed her. “Not helping,” he mouthed. Justin volunteered to go first. He pushed the gate open. They walked calmly across the playground. The lightening multiplied, striking dozens of trees. Bonfire raged around them. Smoke permeated the chilly air.

Gandor was murmuring a chant. His eyes narrowed at the sound of footsteps. Lance, who was lying bound and gagged at his feet, rolled onto his right side. His eyes lit with hope.

He sneered. This should be interesting. The mortals were giving it one final shot before their demise. He felt an irrepressible laughter rising in his throat. Chris defiantly made eye contact. Gandor’s lips formed a sly smile. “Let’s hope you’re a better adversary than Gabriel was. I always knew that half-breed couldn’t cut it.” A discarded glass coke bottle suddenly exploded at Gandor’s feet. “He wasn’t a half-breed! He was a decent, kind, caring person until you got a hold of him, and even then you couldn’t completely take that away from him! He never got a chance to live because of what you did to him! I’ll never know my big brother and it’s all your fault!” The wrenching sound of tearing metal made them turn around. Scrap pieces of metal leftover from the monkey bars were aimed at Gandor. Justin and JC grabbed Chris. “Let me go!” He snarled as he tried to break free from their hold. Ramona whispered, “If you kill him now, you kill Joey.” Grudgingly, Chris dropped the pieces of metal. “As soon as we release Joey, he’s mine,” he muttered.

“Need¼want¼must¼need¼want¼die¼die¼ha ha ha ha¼”

They bristled. Hair rose on the back of their necks. Voices of unseen Lost Souls rose in the distance. Faint screams echoed through the fire. The invisible demons growled, snarled, snapped, and giggled hideously. Twisted faces materialized in the reddening fog. Their expressions were that of agony and fear. Everyone scooted closer together. The scent of death tickled their noses. It became so dark, so unbearably suffocating. Smoke blurred their vision. Justin thought briefly, I wonder if this is what hell is like?

Lost Souls’ reddish eyes gleamed in the middle of the mist. The fog quickly vanished, revealing their unwelcome presence.

Justin: “I’ve got a plan.”

JC: “What?”

Justin: “There are eight demons. I’ll take the two on the left. JC, take two in the middle. Chris can take two on the right, and Ramona will take the remaining ones behind us.”

Chris: “Got it.”

JC: “I’ll tell Ramona.”

The group split up, ready to finish the Lost Souls. With a howl of excitement, the demons advanced. A Lost Soul seized Justin’s arms, jerking them behind his back. A second Lost Soul raised its talons. Justin focused his eyes, a familiar color casting over them. Heat flushed his face. The Lost Soul let out an agonized cry as flames burst over its body. The monster holding Justin loosened its grip, giving him enough room to elbow it in the stomach. As the Lost Soul toppled backwards, it received the same fate as its friend.

Ramona grabbed the demon by the throat, absorbing its energy. Energized by the new rush of adrenaline, she turned and redirected its power at the second Lost Soul.

Chris switched into invisibility, confusing his attackers. They snarled. Chris, careful not to step on any leaves or twigs, moved around them in a circle, meticulously plotting his next maneuver. His eyes wandered to the scrap pieces of playground equipment he’d originally intended to use for Gandor. They rose from the ground, flying directly at the two Lost Souls.

JC metamorphosed into a cheetah. Without a moment’s hesitation he charged at the Lost Souls, pouncing on one. His teeth tore into its flesh, his claws sharpening as they ripped into its skin. The second Lost Soul tackled JC. He unsuccessfully attempted to throw him off his back, but the demon’s teeth sank into his shoulder. Intense pain shot through his nerves. JC howled, jerking his head over his shoulder. Ramona, seeing his dilemma, ran in his direction. She wrapped her arm around the Lost Soul’s neck, choking it and therefore draining its life energy.

Very good, Gandor thought, but the fight has just begun.

Gandor lunged at his prey. Chris dodged, grabbing Gandor’s shoulder blades. Gandor twisted around, reaching for Chris’s throat. Chris switched into invisibility, rolling out of the way. Justin shoved Gandor’s face in the dirt. Suddenly invisible hands threw him off of Gandor’s back, securing him to the ground. Chris mentally picked Gandor off his feet, tossing him in Ramona’s direction.

Undaunted, Gandor advanced toward Ramona. Ramona, nervous but determined, also moved closer. Suddenly several Lost Souls blocked her path. Gandor laughed cruelly. Ramona didn’t stop to think twice. She knew what to do. Using her abilities, she charged into their group. More and more adrenaline pumped into Ramona’s body as she stole their life forces. The rush both thrilled and terrified her. She felt more powerful, more able to defend herself. Another creature dove for her face. She reached out, channeling its energy through her veins. Pretty soon nothing stood between her and Gandor. She kicked past the lifeless bodies.

Gandor’s arms swooped in a downward arc. Ramona’s head hit the grass. Gandor stomped his foot onto her throat. Ramona gagged, pain exploding through her windpipe. She wrapped her hands around his ankle, pushing his foot up. Gandor stumbled backwards.


Before he could reach her, ice hardened over his skin, paralyzing Gandor. Only one man had the ability to do that. Ramona blinked, certain she was hallucinating. Gabriel gently brushed hair out of her face. “Are you okay?” He asked. Ramona shook her head. “No. I’ve lost my marbles. You’re dead!”

“Well, I was.” Ramona pointed over his shoulder. “Why don’t you tell them that?” Gabriel glanced over his shoulder to see the other guys fighting the demons. Gabriel’s shoulder brushed against Ramona as he began running. Winds picked up speed, slowly starting to circle the demons. The guys noticed a change in the air. They glanced at each other in puzzlement. The temperature dropped rapidly. Icicles formulated on surrounding objects. The winds moved faster. Iciness pierced the Lost Souls’ bones. Snow droplets formed in the gusts. Amazingly, neither Chris, JC, nor Justin experienced any of the blizzard’s effects. It seemed almost surreal, as if the icy blasts were directed only toward the demons. Chris felt his heart skip a beat when he spotted Gabriel in the distance. His mouth became dry. He had trouble breathing.

JC blinked several times. “Is that...He’s dead!”

“Who cares?!” Justin shouted, “He’s saving our butts!”

Chris ran to hug his brother. JC and Justin did the same, pleased to see he was alive.

“But¼but¼” JC sputtered, “How¼”

Gabriel shrugged. “God had mercy on me. He granted me a second chance.”

Lance, who was finally wriggling free of the ropes, struggled to see what was happening. Joey looked different. His skin was paler. His eyes glazed. Suddenly his chest heaved. He fell to the ground. A black, smoky figure rose out of him, vanishing into the night air. Joey lay lifeless. Justin, JC, Chris, Gabriel, and Ramona stared up at the dark sky. Gandor left Joey, Chris thought, ¼that can’t be good.

Everybody frantically crowded around Joey, anxious to figure out what was going on. Ramona rested his head in her lap, taking his pulse. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, he’s not clinically dead, but he’s pretty weak.”

“Hey!” Lance shouted at the group, “Is Joey alright? Someone please untie me!” Justin rushed over and pulled the rest of the ropes loose. “Sorry man. We were preoccupied.”

Lance kneeled next to Joey, glancing worriedly at Ramona. “What’s the matter with him?” As if he’d heard Lance’s question, Joey’s eyelids fluttered. “Wha-where am I?”

Several cheers erupted. They all pulled Joey to his feet. He blinked, shaking his head. “Whoa¼I’m spinning¼” JC grabbed his arm for support. Joey sighed. “Thanks. That’s better.”

Gabriel examined Joey’s face. “Are you okay? You gave us quite a scare.”

Joey gulped, taking a deep breath. “I¼I think so. In any case, Gandor’s gone, and that’s the best feeling of all. Hey listen, we can’t just stand around here looking at me! The war’s still on. Gandor left to meet Emerald at the church. That’s where the ceremony’s taking place.”

Lance chewed his bottom lip. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah! Come on guys!” Suddenly full of life, Joey broke loose of JC’s grip and started running toward the park entrance. The others followed. Gabriel and Chris whispered to each other as they ran down the road. Ramona struggled to keep up with Joey, not 100% certain he was fit to fight. Justin and JC concentrated on the buildings and trees ahead, too focused on the task at hand to crack jokes or make remarks.

Only Lance lingered ten feet behind his friends. At the moment he was trying very hard to ignore a sickening gut feeling at the pit of his stomach. Something about this whole set-up was wrong. An inner voice warned him following Joey into the church would be a fatal mistake on their part. Sure, Lance could blame that on their knowledge of the impending ceremony. Yet, he realized it was much worse than that. Then it struck him. The gut feeling that was bothering him centered on Joey! “I’m afraid of him,” Lance said to himself, “He isn’t the same. What if he’s not really free of Gandor’s demonic presence?” Or worse, what if Joey, in all his suffering, had become completely evil?


Everyone burst through the cathedral doors. To their surprise, the church was exactly as it had been hours before. The lightening and wind had come to a standstill, but the strange circular motion brewing in the ugly clouds told them otherwise. It was not over yet.

Ramona took comfort in the candlelight, soft music, and heavenly surroundings. Yawning, she plopped down on a pew. “I’m ready to sleep a little.” Chris raised his eyebrows. “Sleep? Gandor and Emerald are probably hiding behind the podium or in the bell tower, ready to¼”

A swift kick to the shins shut him up. Gabriel’s eyes narrowed. “Please. Let Ramona relax. Apparently the demons aren’t here yet.”

Joey nodded. “He’s right. We beat them to the church. This gives us a few minutes to rest, but we’ve got to stay on our toes.”

JC curled up on a pew. “All I want is some sleep,” he yawned, “I don’t care if Armageddon reigns on us, so long as nobody wakes me up.”

Justin slumped beside him. “I’m too nervous to sleep. Lance, there’s a pencil and an old church flyer stuffed in the pocket. Want to play tic-tac-toe¼Lance? Lance!”

Lance snapped to attention. “What? Sorry, guess I didn’t hear you.”

“You wanna play or not?”

Chris volunteered. “I’ll play.” He smiled at Lance. Lance nodded his head appreciatively, grateful for the interference. He observed his friends. Obviously he and Gabriel noticed the same thing: everybody was either too tired or too spaced out to pay close attention to their surroundings. Perhaps that’s why Joey had slipped off into the bell tower¼alone. Lance’s eyes darted back and forth. He slowly stood, strolling amiably down the aisles. As he reached the entrance, he felt a sudden chill. Evil engulfed him. Fearful, Lance edged back. He remembered the last time he’d entered the bell tower. Then again, if his suspicions proved to be true, then Joey was a threat to them all. Lance knew he couldn’t jeopardize the others’ lives.

He stepped into the cold dankness of the gray room. The winding, rickety steps were empty. Still, Lance couldn’t shake the sensation that he was being watched. Clutching the rough railing, he quietly climbed the steps. He came about half way up when he heard vague whispers from above. One voice he recognized to be Feather’s. The other was Joey’s. Lance’s nostrils flared. I knew it! This was a trap!

Pressing his back against the wall, taking extra caution not to get caught, Lance scooted up each step, scurrying around corners in attempts not to be seen. As he climbed higher, the whispers grew louder and more distinct.

“So you finished the job?”

“Of course. I brought them back from the park, didn’t I?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time you messed up Gandor’s plans. Remember Gabriel? He’s still alive!”

Lance’s head snapped up. Wick! So that’s it! Wick is impersonating Joey! Then Lance reminded himself, At least it’s not Joey who turned completely evil. There’s hope for him.

“Furthermore,” Feather went on, “As if a simple possession wasn’t enough, Gandor embellished the idea by…”

“Shh! Suppose someone hears you?”


He crept quietly up the stairs until he seemed to be standing underneath them. Their whispering stopped. Feather’s eyes darted suspiciously around the tower. “Did you hear something?” Wick snorted. “Of course not. The others are in the sanctuary, remember?”

“What makes you so sure?”

Lance took a deep breath and slowly counted to three. One¼Two¼

Wick opened the bell tower door. “Ready?”



“So how’s…mom?”

“Pretty good. I, uh, I mean, we have four sisters, Molly, Kate, Emily, and Taylor.”

“Really? What are they like?”

“Taylor’s still in grade school. She’s funny. Mom threw a fit the other day when she learned that Taylor was telling all the kids that if they were mean to her, my bodyguards would come and…”

Gabriel laughed. He turned to look at Lance, who was supposed to be sitting beside him. He was gone. “Hey, where did Lance go?” Chris peered over Gabriel’s shoulder. “I thought he was asleep.”

“No. He’s gone. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Gabriel’s eyes darted toward the bell tower. “And I think I know where to look. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

“Thanks, but don’t worry. I’m sure it’s nothing. You stay put. I’ll look for Lance.”

“Seriously, I’m leaving right now. It would be best for you to remain in the sanctuary.”

“No, I insist,” Chris replied with a hint of exasperation in his voice, “You stay put.”

“I’m going.”

“No I am.”




In the next row Ramona snorted. “Dang, there’s no question about it. You two are brothers!”


Lance ran up the last five steps. “Stop!” Wick and Feather whirled around. Nobody spoke. Lance licked his lips, glaring, “I won’t let you finish the ceremony.”

“Who’s going to stop us?” Feather raised her eyebrow. “You?” Wick smirked sarcastically. “Let’s give him a little credit. After all, he is an angel.” The mocking tone fueled Lance’s anger. Just as he was prepared to fight, Gabriel, Chris, and the rest of the clan dashed into the bell tower. Lance paused. Wick’s face expressed amusement. They watched while everybody scrambled up the stairs. Lance suddenly realized he was holding his breath.

Chris laid a hand on Lance’s shoulder. “Don’t fight them. Leave as quick as you can.”

“No way!”

“Buddy, this is not your battle to fight.”

Lance reluctantly glanced downstairs. “I¼” He shook his head firmly. “No. This is my job. Stop trying to protect me.”

Gabriel huffed exasperatedly. “Please shut up! Just get the heck out of here before you get yourself killed!” JC and Justin took Lance’s arms. Ramona helped them drag Lance down the stairs. However, they were just as anxious to watch the events unfold. They hid in the shadows.

Wick and Feather flew at Chris and Gabriel. Chris seized Gabriel’s shirt and pulled them up, dodging the attack. They circled each other in mid-air. Chris’s eyes darted back and forth, careful not to lose sight of either one of them. Wick and Feather’s eyes gleamed red. Their talons sharpened. The demons extended their palms. Green laser beams shot out. Chris focused his piercing gaze on the white-hot light. It deflected, striking a flight of stairs. The wood disintegrated, reigning splinters. Feather dove at Gabriel, shooting a fireball. Gabriel concentrated on the fire, freezing the flames. They fell onto another stair flight, smashing. The impact caused the steps to crumble. Dust and wood showered onto the ground. Lance silently prayed none of the debris would hit him.

Lance: “Chris, are you sure you don’t want any help?”

Chris: “Positive. Don’t worry about us. Gabe and I’ve got it under¼AAAHHH!”

Gabriel pushed Chris out of the way as Wick shot out a second laser beam. It hit the stonewall. Stones blew out of the structure. Chris used his power to hurl the falling stones at the demons. They screamed as the rocks battered them.

Suddenly, a fiery dragon appeared in the air. Chris’s eyes widened. Gabriel gulped. Their enemies laughed as the dragon flapped its wings. It roared, fixing its gaze on Chris Gabriel whispered, “Don’t move. Not until I come up with a plan.”

The dragon bared its teeth, advancing, blowing fire above their heads. “What is this?” Chris squeaked. Gabriel dug his nails into his palms. “A special trick Feather mastered about fifteen years ago. It drains so much strength that she rarely uses it.”

Chris tried to collect his thoughts. Okay, if all her energy is drained, Feather won’t be able to fight us off. Wick, on the other hand, is still a problem. Maybe if Gabriel distracts him, I can get around that dragon and destroy her. When Feather dies, the dragon disappears.

Gabriel nodded agreeably. “That sounds like a plan.” Chris twisted his neck in surprise. “Just how often do you read my thoughts?” Gabriel smirked. “Think I’d tell you?”

Gabriel soared toward Wick, ramming him into the wall. Wick stared directly into Gabriel’s eyes. Gabriel winced as pain exploded in his skull, but he held on.

Meanwhile, Chris faced a deadly dragon. The beast reared up, ready to pounce. Chris had to think fast. I wonder if invisibility permits me to pass through objects. Then he remembered, maybe I can’t, but I know Gabe can!

Chris mentally dictated his idea to Gabriel. Gabriel responded with uncertainty. I’ve never attempted to pass through a thing like that! Chris argued, give it a shot!

Gabriel released Wick, said a small prayer, and flew into the dragon. Heat scorched his skin. His eyes burned. His body tensed with the rising level of heat energy at the center of the dragon. He couldn’t move. Don’t panic, he ordered himself, there is a way to get out of this.

“NNNNOOOO!” Wick cried.

The dragon began fading. Chris decided to try something. “Hey!” he shouted. The creature jerked around. Chris pointed at Wick. “Him!”

Wick’s eyes bulged in alarm. He didn’t have time to run or scream. His spirit separated from Joey’s body. Chris caught Joey before he could fall. The beast swallowed Wick’s spirit in a single gulp. Then it roared, vanishing.

Chris and Gabriel blinked at the sudden quietness in the bell tower. They observed the destruction. “Think the priest will ever notice?”

Lance came out of his hiding place. “Nice job!” Gabriel took a bow. They sailed down, landing on the stairs. Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief. “Feels good to stand on solid ground.”

While the others gawked at the scene, JC followed in silence. His empath powers sensed dire emotional distress in Joey. Maybe the worst wasn’t over. He felt the need to alert Ramona as quickly as possible. JC himself felt weak, almost sick. At least Joey isn’t suffering alone. At least, JC thought the sickness generated from the dying man on the floor. But the sickness grew worse. JC steadied himself against the banister. The room was spinning. Reddish light flashed in front of his eyes. Illness darkened into terror. JC felt paralyzed, powerless to stop Gandor from…


In an instant JC’s mind was transported from the tower into what appeared to be a dank cell. Joey sat there, imprisoned. He was so alone, and so afraid. JC frowned, trying to make sense of it all. This can’t be right. Joey isn’t possessed. He’s dead. Isn’t he?

Gandor’s voice echoed inside Joey’s mind. We’re finally at the school. Those fools are certain the ceremony is taking place at the church. Let them wander in circles. Their time is coming soon.

With another flash of light, JC gasped. He blinked several times. The bell tower’s dankness hit his face. He’d lost contact with the real Joey.

They got on their knees, crowding around Joey for a second time. Ramona took his hand, tears welling in her eyelids. “No. I don’t think there’s anything we can do for him.” Justin glanced at her wearily. “No…no…” he mumbled, “Not Joey…just another trick…”

“Yes it is,” JC affirmed grimly. “As Lance discovered, Gandor created an elaborate hoax when he asked Wick to impersonate Joey. It is my theory that Wick possessed one of the townspeople, used his powers to make him look like Joey, staged Gandor’s departure, and brought us here to kill everyone. Believe me. I nearly made contact with Joey. I stepped inside his mind. They’re at the school.”

At that moment the young man they’d assumed to be Joey closed his eyes. His hand went limp. Ramona sadly squeezed his fingers.

Lance stood, brushing dust off his jeans. “Well, we have to move fast. Let’s go to the school.”
