
JC knocked impatiently on Lance’s apartment door. “Lance! Lance!” He, like the rest of Nsync, was worried about him. 4 hours had passed since Chris handed Lance the strange note, and after cryptically leaving, he disappeared. No word. No nothing.

Luckily, JC possessed a spare key to the apartment, so after inserting the key into the hole, unlocked the door.

Silence filled the apartment’s dreary atmosphere. JC walked through it. Obviously nobody was home. He checked the bedroom, the bathroom, and the kitchen. No signs of where Lance was or where he may have gone.

The bedroom phone rang. JC rushed to answer it. “Hello? Lance?”

“No, this is not Lance.”

“Then do you mind getting off the phone? I’m trying to keep the line free.”

“Actually I do mind.”

“Please get off the phone!” JC demanded.

“Oh, because Lance vanished and you’re praying he’ll call? Forget it. That won’t happen.”

JC’s blood ran cold. “Who are you?” he said in a low whisper.

“That is left to be undetermined. What’s important is what we’ve got in our possession. As you humans say, we’ve kidnapped your friend, Lance Bass.”

The phone shook in JC’s sweaty palm. “W-what?” who is this guy? We humans?!

“JC,” the kidnapper coaxed, “It is such a shame that you don’t remember us. I’m rather insulted.”

Lost Souls?

“That’s right. You were so busy with killing Kujaur that several superior Lost Souls escaped from Devil’s Hollow. We followed your ride to Philadelphia. And now, we’ve planned our comeback.”

“Comeback?” JC sputtered, “No! We defeated you! We escaped!”

“To put it mildly, you bought a new lease on life. Well, your contract expired.”

“What do you want?” JC pleaded. Surely not money. What did supernatural beasts need money for?

“I will only release part of the information. There’s a crystal that we want. I refuse to disclose the crystal’s purpose, but it is of great importance. Lance has very strong connections with this crystal. If we can squeeze its whereabouts out of him, then we’ll send you to fetch it.”

“I don’t know anything about any crystal!” he replied angrily, “Let Lance go!”

“We’re not finished with him yet.”

JC resorted to calm begging. “Please don’t hurt him. Whatever you do, don’t hurt him!”

“Depends on if you and he can follow the terms. Speaking of which, I haven’t told you the terms of this arrangement. Shall I begin?”

“Yes.” JC realized he needed to be agreeable for Lance’s sake.

“First, no one is to know Lance has been abducted. Not Joey, Chris, or Justin. You may tell Johnny Wright, of course. He’s the manager, therefore able to bend things to our liking.”

“Not tell them? How?”

“Claim Lance is sick. He cannot leave the apartment. Or perhaps he’s in the hospital and no one is allowed to visit. Anyway, that’s your problem.”


“Second, no questioning our motives or demands. We’re in control.”

“Got it.”

“Third, don’t try anything fancy. As a Lost Soul, I can see where you are and what you are doing at all times. I read your thoughts on a regular basis. Be careful, or reporters will have a field day when they discover Lance’s body lying…”

“Alright! Alright! I promise.”

“Excellent. I look forward to doing business with you, Chasez.”

JC slammed the phone into its cradle. He grit his teeth hard. NO! NO! THIS ISN’T HAPPENING! WHISPERS IS DEAD!

Fear for Lance’s safety chilled his bones. Superior Lost Souls were conniving, evil creatures. To do business with them was like bargaining with the devil. You always received the short end of the stick.

The phone rang, causing him to jump. Who’s calling? The kidnappers?

Trembling, JC picked up the phone. “Hello?” he uttered reluctantly.

“JC?” Chris said, “Yeesh, I’ve called all over Philadelphia! Where’s Lance?”

“Um…um…well…hold up.” JC chewed his bottom lip. How should I come up with a plausible excuse within three seconds?

Lance got sick? Maybe, but wouldn’t Chris ask questions? What should he say?

“Yo Jace!” Chris hollered, “You there?”

“Yeah,” JC replied, “Listen, when I arrived at the apartment, Lance answered and said he wasn’t feeling well. The charity show will have to go on without him.”

Chris’s voice portrayed concern. “Really? Is it serious?”

“Doesn’t look good. He’s scheduled to see a doctor tomorrow at the hospital.”

“Oh my gosh! What’s wrong?”

“His stomach. You know, cramps, vomiting, the usual.”

“Yuck. He didn’t act so perky at rehearsal either. Hey, in a few minutes, the guys and me can stop by-

“No!” JC shouted quickly. “I mean, no. That’s not a smart idea. We shouldn’t hang around Lance until we know if it’s the flu or whatever. He might be contagious, and there’s no point in all five of us getting sick.”

“Hmm, good point. Okay, I’ll inform everybody. Tell Lance I hope he feels better. I’ll call him later.”

Uh-oh. “Bye.” JC ran his fingers through his tousled hair, fighting back tears. He dialed Johnny’s number.

“Johnny? Hi, it’s me. Can you meet me at Lance’s apartment? It’s an emergency. Don’t let anyone know you’re coming.”


Lance couldn’t stop shivering. He tried assuring himself that it was only the cold penetrating the dark room. Truthfully, his anxiety couldn’t sit still.

His eyes were duct taped shut. The ringleader had stuffed a rag in his mouth and taped his lips. Lance gagged on the oily taste. His hands and ankles were handcuffed. Chains shackled them together. Rough ropes painfully secured his forearms and calves to the chair. Chains wrapped around his torso, making it difficult to breathe. Rope tied his upper chest/shoulders to the top of the chair, while more rope tied his thighs to the seat.

Not only being paralyzed, physical as well as psychological discomforts plagued Lance. With a parched throat and a dry, swollen tongue, he could barely swallow. Sweat dripped down his face, heat plastering his clothes and suffocating his body.

But where did this heat rise from? Stark terror? Perhaps. There’s no other explanation. Yet indeed, chills racked Lance’s bones. The unexplainable warmth was like a strange fever.

He couldn’t see, speak, nor move. He listened carefully for the kidnappers. It’d been quite awhile since he’d heard any sounds. This almost terrified him more than their presence. Where are they? What are they planning? Will they kill me?

A creaky door opened. Hollow footsteps entered the room.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Lance’s heart tightened.

A cool whiff blew by his face. A hand rested upon his tense shoulder. “Hello Bass. Awake, are we? You passed out on us for an hour. You really shouldn’t be so surprised. In fact, you should even be aware of our identities.”

Lance didn’t want to consider that, because the first thought that jumped to mind was impossible.

“Yes, Lance. We are surviving Lost Souls.” The Lost Soul paced around Lance’s chair. Lance tensed his body muscles. After all, being blind, he needed to be prepared for anything.

The door reopened. Two more pairs of footsteps entered the room. Snarling, growling, and low howls broke the terrible silence.


Smack! Bam! Both beasts whimpered.

“Didn’t I tell you to wait?!” their leader rebuked, “We must deal with this innocent first!”

Deal with me? Lance’s fingers scraped nervously at the cheap mahogany. Scrape. Scrape. Scrape.

Duct tape was ripped from his mouth. The gag was also yanked, sending waves of pain through his sore teeth and chapped lips. Lance coughed violently, shuddering.

A gloved hand cupped his chin and raised his head. “Now, Lance, my friend, we are going to play a game of 20 Questions.

The Lost Soul paced endlessly in front of Lance. “My friend, as you know, you have quite a family history. Your descendent, Kaden Bass, lived in Celtic River, the neighboring town to Whispers. When the Master first tried to possess his town, Kaden drove him out.

Have you ever wondered how Kaden defeated the Master, our Keeper of Fear?”


“Very peculiar answer. I would think the key to winning such a demon fight ought to be of great interest to you.”

“Um…I-I don’t really care.”

“You should. Anyway, don’t lie to us. We know for a fact that you do know what it is we want.”

“I don’t know what you want!” Lance screamed. The Lost Soul slapped him across the face. “No use hiding the secret.”

Lance whimpered. “Please, I swear, I really don’t…”

Whack! His head jerked to the side, jaw throbbing. The leader, obviously angry, continued the brutal interrogation.

“Perhaps your memory needs refreshing. So be it.” He paused for effect.

“Kaden used a powerful gem to drive away the demon.”

“G-gem?” Lance studdered out of bewilderment.

“Yes. This gem contains a special power, one which can work for good or evil. After the fight, Kaden took the gem and disappeared. Its whereabouts remain unknown to this day.” A lengthy pause followed.

“Lance, you and Kaden are of the same bloodline. Because of the gem’s rarity, tremendous powers, and close ties to your family, you must have an inkling of where it can be located.”

“W-what do you want with this gem?” The prisoner asked shakily.

“Simple. Do the math, Bass. Put two and two together. I said the gem worked for good and evil. Isn’t it a funny thing? For everything that is good, a reversion will make it a henchman for malevolent purposes. That’s exactly what we intend to use this gem for.”

“Lance, Kaden performed the deed which defeated the Master 300 years ago. Now, 300 years later, my minions and I intend to bring the Master back to life.”


Ramona shivered quietly as she walked down the crowded sidewalk. Dusk set in on downtown Philadelphia, casting shadows over the people’s faces as the nightlife began to awaken. She walked because she feared if she stopped moving, Gandor and his Lost Souls would find her.

Gandor is around Philadelphia somewhere, someplace very close to Nsync. I can feel his presence.

Mixed emotions stirred through Ramona. Events were happening much too fast. Lance was gone, in the hands of the purest of evil, most monstrous creatures on Earth. They lacked patience as much as they lacked mercy. They derived pleasure from the pain of others.

And Lance possessed valuable knowledge of the gem they desired.

They must not get their hands on this gem! Ramona thought vehemently, Otherwise, they’ll revive the Master and reign terror upon us.

The Master failed to possess Lance’s body the first time. If his spirit was resurrected, he would surely need one.

I must rescue Lance before his body and soul are surrendered to the demons.

Ramona realized in order to try connecting with Lance’s mind, she’d need to settle down. Ducking into the nearest store (McDonald’s), she retreated quietly into the restroom. Sitting on the tile floor next to the toilet, hugging her knees, Ramona stayed perfectly still. Her eyes were closed. Her breathing became irregular. She drew in a sharp breath as the corners of her vision were blinded by bright light.

Lance…Lance…Can you hear me…please acknowledge me…Lance…

Again and again, Ramona called out with her mental telepathy.

Lance…Lance…It’s okay…I’m here…I wanna help you…Can you hear me…Lance…

She grit her teeth. Her stomach nauseously churned as her dark vision zoomed, blurred, and cleared. Although fuzzy, the vision of Lance’s prison was unmistakably clear. Brick walls, beat up furniture, visible pipes…

Fear quaked inside her muscles. Ramona suddenly found herself tense, as if people were moving around her and she didn’t know what would happen next. A dark blanket blocked her vision.

I’ve been blindfolded. This fear…it must be generated from the kidnappers.

Her mind successfully connected to Lance’s. She was not afraid, for nothing was threatening about McDonald’s public bathroom. Yet Ramona mentally experienced the same emotions and discomforts Lance experienced. Her body paralyzed. Invisible metal chafed her wrists. Sweat trickled down her forehead.

Lance…it’s me…I’ve come back…it’s okay…I’m here…Can you hear me…


The Lost Souls whispered atop the rickety wooden staircase. Apparently getting Lance to spill out the information would be no easy task. A harsher, more forceful method could be used.

Lance, meanwhile, listened intently. For a brief moment, he didn’t feel alone in this terrible nightmare. He forgot about his pain, fear, helplessness, and hopelessness. Maybe he’d gone crazy, but Lance remained certain he’d heard a female’s voice call out to him.

Lance…Can you hear me…

Now he knew he heard it! “Yes,” he said quietly, “I hear you.” Was a rescuer hiding in the cell? But if so, why didn’t the Lost Souls do anything?

Maybe this girl’s voice is in my head.

I am real…I want to help you…

A short image flashed before Lance’s eyes. A poorish, frumpy Hawiian girl curled up in a small bathroom. Behind his subconscious, a strange longing tugged at him, like he’d seen her before.

Lance…stay with me…Lance…

The image disappeared. The female voice ceased. “No,” Lance murmured, “Come back.”

Suddenly, forgotten memories resurfaced. Sometimes, especially when he was a little kid, he’d often dreamt or communicated with a pretty girl. His parents dismissed her as being an imaginary friend, and she did usually seem so transparent and ghost-like. When he grew older, he decided he’d been dreaming. Gradually, the girl became no more than a shadow in the depths of his unconscious.

A strong hand grabbed Lance’s throat, snapping him out of his reverie.

“Bass, you try my patience,” the ringleader hissed, “One way or another, you WILL tell me where the gem is located!”


JC studied the shocked expression upon Johnny’s face. For awhile, Johnny looked stunned. Then, he spoke. “Do you mean to say Lance has been kidnapped by supernatural demons?”

“That sums it up,” JC admitted sadly, “I told you because that was part of the instructions. You CAN’T say a word to a single person. Not your parents, friends, associates, cat, dog, or wall. Got it?”

“But…” Johnny sputtered, “Police can help…save Lance…”

“Are you kidding? These aren’t ordinary criminals we’re discussing. They’re ghosts. Police can do nothing to protect us. Besides, the less people we drag into this horrible mess, the better.”

Johnny started pacing. “In that case, we should contact his kidnappers immediately.”

JC buried his face in his hands. “I don’t know how. Oh gosh, he’s in danger…and I-I can’t save him when he needs me the most…what kind of a friend am I?”

Johnny gave him a reassuring hug. “Jace, I don’t buy all the demon mumbo jumbo, but I do believe you when you say we are all in grave danger. Don’t worry. If you conquered Whispers before, you can do it again.”

The last statement didn’t calm the butterflies fluttering in Johnny’s stomach.

Both men held their breath as the telephone suddenly rang…


“Did JC give any more details?”

“How sick is Lance?”

“Why can’t we visit or at least call?”

Chris sighed, exhausted from being peppered with questions. “That’s all I know. Not enough details? Sue me! I’m just as worried as you are.”

Justin frowned. “Something’s not right. Lance mysteriously falls ill and has to be quarantined? Uh-uh. There’s more.”

“Pal, you’ve let Whispers go to your head,” Joey admonished, “So we can’t see Lance today. There’s always tomorrow.” Hmm, this one may be smarter than I thought.

“If Master JC permits,” Justin grumbled.

Chris rubbed his temples. “Guys, whining won’t get us anywhere. We’ve got to perform in less than an hour.”


Justin listened to Chris thank the fans and explain Lance’s disappearance. As he gazed out into the horde of screaming fans, waving posters, glow sticks, and faces of all ages (mainly women), Justin trembled uncomfortably. A feeling in the air wasn’t right. Desperately he searched the thousands of people for demonic signs.

Yeesh, I’m losing it.

He studied his buddies’ faces. Chris continued talking to the fans. Joey smirked. Why’s Joey acting so pleased with himself?

Body language and worried expressions ruined JC’s façade. He knows what’s up with Lance. I’ve gotta corner him in the dressing room after the show.

The band prepared to play “Pop”. Justin couldn’t shake the impending sense of danger. Distantly, a soft growling and low howl moaned behind the stage. Shifting shadows moved through the crowd.


Justin gasped and jerked his head to the right. Lost Souls! They were in the stadium!

Oh no! what if they attack us? What if they hurt the fans?

The music started. Justin began singing.

“Dirty pop…”

Three weird shadows swiveled through the crowd.

“Sick and tired of hearing all these people talk about…”


“What’s the deal with this pop life and when’s it gonna fade out…”

Justin…need…want…life…revenge…the Master…

His breathing rapidly increased. Singing grew difficult. He found himself unable to remember the dance moves. “I think you got to realize what we’re doing’s not a trend, we’ve got the gift of melody and we’re gonna bring it to the end!”

JC took over. Justin’s mouth was drier than sawdust. His knees quaked. The microphone slipped from his clammy fingers. His body paralyzed, separating him from the rest of the dancers. Small gasps chorused throughout the stadium, yet Justin paid no attention. The Lost Souls were closer.

The audience blurred. Despite the loudness of the stage, the sounds only produced faint echoes to Justin’s ears. Slowly, everything grew black, and the stage zoomed in to meet his face…


“J, wake up. Wake up man.” Chris removed the damp cloth on Justin’s forehead. Justin stirred, fluttering his eyelids. “W-where am I?”

“Laying on a couch in your dressing room,” Chris answered. “You totally blacked out. Joey and JC are signing autographs to help preoccupy the fans while they receive refunds. This whole concert’s been a disaster, huh? They’re talking of rescheduling.”

Suddenly the lights flickered. Pitch darkness settled into the room. Justin seized Chris’s wrists. “It’s the Lost Souls,” he babbled deliriously, “They’ve come for me, they’ve returned, they’re gonna hurt me the way they’ve hurt Lance!”

“Stop!” Chris demanded, “Lance isn’t hurt. He’s sick. No monsters are going to harm us. They’re dead for Pete’s sake!” Justin clutched his wrist tightly.

The door creaked. Justin and Chris held on to each other, waiting.


“Something’s there,” Chris croaked.


The wardrobe door to their left flew open. Justin and Chris let out blood-curdling screams.

