
A white room smelling faintly of disinfectant appeared in the hazy mist. JC’s eyelids were heavy. His chest felt as if an anvil had been placed on it.

Where am I?

BEEP. BEEP. The heart monitor pounded in JC’s ears. He winced, surprised at his ultra sensitivity to light and sound. Two men whispered gravely near the door. One wore a lab coat, complete with thinning black hair and stress lines on his face. The other, JC recognized to be Johnny.

“I’m telling you, I saw his eyelids flutter,” Johnny said excitedly, his gaze switching from the patient to the doctor. Dominic Blige, head of the ICU, didn’t bother to hide his disbelief. “This is an incredible recovery. I can’t imagine…first he’s wheeled in here because of smoke inhalation, which, I’ll add, doesn’t put people in a coma. And now, less than two hours later, we’ve received a response.”

Johnny frowned. So JC babbled about demons being tied to Lance’s kidnapping. But nothing so bizarre could be short of insanity. What the heck is going on?

Johnny waited for the doctor to leave, then immediately rushed to JC’s bedside. “Jace, can you hear me?” He prodded gently. To his surprise, JC propped himself up on his elbows. “I feel great.”

“Don’t you realize…”

“Yes, and I can explain.”

“Please do.”

“When I went to the cemetery I was ambushed by two Lost Souls. They locked me in a tomb and set it on fire. When that didn’t work, they sent my soul to the Asmodeous Dimension, placing my body in a coma.”


“I met Justin there. Together we figured out how to survive. Now here I am.” JC’s eyes widened. “I’ve gotta get out of this hospital!”

“Not so fast buddy. Doc Blige is having an even harder time taking this in than I am.”

Johnny’s cell phone rang. The two men stared at each other. JC nodded his approval, so Johnny answered the call. “Hello?”

“I must speak to JC Chasez. It’s an emergency.”

“I’m sorry, he’s…”

JC grabbed the phone. “What do you want?”

“First of all don’t hang up. It concerns Lance’s safety.”

JC listened to Gabriel recite his story and the rules of the game. Much to everyone’s amazement, JC found himself agreeing.

“So how do you expect me to run to the library and wait by the microfilm?”

“I have plenty of problems to deal with. I managed to convince Justin to obey my instructions, so that’s okay, but Lance’s life is at stake!”

“Justin’s locked in the closet too?”


“Can I talk to him?”

“No time.” JC thought he heard Justin protesting in the background. Before he could say anything else, Gabriel hung up. Johnny stared at him cryptically. “Since you don’t listen to me anyway, what’s the game plan?”

JC raised his eyebrows. “Aren’t you curious about my conversation?”

“Why bother asking? I’d still be unjustly ignored.”

“True. Help unhook me from these wires. We’re busting out.”

A strikingly beautiful brunette wearing a nurse’s uniform strolled into the room, shutting the door. She’d also rolled in a stretcher. JC and Johnny froze. Uh-oh. Did she hear us? The nurse moved to JC’s IV. “I’m Alicia. Relax. I’m helping escape with limited trouble.”men looked at her stupidly. Alicia laughed. “I’m teamed with Gabriel. Hurry. Doc Blige is sitting at a brief board meeting. We have maybe thirty minutes before he gets suspicious.” Fifteen minutes later Alicia had successfully freed JC from his confinements. JC hopped off the bed. “Where are my clothes?”

“Get moving,” Johnny ordered, shoving clothes in JC’s hands and pushing him into the bathroom. Johnny watched Alicia unfold a sheet on top of the stretcher. “What on earth are you doing?”

“You’ll see.”

JC emerged from the bathroom. Johnny grinned. “Your shirt’s on backwards.”


Alicia glanced worriedly at the door, and then issued orders. “JC, lie on the stretcher.” JC obeyed, making himself comfortable as Alicia covered the sheet over him.

“Ever been laid out in a morgue?”

“Not recently.”

“It ain’t gonna happen today either. But nobody except us knows that.”

Alicia disappeared outside, returning with another stretcher. “Hop on Johnny.”

Pretty soon Alicia had two ‘corpses’ on her hands. If only dead people weren’t so lively.

“Johnny stop fidgeting.”

Muffled giggles.

“Shut up JC.”

An arm popped out, flapping the sheet.


“Well it’s stuffy!”

“I’m fixing to cram cotton balls in both your mouths if you don’t quit whining!”

Alicia lined the stretchers in row and opened the door. “Now stay perfectly still. Don’t twitch, don’t snort, and don’t yak. Got it?” The ‘dead men’ flashed OK signals.

Carefully wheeling each stretcher out into the hallway, Alicia surveyed the scene. For the most part, few people lingered. At the end of the floor stood a bank of elevators. Alicia pushed the main floor button. A man assisted her in cramming the stretchers inside. “What a shame,” he shook his head, “I wish my sympathies to their families.” Alicia grumbled under her breath. She’d hopped the elevator would be empty.

Doors shut and the elevator rumbled. The man frowned. “What’s with the Nike shoes?” Alicia quickly pulled the sheet back over Johnny’s exposed foot.

To her dismay, JC sneezed. The man paled. “Uh…uh…uh…” Alicia replied calmly, “Embalming fluid. Makes ‘em jump.”


Meanwhile, Doc Blige ran toward the elevator bank. JC and Johnny were gone. He pushed the main floor button.


After dodging the near catastrophe, Alicia left her bewildered friend to scratch his head while she maneuvered the stretchers through the waiting room. Ignoring peculiar stares from co-workers and patients, Alicia parked the stretchers in front of the sliding doors.


While riding downward, Doc Blige activated his cell phone, connecting to the head of security. “Tom,” he barked, “Tighten things up. Make sure nobody leaves this hospital!”


“Now now now!” Alicia said fiercely. JC and Johnny rolled off the stretchers, scrambling to their feet. Several people screamed. “Look mommy!” A little boy shouted gleefully, “I told you zombies were real! Can I get an autograph?”


Doc Blige rushed into the waiting room, straight into the middle of the commotion. He saw Alicia, a newly hired nurse, and the other two standing by the sliding doors.


Not only was the doctor looking angry, but also JC noticed a growing amount of security personnel emerging on the main floor. The three bolted out the area and into the New Orleans’s sunshine. They paused. “Where’s our getaway car?” JC wondered aloud. Johnny slapped his forehead. “The parking garage.”

They whipped around the left corner, running until the dark entrance of the garage came into view. “What floor?” Alicia demanded. “This one.” Their voices and footsteps pounded on the concrete. JC shivered. A funny feeling was in the air. He could sense it. Trying to squelch his paranoia, JC focused on the filtering cracks of sunlight creating shadows on the cars.

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

Alicia and Johnny’s speed reduced to a slow jog. JC’s eyes darted all over the garage.

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

The noise was noticeably closer. JC saw a hunched figure duck behind a Toyota.

Scratch. Scratch. Scrape…………

The sound bounced from the left. JC halted. “Are we alone?” Alicia tugged at his arm. “RUN!”

A low growl murmured nearby. Johnny paled. “What is that?” CLANK. Something behind a Lexus crashed. Hurried footsteps. Another growl echoed, more threatening than the first.

Johnny drove a black SUV. They spotted his car while turning right. The parking garage’s temperature dropped. Alicia slipped on the concrete. What followed happened so quickly that neither Johnny nor JC was able to react.

A loud snarl. Alicia’s shriek. Ear piercing howls.

It took five seconds. When the men spun around, Alicia was gone.

Silence. “Alicia?” Johnny squeaked. JC could feel fear pounding inside his chest. Temples throbbing and blood rushing to his ears, he ran around to the driver’s side of the SUV. JC climbed in and shut the door. Through the passenger window he saw Johnny reach for the handle. Suddenly Johnny yanked to the ground. Screaming. Growling. Five seconds later, silence.

JC’s sweaty palms gripped the steering wheel. He grit his teeth, closed his eyes, and counted to three. Alicia and Johnny had disappeared. He was alone. Or was he…

Suddenly JC became aware of heavy breathing in the backseat. Hot breath going down his neck sent chills through his spine. More terrified than before, JC twisted his head.


Relieved, he shifted position.

A Lost Soul sat in the passenger’s seat, grinning wickedly at him.


Doc Blige ran past the SUV in the parking garage and to the car next to it. Alicia stood sneering, her hand over Johnny’s mouth. Emerald, a shadow man, and two lost souls stood beside her.

Emerald grinned at Doc Blige. “Smooth moves. If it hadn’t been for my thoroughness, JC may already be at the library assisting Gabriel.”

Doc Blige wiped his sweaty brow, chuckling nervously. “I hadn’t meant for them to get this far…”

“Nevertheless,” Emerald interrupted, “I was lingering by JC’s room, listening to their conversation. When Johnny and him were ready to bust, I sent a shadow man to kill the nurse you called Alicia and take her form. It played out perfectly, because I also had a back up plan. If I could corner them in a remote place like the garage, then it would be easy to finish them off discretely.”

Doc Blige glared. “Hey, you hired me remember? I was seized in my office and you gave me these instructions.”

“Why weren’t they carried out?”

“So I messed up…”

“I despise people who can’t follow instructions,” Emerald hissed, “But even if you had done a decent job, your fate remains the same.”

Doc Blige’s eyes widened. “But…you promised you’d let me live if…”

“Since when do I keep my promises?” In one swift motion, Emerald sent the shadow man to steal Doc Blige’s life force. Once he was killed, they moved around to the SUV.

With his arm twisted behind his back, JC tumbled out of the car, being forced by a Lost Soul. Emerald ran her fingers along his cheek. “Guess what? You’re going to take us on a tour around New Orleans, straight to the library.”


Justin wiggled nervously. Gabriel rubbed the cell phone with his thumb. “Well, JC should be at the library in a few minutes.” The expression on his face must have been troubled, because Justin questioned it. “What’s wrong? Is it Lance?”

“Yes. Wick’s moments away from receiving the ultimate revenge.” Justin sucked in his breath. “Well do something! Save him!”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

Gabriel made eye contact with him for the first time. “Are you prepared for the truth about yourself?”

“I don’t know if I can handle the truth right now,” he said miserably.

Gabriel squeezed his hand. “Will you listen and do exactly as I say?”

“Why should I?”

“Because it will save Lance’s life!”

Justin returned eye contact. “Okay.”

“Close your eyes. Clear your mind. Focus on the elevator. I’ll help you. Do you see Lance?”

Justin raised his eyebrows, but obeyed. In Justin’s mind, he concentrated and concentrated until his temples hurt. In the beginning, there was nothing but blackness. Then the black became brownish-maroon. The colors pulsated, like rippling water. Heat vibrated behind Justin’s eyelids. What’s happening to me?

Suddenly a fuzzy picture appeared in his mind. One of Lance, screaming and fighting against a caving elevator.

“Now,” Gabriel whispered, “Think about Wick. Repeat his name over and over again.”

Wick. Wick. Wick. Wick. Wick. Wick. WICK!

A pale man with rugged features flashed before his mind. Evil waves churned nauseously in Justin’s stomach. He wanted to stop the vision, but Gabriel squeezed his shoulder.

“Now, imagine bursting flames on his body. Do it.”

Sweat trickled down Justin’s face. His fingers twitched. Fire exploded inside his mind. Wick’s face zoomed towards him, screaming…

Justin’s eyes flew open, terrified. Wick’s screams filled the building. Gusts of wind blew through the closet. Soon it ceased. “What did I do?” Justin asked shakily.

Gabriel answered, “You didn’t really burst Wick into flames, but you did stop him from destroying Lance. With the proper training, you won’t need me to help you accomplish the things you are capable of.”

Justin’s jaw dropped. “Huh?”

“Justin, you have powers. I can’t explain further, but if I taught you how to use your powers, it wouldn’t surprise me if you took out ten Lost Souls at once.”


“Justin, you’re special. Very special.”


Lance slowly noticed the sudden increase of oxygen inside the elevator. He gulped, opening his eyes. His throat was on fire, his bones sore. But the elevator was once again in tact. Why hadn’t he died? Wasn’t that Wick’s plan?

He couldn’t stop shaking. He jumped when the cell phone rang. Shaky fingers found it difficult to pull the antenna. “Gabriel?”

“It’s alright Lance. Justin saved you.”


“I can’t explain now. Just continue to play along with the rules of the game. I’ll call again when JC’s reached the library. Goodbye.”

The doors slid open. Lance stumbled out onto the third floor of the dingy building. He started to turn right, but hesitated when he heard a small groan. Coming from the room across from him. Room #63.

Lance slowly turned the doorknob, entering the dark room. Two beds, a dresser, and a desk silhouetted against the yellowed blinds.

Three bodies. One on each bed. The other slumped in a stuffed chair. Lance flicked the light switch. Chris sat up, blinking. A Hawaiian girl, one Lance recognized to be the same person he mentally communicated with, let out a small whimper. An old man with frosty white hair raised his head, removing his glasses.

“How on earth…did we…where’s the plane?”

Chris snapped into full alert upon recognizing Lance. “LANCE!”


They embraced in a fierce hug, reluctantly letting go. Neither one could express their happiness to see each other alive, but there was no time for celebrating.

The Hawaiian girl shyly approached Lance. “My name is Ramona.” Ramona, even though she’d wished for years that she’d meet the blond boy only she could see, was now overcome by an intense shyness.

Lance stared at her, feeling as if he’d known her for years. He hugged her too. “Ramona. We’ve met before, haven’t we?”

“To an extent.”

Andrew cleared his throat. “I’m glad we are all acquainted. My name is Andrew. I am a time traveler. Four minutes ago Chris, Ramona, and myself were down spiraling on a crashing plane. Death was inevitable. Then suddenly, we fall asleep, only to awaken here.”

Lance was at a loss for words. “I don’t know what to tell you because I don’t understand.”

“There’s a great deal no one understands.”

Chris and Lance hugged again. “What should we do?” Lance did his best to briefly describe his situation. “JC will help us. I think Justin’s with Gabriel.”

Ramona frowned. “How can we trust a Lost Soul? They are liars.”

Chris sighed dejectedly. “There’s no way to honestly trust anyone. We’re fighting blind. Gabriel is our only semblance of a flashlight. Whether we like it or not, we have to trust him.”

Suddenly Wick’s laughter pulsated through the walls. “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! You fools!”

The ceiling shook so violently that Ramona, Chris, Andrew, and Lance rushed out into the hall, straight into the clutches of Wick, Feather, and Gandor.


The SUV parked adjacent to the library’s steps. Alicia held Johnny hostage in the backseat. The accompanying Lost Souls and shadow man also stayed in the car.

Emerald marched JC up the steps and past the stone lions. “Try to run and I’ll kill you on sight,” she said, “There’s no escaping past me. Where did Gabriel tell you to go?”

“By the microfilm,” JC muttered through clenched teeth as they entered through the marble doors.


Ramona’s insides quivered, her legs reduced to Jell-O. The telepathic vibes being sent by the demons made her skin crawl. Gandor’s were different. Though repulsive, his waves were mixed with peaceful ones, so Ramona was somewhat curious. It was impossible to combine good and evil forces into the same being, so there was definitely more to Gandor than met the eye.

Upon closing her eyes, she could faintly see a young man, sleeping. Obviously it was a tortured rest. Joey…Joey…Joey…Ramona’s eyes popped open.

Chris looked tense. Andrew seemed unusually composed, but on second thought, he always was. Lance seemed nervous, but attempted to be brave.

One thing the four people shared, whether secretly or outwardly, was they were paralyzed by fear.

Wick snickered. “Scared? For the time being there’s no reason to be. We haven’t come to kill you or steal your souls.”

“What he means is,” Feather continued, “Gandor has something very important to tell Lance.”

Lance stiffened when Gandor touched his arm. “I’m afraid there is much to reveal. I’m only trying to even the balance of power in this game. Let us go back into the bedroom. We shall talk in there.”

At that precise moment Lance’s phone rang. Everyone froze. Wick laughed. “Don’t stand there like a scared goat. Answer it!”

Lance did. “Gabriel?” Feather snatched the phone out of his hand. “Gabriel, Justin, how good of you to join us. Please unlock yourselves from the dank imprisonment of that closet and come up. There’s much to discuss.”

The entire group meandered into the hotel room. Lance and Chris took deep breaths, sitting beside each other on the couch. Ramona sat on the floor next to the couch, staying close to Lance. She almost felt as if he were her security blanket, her strength to replace the terror. Ramona had always felt as if he was the stronger one. His aura was different, more bright and vibrant. She was safe.

Andrew plopped down in the armchair. Gandor sat on the bed across from Lance. Chris shook his head, disbelieving. On the outside, Gandor looked just like Joey. It was so easy to forget. Man, how was it possible to be afraid of your own brother? Feather and Wick sat on the other bed, watching. Five minutes later Gabriel and Justin walked cautiously through the door. The other Lost Souls shot Gabriel angry glances, but gestured for him to sit on the bed anyway.

Justin sat on the floor beside Chris. Isn’t this funny, he thought with bitter amusement, for once both sides are going to sit and carry on a civilized conversation. Who’s willing to bet me twenty bucks that they don’t spring an attack on us? We’re like sitting ducks. Justin, Chris, and Lance smiled wanly at each other, then paid attention to Gandor.

Gandor folded his hands. “I may as well inform you now, although you are destined to find out sooner or later. This is important, Lance. It will change your life.” Lance chewed his bottom lip.

Gandor stood and started into a series of pacing. “I know you won’t believe me, but I have been watching you since the day you were born.” Everyone looked at Lance. He raised his eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

“Lance, you are very special.” Justin squirmed uncomfortably. Gandor faced him. “No, even greater than you. Lance has a purpose in life beyond what a mere mortal can imagine.” Lance’s stomach flipped. What is he trying to say?

Gandor began his tale:

“About 300 yrs ago Kujaur, the Master, and myself invaded Whispers. Because we are evil, we are not of God’s Hand. In the beginning, as also today, God despised us. An angel came to meet me. I thought we were going to die. Instead, the angel vowed that in 1986, God would send an angel to destroy our legion. Naturally, this frightened Kujaur and the Master. They decided the angel should be found and taken care of immediately.

The year 1979 rolled around.” Gandor’s face darkened. “I began roaming America, searching for this angel who would supposedly kill me. In May I reached a town called Laurel in Mississippi. I believe it was about 1:20 pm on the 4th. I waited outside the nursery, looking in at the many twisted red faces squawling and drooling. But there was one child who fascinated me, one who was peaceful.”

Gandor leaned in close, increasing Lance’s nervousness. “It was a boy. Golden blond hair. The most beautiful green eyes I’d ever seen. The tag read James Bass.”

Justin’s breath caught in his throat, eyes widening. Chris was subconsciously scooting further and further away from Lance.

“What…” Lance uttered, paler than a ghost.

Gandor continued:

“Although I clearly sensed you weren’t an angel, you worried me nonetheless. No child had ever worried me before. I was supposed to murder you, since yo proposed a threat, but then the nurse took you away and put you in your mother’s arms. The Master then appeared, informing I should not murder you but watch closely. No one could shake the feeling that you would not be an ordinary young man.”

Lance’s hands were numb with shock. He’s a liar! Part of his brain screamed. The other part wondered if he was going nuts.

But Gandor’s story traveled further:

“Seven years went by. The seventh year was 1986. It was a crisp day in September. (Lance remembered that September. It was one his family could never forget.)

Your father was driving you home from daycare,” Gandor chuckled, “A car swerved in front of your vehicle. Mr. Bass jerked to the right but lost control of the steering wheel. The car crashed into a large oak tree. Paramedics arrived on the scene shortly after.

Mr. Bass had a concussion, a broken arm, cuts, and bruises.” Gandor turned to the shocked audience. “Seven-year-old Lance was in a graver condition. Went into shock on the way to the hospital. When they put him onto the operating table, his heart went into cardiac arrest three times.

On the third time, they were unable to save him. Lance lay there, his poor little body clinically dead.”

Lance suddenly noticed he was breaking out in a cold sweat. Oh my gosh, what’s happening?

Gandor sneered. “I stood, invisible of course, observing the tragic scene. The doctors wiped blood from their hands and nurses shed a tear. I asked myself, ‘Have I wasted my time? Have I been on my toes for seven years against this boy only for him to die in a horrific car accident?’ It seemed so.

But then something miraculous happened. Truly miraculous! The room grew warm. A thin film of shimmering light covered Lance’s small body. It lingered there for a few seconds, then disintegrated. Lance’s heart started beating again. Even more amazing, his wounds were healed!”

Lance’s parents had never particularly liked recalling the story of his ‘miracle’ because it brought about so much painful memories. Lance new his heart had stopped beating, but hadn’t heard the story in such explicit detail. When Nsync made him famous, his family made a pact not to tell the press about the ‘miracle’.

“Instantly Lance, your aura changed. It was different. I knew then, that we had found God’s angel.”

Lance’s eyes were wide. “What are you talking about?”

“Lance, you died when you were seven-years-old. For fifteen years, you’ve been living on earth as an angel. It’s obvious God had selected you from birth. The name Lance means knight or warrior.”

“No!” Lance’s voice rose, “No way! I’m human! I make mistakes like everybody else! And I don’t know anything about heaven! I’m not special! All I’ve got is half of a stupid crystal! I can’t help you! I’m only human!”

“That’s what you think,” Gandor corrected, “I kept you under close watch for some time afterwards and noticed no change in your behavior. I was witnessing a typical, normal kid who disobeyed his parents and possessed a natural talent for creating mischief. Then it occurred to me: you didn’t realize you were an angel! I didn’t understand, but it was true. Somehow you’d forgotten.

I had a mind to destroy you before you recognized your calling and carried out God’s will, but Kujaur refused to grant my wish. ‘Let’s see what happens’, he said.

But now Kujaur is gone. Whispers was exorcised. The remnants of our legion, Wick, Feather, Emerald, myself, and a few of our warriors, escaped and crawled away for two weeks. Luckily I’d possessed Joey, so I could still keep tabs on you Lance. Yes, even after having an encounter with our legion you still hadn’t an inkling of your true destiny.”

Wick stood and walked over to the window. “There’s a small war going on out there. We were succeeding with Whispers. Then our home base was torn apart. There are few of us left, but we need a new home base. Soon, we will spread, infecting new towns and creating more destruction. Think of it as a slow version of the apocalypse.”

“Yes,” Feather chimed in, “As far as we know, there ain’t but one being besides the Lord that can stop us and its Lance. But until his memory returns…he’s useless.”

“So then why doesn’t God stop you?!” Ramona wailed, clearly terrified by the stunning revelation.

For once the mask of pride was replaced by fear. “We don’t know,” Gandor finally answered, “He works in mysterious ways. But never mind that. Lance is the angel sent to destroy us, and I can promise you this: I will murder Lance before he recovers his heavenly power!”

Feather seized Ramona’s wrist, yanking the ring off her finger. “There’s one half of the crystal.” Lance, too stunned to fight, remained still as Feather reached under his shirt and yanked the cross necklace off his neck. “Here’s the other half.”

The Lost Souls all rose and headed towards the door. “We intend to leave you alone,” Gandor said devilishly, “Because this might become interesting. Whispers is gone. In order to win our war and bring about the apocalypse we must find a new home base to infect.

There’s a little town nestled deep in Colorado. We’ve already established a quiet but deadly force there. It’s a town called Cat’s Eye. Cat’s Eye, Colorado. We’ll turn those citizens into a new army of Lost Souls and it’s also the place where we will revive the Master.

Meet us there for the final showdown.”

Suddenly they were gone.

Nobody could speak. The feeling of total, utter, unbelievable, numb shock, the kind few people ever experience, had settled a dark cloud over them.

Lance was the worst. A single thought rolled through his mind over and over again until it was nearly unbearable.

I died when I was seven. I’ve been dead for fifteen years. I’m an angel. The chosen one.

I’m an angel.

