
"Turn left up here." Justin pointed forward to the next stop light. Chris shook his head.

"Are you sure? I think we've been down this street. Let me see the map."

"I'm navigator, I know what I'm talking about. Besides, you can't drive and look at the map at the same time. Just let me do my job and you do yours." Justin leaned back in his seat in frustration. "Turn left."

"Take a chill pill," Joey commented. He popped his head into the front seats to look at the map. "If you were doing your job, we'd be there by now. Not that I have a problem with that. I didn't want to go to this stupid reunion in the first place."

"Yeah, how come we have to go?" JC asked. "Mom and Dad never made us go to the family reunions. They always went by themselves."

"Well, we didn't go last year. I felt guilty when they sent the invitation. I'm sure they're wondering how we are." Chris explained.

"As long as Grandma's there, I have no problem." Lance said.

Justin turned around. "You have a problem then, 'cause Grandma's not gonna be there."

"What? Grandma and Grandpa aren't coming?" JC persisted. "How come?"

"They couldn't afford to fly in from California." Chris answered.

"That sucks." Joey said. "You mean we'll know virtually no one there?"

"Joey, they're our family." Justin said.

"Yeah and do any of us have the same last name as them? I don't think so. Maybe we aren't family." Joey crossed his arms.

"The reunion is on Mom's side. We're not gonna have the same last name." Justin pointed out. He rolled his eyes and shook his head softly.

"Justin!" Justin jerked back around as Chris yelled his name. "Would you keep your eye on the road?"

"Why? I'm not driving, you are. And if you had been keeping your eye on the road, you wouldn't have seen me not keeping my eye on the road. Now what's the problem? Why'd you yell at me?" Justin asked, sighing as he did so.

"Well, I thought I'd point out that we are back where we started. I was right and you were wrong. I think I should be the navigator and you should drive. I think I have more sense of direction than you do." Chris said.

"I bet not. I bet you just turned right when I said to turn left because you didn't trust me. Now you're blaming me for your mistake." Chris looked at Justin doubtfully. "Don't give me that look. I saw you do it. I just wanted to see if you'd really place the blame of us getting lost on me."

"You know, we could really solve this by turning around and going straight home." Joey said. His two older brothers glared at him. "Just a suggestion."

"Chris, keep your eye on the road!" Justin nudged him to look ahead. "You almost ran the light. Maybe I should drive."

"You wanna drive? Fine, here." Chris pulled over and unbuckled his seatbelt. "You drive."

"You don't have to give me lip about it. You wanted to navigate anyway." Justin sighed and got out of the car, walking around to get in on the driver's side. Just as he was about to start the car, he heard Lance moan from the backseat.

"Yeah, he wants to go home. So do I, so can we please?" Joey persisted.

Chris ignored what Joey said. "Lance, what's wrong?"

"I wanna go home." Lance mumbled.

"What did I tell you?" Joey yelled, in a very obnoxious manner. "You act like I don't know my family. Well, at least my family that is in this car."

"Look, we're not going home. We are going to this reunion. End of discussion. Now everybody shut up so we can get there!" Chris shouted. He turned around in his seat and noticed the car wasn't moving. "Why'd you stop?"

"Because you moron, we're there." Justin said. He unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed out, everyone else following in suit. The five of them looked around at all the shelters of picnic tables and barbecues. "OK, so which one is our reunion?"

"You think I know?" Chris asked. "I haven't seen these people since I was twelve."

Joey came up beside his two older brothers with a bored expression on his face. "OK, now whose idea was it to come here? 'Cause I know it wasn't mine."

"Maybe it says on the invitation which shelter it is." Chris wondered.

"What do you think it says? 'We'll be between the see-saws and the jungle gym'? No, it doesn't say." Justin said.

"Did you even look?" Chris insisted. "Let me see the invitation."

"I don't have to look. I know exactly what it says." Justin said. "Even so, I don't have it with me."

"Can I go play?" Lance asked. He had been standing next to Justin and Chris waiting to speak since they had gotten there.

"No, you cannot go play." Chris shook his head. Although, he quickly reconsidered. If he didn't let Lance play around, he'd probably be moaning and groaning until they found where they were supposed to go. "All right, fine. You can go play. Just stay in this area. JC, you go with him."

Lance quickly ran off in the direction of the swings with JC following in no attempt to catch up.

"I don't really feel like hanging out with you guys." Joey said. "I think I'll go find some person to get me out of here."

"I'm sorry, Joey." Justin smiled while he spoke. "But you're staying here with us. We're gonna find out where our family is."

"OK, you know what? I don't get it. I can maybe understand not going home when we couldn't find the place, but now we can't even find our family. Let's just go home. There's no point." Joey held out his arms, signaling them to think about what he said. Justin and Chris didn't seem to care.

"Joey, we owe it to Mom and Dad to go and tell everyone what's been going on with us." Chris explained.

"Oh, please shut up. Please shut up now." Joey said, helplessly. "They know Mom and Dad are dead, what more is there to tell?"

"Joey!" Chris scolded him.

"Look, I'm not in the mood for you guys to get into an argument so unless it has to do with figuring how where we need to go, then keep your mouth shut." Justin butted in.

"You know what? I agree, let's split up." Chris took charge. "I'll go down this end of the park, Justin, you go down that end. Joey, stay here and look."

"What am I exactly looking for, oh smart one?" Joey asked. "A familiar face, perhaps? Well, I see absolutely no familiar faces."

"I don't know. Ask around, I guess. Try and figure out what people's last names are to see if you're in the right place." Chris suggested.

"That's gonna take all day! By the time we find them, they'll be getting ready to leave. Or worse, they'll be completely gone. I am not wasting my Saturday afternoon here." Joey complained.

"OK, now I don't trust you. Go with Justin to find them. You're liable to take off as soon as we're gone." Chris instructed.

"Fine," Joey grumbled. Justin began to walk in the direction he was designated to go, with Joey closely by his side. "This really isn't fair."

"Well, you know Joey," Justin started, "If you had just said nothing and let Chris and I go our separate ways, you probably could have left and come back and no one would have been the wiser."

"Oh really? How would I go anywhere? I have no car."

"Ever heard of walking? We're doing it right now."

"Walking is for losers." Joey declared.

"Well, then, I'm sorry to hear you say that, Loser." Joey pushed him in a brotherly way, knocking Justin off the sidewalk and into the grass. Justin came back and shoved him in the same way. "Come on, let's check those people over there."

"So, what are we suppose to say? I mean, it's pretty inevitable. Chris has sent us on a ridiculous task."

"You know, I hate to admit it, but I agree with you. This is stupid, we should just go home." Justin finally said.

"Are you serious? You've agreed with me this whole time and you didn't say anything? Maybe you could have talked Chris out of it. He listens to you."

"Nah, this could actually turn out to be a very fun day. Meet lots of new people. Have an experience that not many kids get to have." They approached a group of people. "Let me do most of the talking."

"Really? I was hoping you'd do all the talking." Justin nudged him in the ribs. The people they were now among had begun to laugh so Justin and Joey pretended to laugh too. "Hey guys, what's so funny?"

"Do we know you?" A man who looked to be about thirty addressed the two of them with furrowed eyebrows.

"What? C'mon, man. It's me, Justin. Your...cousin." Justin shrugged. The people looked at each other and walked away.

"Oh, that was real inconspicuous. I'm sure they're gonna tell everyone about cousin Justin." Joey joked. "You can be so stupid sometimes."

"Me? I'd like to see you try."

"Fine, then. I bet you that I find the family before you do." Joey challenged.

"Nah, I don't make bets with or about family." Justin waved his hand dismissively.

"You're just saying that."

"Maybe I am. I'll meet you back here in an hour. If neither of us has found them then no one wins." Joey nodded as Justin started off in a completely different direction. Joey raised his eyebrows and stuff his hands in his pockets.

"It feels so good to outsmart someone who is like ten times smarter." Joey turned around and slowly started to walk off the park's premises. When he was was nearing the parking lot, he stopped and leaned against a tree. His eyes squinted because of the sunlight, but soon because of pain. Joey winced as an acorn came flying down, hitting him on the shoulder. "Hey!"

Joey looked around to find the spectator who had thrown it at him. He, of course, was looking for a little kid. He had not expected who the real culprit was. "Who threw that?" he asked.

No one replied. Joey sighed and rubbed the sore spot gingerly. As soon as he removed his hand, another acorn came down, smacking him in the exact same spot. Joey turned and looked up into the tree. A mistake on his part. An acorn suddenly appeared in front of him nailing him on the forehead. Joey closed his eyes in annoyance. All he saw in the tree was a squirrel.

Joey bent over and picked up the numerous acorns laying on the ground, held them in a fist, and flung them at the devious squirrel.

"JC?" Lance called out. He swung himself over the monkey bars so that he was hanging upside down. "JC, where are you?"

"I'm right under you. Try using your eyes next time." JC rolled his eyes and leaned against a pole that was meant for sliding down.

"Why won't you play with me? You played with me last time we came to the park."

"Last time we came to the park, I was eight years old. I think I've grown just a tad since then. I'm not a baby. I don't play."

"Well, aren't you Mr. Grown-up?" Lance mocked, before pulling himself back up.

"I always have been mature for my age." JC said, with a grin on his face.

"Who says?" Lance challenged.

JC's smile quickly dissipated. "Mom."

"Oh." Lance bit his lip in silence. He stared at JC and then smiled brightly. "Hey JC, you wanna see me do a trick?"

"What kind of trick?" JC asked, seeming not very interested.

"I, Lance, the strongest kid on the playground, am going to stand up on top of the monkey bars!" he shouted, already starting his trick. JC looked up from the ground in disbelief, but his eyes widened when he saw his brother mere inches from falling off.

"Lance, what are you doing? Get down!" JC yelled.

"What for? Are you jealous that you can't do it too? Who's the baby now, huh? Tell me, who?"

"Me, OK? I'm the baby, you're mature. Now get down, now!" JC looked around the area and was surprised to see literally ten mothers just watching and shaking their heads rather than helping him get his little brother down.

"Fine, I'll get down. You're no fun, you know that?" Lance bent his knees and grabbed onto the railing with both hands. As he was turning his body around to jump down, he slipped and went tumbling to the ground, landing directly on top of JC.

"Get off, get off, get off, get off." JC repeated, waving his free hand at Lance. Lance rolled off of JC and put a hand to his forehead in pain. "Are you OK?"

"I hurt. You hurt me." Lance whimpered.

"I hurt you? You've got to be kidding me." JC sat up and attempted to move Lance's hand away from his head, but Lance immediatley resisted. "You know, you're not making the pain any less by touching it." Lance frowned and let JC move his hand.

"I hate you." Lance muttered.

"Yes, whatever, I'm sure you do." JC instantly noticed drops of redness seeping through the opening in his skin. "Oh, this is just wonderful. You're bleeding."

"Am not."

"Yes, you are! Come on, we have to clean it up so Chris won't see it." JC painfully stood up and grasped Lance's hand to pull him up as well. JC pushed his way into the boy's bathroom, tugging on Lance very forcefully.

"You're hurting me." Lance whined.

"Well, how do you think I feel? You dropped down on top of me! I was the one underneath!" JC dropped Lance's hand and grabbed a paper towel, wetting it under the faucet. "Don't move."

JC applied the paper towel to Lance's cut, recieving a flinch in return. He gritted his teeth in an effort not to scream. The last thing he needed at that point was a crying seven year old. He sighed and placed his other hand on Lance's back.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. It's OK, just relax." JC dabbed at the blood for a few moments before he was sure the bleeding had stopped for a while. "Justin'll have to do a better job when we get home. That's the best I can do."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad." JC shrugged and pulled Lance into his arms for a hug. JC turned his neck and placed his cheek on top of Lance's head. He winced audibly and quickly lifted it back up. "What's wrong?"

JC looked in the mirror, noticing the bluish color that had begun to form around his eye and cheekbone. "You must've kicked me," he said.

"I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's OK. I just bruise easily." JC threw the paper towel away and took Lance's hand in his once again. "Come on, let's just walk around. No more playing."

"Am I going to get in trouble for standing on the monkey bars?"

"Well, technically, we'll both get in trouble. So we could just make up a lie about it, but it's probably better to just tell him the truth." JC reasoned.

"Probably." Lance smiled suddenly. "Did you really say that you were the baby and I was mature?"

"I said it, but I didn't really mean it." JC admitted.

"You didn't?"

"No. You see, it's kind of like when a person is standing on top of building ready to jump. People say they love him so he won't kill himself. But they don't really mean it."

"Does that mean you don't love me?" Lance asked, innocently.

"Course not. That was just an example. I'll always love you."

"Awww." Lance blushed and leaned his head on JC's shoulder.

"Yeah, shut up."

Justin stuffed his hands into his pockets and wandered into one of the shelters where a large group of people were having lunch. He looked at the food on their plates and licked his lips. He hadn't eaten all day. As if his mind was being read, an unfamiliar voice came into his ears.

"What can I get for you?" Justin turned to see a man in an apron standing in front of a barbecue.

"Me? You're talking to me?" Justin pointed to himself in disbelief.

"Well, yeah." The man laughed at Justin's reaction. "Do you want a hamburger, hot dog....we got steak too."

"I guess a hot dog would be nice."

"All right, then." The man used his tongs to pick up a hot dog and placed it in a bun. He handed the plate to Justin. "There you go. Ketchup or mustard? Relish?"

"No, I like my hot dogs just plain. Nothing on them." Justin replied, taking a bite.

"Really? That's interesting. Most people I know just pile stuff on to their hot dogs." The man turned back to the his grill. "By the way, my name's Evan."

"Justin." he introduced himself, shaking the man's extended hand.

"So, how long have you been attending the church? I haven't seen you there." Evan inquired. Justin nearly choked. He chewed carefully and swallowed, staring at the man in front of him.

"Oh, well, I uh...I've only been one time. It was a few weeks ago, you probably wouldn't remember seeing me."

"Huh. How did you hear about the picnic? We decided it at last minute. We didn't think anyone would come, but check out the people that showed up. Someone must have announced it."

"I heard it from...Ted." Justin lied. He took a big bite of the hot dog so if Evan asked another question, he'd have time to think of a lie.

"Ted Bishop? I didn't know Ted Bishop knew any young kids. Usually keeps to himself. Ever since his wife died, he's been kind of distant. Comes into church every week and just sits in the back row. Listens to the serman very intently, and then leaves five minutes early so no one can ask him any questions. Always shows up five minutes late too." Evan explained.

"That's Ted for you. I don't suppose he's here then, is he?"

"Oh, I doubt it." Evan raised his hand and waved someone over. "Hey Melissa! Come here!" he yelled. He lowered his voice as he began speaking to Justin again. "I want you to meet my wife. She's a wonderful person. Sunday school director. You interested in attending?"

"Well, I don't know..." Justin trailed off as the woman came up beside Evan.

"Sweetie, I'd like you to meet Justin. He came to church a few weeks ago. Friend of Ted Bishop's." Evan said. "This is my wife, Melissa."

"It's nice to meet you, Justin." Melissa spoke. "How is Ted, anyway? Doing better?"

"He's still kind of depressed. I mean, losing your wife is hard." Justin said.

"Yes, well, we're all praying for him. So, how old are you Justin?" Melissa asked.

"I'm eighteen."

"Oh, are you in college?" Evan said.

"Well, I'm still a senior in high school, but I plan to go to college in the fall." Justin said.

"You see this, Evan? I think this young man needs to talk to Cody. I bet he could talk some sense into him." Melissa put a hand on Justin's shoulder. "Our son is so stubborn. He could care less about school and has no intentions of going to college."

"He sounds like my brother." Justin commented. "Joey's sixteen, though. I'm sure he'll change his mind and want to go to college. I'm just afraid he won't have the right academic scores to get into college."

"So where are you going?" Evan asked.

"Here in town. That way I can stay with my brothers. I mean, that house would just fall apart without me there."

"Well, you should never settle, Justin. Never settle for less than you're worth. If you're smart enough to get into Harvard, I say go for it." Melissa advised.

"Harvard? No way, Ma'am. Harvard is way out of my league. I think I'll get a good education here."

"What are you majoring in?" Melissa said.

Justin shrugged. "I still don't know. I enroll for classes in a couple months. I've talked to my counselor several times at school, and we still haven't decided what would be best for me."

"Well, you know that you'll probably change your major. So what you decide may not necessarily be your career track. Remember that." Evan said.

"Oh, well I understand all that. I just want to make sure I make the right decisions." Justin said.

Melissa slapped her hands together. "I swear, Evan. We need to bring Cody to these church picnics. He needs to meet people like Justin."

"So, are you going to be at church tomorrow? You should bring your family. I can tell that your brother and Cody should get along." Evan suggested.

"I dunno, my family isn't really into church. It was kind of a big deal that I went." Justin said. He couldn't believe the words leaving his mouth. He had become so caught up in his lie that he was starting to think it actually happened.

"Why not?" Melissa inquired.

"Well, we used to go with our parents every Sunday. It's just, we don't really go anymore." Justin paused. "You see, my parents died a couple years ago."

Melissa exchanged glances with Evan in sorrow. "Oh honey, I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for, really. We miss them, but we're doing fine. My big brother, Chris; he's our guardian. He's still kind of confused about this whole parenting thing, but I'll think he'll get it one of these days."

"Well, I hope we'll you tomorrow, yes?" Melissa asked. Justin's face contorted into agony as he nodded silently. "Wonderful, we'll see you then."

"I...uh, I actually have to be going now. It was nice talking to you." Justin said. Melissa and Evan both bid goodbye to him. Justin then turned sharply and walked as fast and far away as possible.

"So, you see, Mallory is like a girlfriend to me. I care about her, I have fun with her, I know her really well, and I spend a lot of time with her. Well, except now because I told her I was coming here today, and I didn't want to make her come." Joey explained. He had climbed the tree and was now sitting next to the squirrel who had appeared to have thrown acorns at him. "But her dad doesn't want her in a serious relationship quite yet so I have to wait until we graduate highschool in two years before I can officially call her my girlfriend. We still haven't kissed though."

Joey leaned back against the large section of the tree trunk, moving the branches of leaves away from his face. He had resorted to talking to his antagonist, the squirrel, in desparation; he had nothing to do.

"So, you're a squirrel." he stated simply. "Do you do anything besides throwing acorns at unsuspecting people? Because it's really mean, you should stop."

The squirrel responded by scurrying higher up the tree.

"Oh yeah, go ahead and run away. See if I care!" Joey yelled after it. Joey smacked himself in the forehead. "OK, now you're going crazy. You idiot, you're talking to a squirrel! OK, but now you're talking to yourself. Stop talking." Joey's voice went silent and he smiled satisfied with himself. "There." he then grunted in anger at the fact that he had said yet another word to himself.

Extremely frustrated, Joey jumped down from the tree and ran off in search of his brothers.

"Hey Justin," Joey said as soon as he was in hearing range.

"Hey, you giving up early? We've only been on the search for twenty minutes. You know that means you lose the bet, right?" Justin assumed. He was actually wanting to give up himself after agreeing to attend a church he had never heard of before.

"Bet?" Joey thought for a moment before realization masked his confusion. "Right, the bet. Well, you got me, Justin. I give up. You win."

"Right, cool. So what do I win?" Justin persisted.

"Heck, I dunno. What's with you today? You high or something? You're acting all...I dunno, not you." Joey pointed out.

"I act like I'm thirty all the year round. Can I not act my age for like a day? Is that such a crime?" Justin put his hands on his hips, then quickly removing them.

"Woah, OK. Sorry, man. Didn't know I'd offend you."

"Well, OK. I'm gonna level with you, but you have to promise not to tell Chris."

"Oh, you know you can trust me." Joey said, obviously not meaning it. Justin raised his hand to smack him on the head. Joey intercepted, catching his wrist in his hand. "Just kidding."

"I was talking to these people and somehow they got the impression that I went to their church."

"How did they get that idea?"

"Well, it was a church picnic and I was there. Anyways, they started talking to me, and I said that I'd be in church tomorrow." Joey kept his head bent, listening carefully. "What should I do?"

"That's your problem? You don't go. You obviously don't want to. Just forget about it." Joey advised. Justin looked at him disbelievingly.

"Joey, do you have any consideration? Those people invited me and if I don't show up-"

"What? They're gonna send a search party after the guy who came to their church picnic? They're not idiots. They'll probably just assume that you went there for free food, which is partly true anyway. "

"But they told me they liked me and that I'd be a good influence on their son. If I don't show up, they're gonna think I'm a jerk."

"OK, Justin, let me ask you this. Are you ever gonna see these people again if you don't go?"

"Probably not, it is possible, though."

"All right, but most likely not. You did nothing wrong, so don't worry about it." Joey shook his head. "Geez, you've got some conscience. I'm glad Mom and Dad didn't raise me to be the goody-two-shoes."

"I lied." Justin ignored his last comment.

"You prove a point better than anyone I know, Justin."

"OK, you know what? Forget it."

"I said that two minutes ago. Did you listen? No." Joey said, dragging out the last syllable of his sentence.

"Speaking of which, didn't Chris tell JC and Lance to stay in this area? Where are they?" Justin inquired.

"OK, we weren't 'speaking of which' so why'd you say it?" Joey asked in interest. Justin ignored him.

"I mean, Chris is gonna be really upset with them if he finds they've gone off."

"Did you say it to sound smarter?" Joey said. He was still referring to Justin saying 'Speaking of which,' and they had both been thinking and talking on two different subjects.

"We should go look for them."

"I mean, I know what the phrase means, and it you clearly didn't use it right." Joey finally looked up at Justin's face and crossed his arms.

"OK, yes, I did use it right." Justin said, eventually catching on to Joey's teasing. "You mentioned me not listening and I was referring to JC and Lance not listening to Chris when they were told to stay put."

"Oh." Joey said, simply.

"Yes, 'oh'. Now, you know what we gotta do, right?"

"Um, no. I wasn't listening to what you were saying." Justin grunted and grabbed onto Joey's arm, pulling him along to look for JC and Lance.

"Can I get a popsicle?" Lance tugged on JC's sleeve. "Can I, can I?"

"I don't have any money. If I did, then sure." JC replied. Lance glanced between JC and ice cream truck that was stopped inside the park.

"I don't believe you, empty your pockets." Lance accused. JC was about to reply when their names were shouted in the distance.

"JC! Lance!" The boys turned to see Chris jogging over to them.

"I take it we're in trouble now." Lance said. JC no

"What are you guys doing all the way over here?" Chris asked them. Lance shrugged, but JC quickly replied in their defense.

"Looking for you." he said. Chris raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, you see we-"

"What happened to you guys?" Chris finally noticed their minor injuries, sweeping Lance's hair off his forehead to get a better look at the cut. Chris turned his stare to JC, waiting for an answer. "What happened to you guys?" he repeated.

"Oh, sorry, I thought that was a rhetorical question." JC joked. Chris glared. "Well, you see Lance is very clumsy."

"Uh huh, and what happened to your eye?"

"I think that speaks for itself. Lance's clumsiness resulted in me getting a black eye." JC explained.

"It's your fault! If you hadn't made me get down, I wouldn't have been clumsy!" Lance shouted, very pointedly.

"Aha, so now we're getting somewhere." Chris nodded in approval.

"Before I say anything, in my defense, I was being very responsible. He was the clumsy one." Chris motioned for JC to tell the story. "He was standing on top of the monkey bars. Idiot, isn't he?" Chris smacked JC on the arm which made Lance grin. "You know, that's child abuse. I could be taken away from you."

"Cry me a river, now Lance, what were you doing on top of the monkey bars?" Chris turned to Lance.

"I was just trying to cheer JC up. I thought if I did a trick then he'd be happy again." Lance's pity then turned to anger. "But then he yelled at me to get down so I tried to hurry and I fell."

"OK, you know what? I'm not even gonna ask for details because I'm a little frustrated right now. So we're just gonna go home. Lance, I will clean up your cut and JC, you can get some ice to keep the swelling down, fair?"

"Can Justin clean my cut?" Lance asked, pitifully.

"Fine, Justin will do it. Whatever." Chris rolled his eyes. "Everyone happy?"

"I thought we were gonna go to the reunion." JC said. "We going home before we even saw anybody?"

"Well, finding our family is impossible, JC. Unless Joey and Justin had some luck, I say we're outta here. Joey was right. This was probably a bad idea. Let's go back to the car and wait for them." Chris took Lance's hand and JC followed beside them.

"Hey Chris?" JC asked. "Is it a bad thing not to know our family very good? I mean, do you think they're mad that we didn't show up?"

"No, JC, I don't. They're our family and they understand these kinds of things." Chris answered.

"They understand the fact that we don't know what they look like?" JC wondered.

"Not in so many words. They understand that we've been through a lot and are probably more worried than anything. Besides if we would have gone, they would have just continued talking about that one subject. Would you like to be reminded of it over and over again?"

"No, not really. This was your idea in the first place, not mine." JC pointed out. They stopped in front of their car as more voices joined their conversation.

"Now, you see? This is why we don't split up. We split up and everyone goes around getting lost and all that crap. We could have been home hours ago." Joey whined. He and Justin had arrived a few minutes before, seeing the others walking towards the general direction of the car.

"Joey, please shut up. I've had a bad enough day as it is." Chris warned. He released his grip on Lance, allowing the smaller boy to get into the car.

"Hey, Chris, before we go, can I ask you something?" Justin leaned against the car as Joey and JC got into the backseat.

"Yeah, sure, shoot." Justin motioned him to step a few feet away from the car. "What's up, what's going on?"

"I was just wondering if you terribly mind it if I started going to church." Justin asked, timidly.

"Why would I mind?" Chris spread his arms out in question. "If you want to, you can. I think it's great that you want to do that."

"Really? Because I met these people today and I thought maybe I should check it out. Haven't been in so long."

"Yeah, but just one thing." Chris held up a finger to indicate the number one. He then curled it and gave him the signal to come closer. "Find out what religion they are. I don't want you being converted or nothing."

"Converted or anything." Justin corrected.

"Yes, and that is why you are the smart one in the family. You actually care how you talk." Justin lightly chuckled and Chris smiled. "You care about everything. I'm glad I have you for my brother."

"Thanks." Justin smiled back. "Oh, and by the way. Those people I was talking with got me thinking about what I want to do. You know, for a living."


"I'm going to talk to my counselor about it next time we meet. Hopefully he'll help me reach the final decision."

"Well, what is it?"

"No, I'm not going to tell you just yet. I want to talk it over with a professional first."

"What do call me?" Justin frowned. "Forget I said that. Please don't say you're gonna be a priest or something."

Justin stared at him with inquiring eyes. "Why? What's so wrong with that?"

"Are you seriously saying that you want to be a priest?" Chris's joke turned sour and his laughs ceased.

"I said nothing. You'll just have to wait and see."

"What if I guessed it?"

"I'm just going to say no to everything you guess." Justin said.

"Umm, oh! You like history. Are you going to be one of those guys who researches things for documentaries and stuff?"

"No, Chris. Just stop." Justin shook his head and started back to the car.

"Cooking! You always like cooking for us! You wanna study cooking and become a chef?"

"Chris!" Justin stopped, reaching into the pocket of Chris's jacket and retrieved the keys. "If you don't stop, I'm going to drive away without you."

"Fine." Chris walked around and got in the car. Once he was in and the door was shut, Justin started the car. Chris leaned his head back and then quickly turned it back to Justin. "You swear you don't want to be a priest?"

"Hey, man, priests don't swear." Justin said simply as he drove off, listening to Chris's accusations and objections.

next episode
