Rehearsal was terrible. Workers analyzed him like some sort of lunatic. Although Lance didn’t have any more episodes, Joey, Justin, Chris, and J.C. avoided him. Lance huffed. Why don’t they just make cross signs when I walk by? "Fine. You think I’m crazy, then fine. I’m getting out of here." "Lance-hold on! Come back," They shouted. Lance paid no attention to their pleas. During his exit he bumped into Sheryl. "Hi! How are your wrists?" "Don’t you mean, ‘Hi psycho! Why did you try to kill Wade and commit suicide’?" Sheryl hugged him. "Lance, I am very frightened by what’s going on, but I don’t think you’re insane." "Wish my so-called buds shared your opinion." "Lance, they are the people most worried about you. But man, telling Chris a Mind Stealer possessed your brain didn’t score you brownie points." "I guess." Sheryl escorted him to the lounge. "I’ll pop us some popcorn." Lance smiled sadly. Sheryl’s understanding was too good to be true.

Sheryl disappeared into the mini kitchen to rev up the microwave. He glimpsed briefly at the ring. He looked again, fright building up with massive intensity. The band was warm, and the stone glowed. Lance, the Voice cackled, Lance…Lance…Lance… Lance’s knees weakened. The room spun wildly. I’M BACK!! HA HA HA HA HA! "No," he whimpered, "Not again." Your mind belongs to me. I obtained absolute power. Go ahead. Try and get the remote. Lance timidly tried to lift his arm with all the will power he could muster. Nothing. "Anna," he cried tearfully, "Anna, help me." My baby sister cannot help you now! Lance choked on his fear. He couldn’t breathe. Panic kicked in. Now, when Sheryl marches in, I want you to strangle her! The Mind Stealer was angry. Lance felt like a helpless animal caged up. He saw himself in the black void. He was chained. He didn’t thrash or yell. Just sat still. Lance knew that he was doomed to the relentless evil of the unmerciless Mind Stealer.

Sheryl strolled in with a bowl of freshly popped popcorn. "Food’s ready. What’s on TV?" Lance glared at her. His glare scared her. "Lance," she shivered, "Why are you looking at me that way? What’d I do but cheer you up?" Was this why the guys avoided Lance? Lance growled inhumanly. "Time to die, Sheryl." Sheryl’s scream was cut off when Lance lunged at her, knocking her into the wall. His iron hands grasped her neck. Slowly, she felt consciousness slip away. His grip was so tight. "Lance, why?" She rasped. Anna burst into the room, followed by the rest of Nsync. They watched in silent horror. Anna placed her hand over Lance’s heart and muttered the counter charm. Lance let go, slumping into her arms. "Oh, what have I done?" He sobbed. Joey checked Sheryl’s pulse. "She’s breathing." Each of the guys hugged Lance and told him he would be okay. Lance was stunned. "I thought you thought I was crazy." J.C. pointed to Anna. "Right after you stomped out, Anna slipped past Todd and Lonnie. She explained." "It’s just not like you to be so violent and suicidal," Chris concluded, "And when she mentioned the ring, we were convinced." Abruptly, Lance fell down, moaning violently and having convulsions. Hysteria spread. Anna shook Lance’s shoulders. "Leave him alone, you beast!" Then she spoke to Lance. "Come on. Don’t you see yourself, imprisoned in your mind? Fight the Mind Stealer. Fight him. WILL HIM AWAY!" Cody ran into the room. "What the heck is all the commotion? Lance said come to the studio at 5:30, so here I am." Lance lay quietly. He sat up, breathing heavily. Anna waved. "Hey Cody. Lance is sick." Cody bit his lip. "Should I call the hospital?" A chorus of nos responded. Lance leaned on the bookshelves. Sheryl whimpered and twitched. "Anna, the Mind Stealer said you couldn’t help me," he uttered weakly. Anna smirked. "He shoved me down the basement stairs and locked the door. I always carry a spare key." A few people giggled nervously. Joey shook his head. "Gosh, I need a drink." "Me too." "Me three." "Me four." Lance kept trembling. "Guys, how can I fight the evil? I’ve lost every battle so far." Anna rubbed her hands together. "I have a couple ideas."

Nsync was scheduled to make a television appearance in downtown Los Angeles late in the evening. Lance stayed behind. Cody was tending to Sheryl in the adjoining room from the lounge. Anna recently returned from a quick trip to her house. They gathered around the coffee table. Anna opened a brown paper bag and pulled out an amethyst colored amulet. She slipped it around Lance’s neck. Lance frowned. "This is supposed to protect me?" "Off handedly. When my brother uncovered the cursed ring, I took this simple amulet I bought at a thrift shop for 15 cents, and placed the charm on it which contradicts the curse. Whenever the Mind Stealer fires at you, the amulet will form a force field around you. The effect is temporary and short, so use it wisely. Remember, it is the third day. After tonight, escape options are nullified." Lance squeezed the amulet. "So what’s the special key in getting my mind back? I’m no wizard, in case you haven’t noticed." "I never figured it out, but the spell book did leave a hint. It said: ‘call upon the great and almighty’." Frustration filled Lance. Why were situations so easy for the evil but tough for the good? The grandfather clock chimed 11:30 p.m. Lance quietly walked out of the hotel. He reread the instructions Anna had entrusted him with: Go to the beach. The Mind Stealer will be waiting. He desperately begged Anna to join him, but she said no. This fight is meant for you alone. Alone. He’d never felt so alone in his life. Even with the lights streaming from windows and street lamps, tourists mingling, and typical run-of-the-mill sounds, the world became empty. Lance caught a taxi. "The beach." While riding in the taxi, Lance’s head throbbed. Ugly visions flashed before his eyes. Terrors beyond imagination. The tortures of the Holocaust. Medieval executions. Abandoned abused children. Bile rose up in his stomach. Lance refused to break down. One mistake and he would be a prisoner to the Mind Stealer’s wrath for eternity.

The driver pulled over. "There you are, sir. Meeting someone?" Lance gulped. "I guess you could say that." The taxi sped off. Lance hopped over the guardrail on the side of the road and slid down a sandy hill. Waves crashed against the empty shore. No moon or stars decorated the sky that night. Sprinkles of sand blew in the gusty wind. The blackened, freezing water churned forbiddingly. Lance walked along the beach, nervousness sending bolts of fear through his veins. I can’t do this! I’m terrified! Lance inhaled and exhaled deeply for several minutes. No, I am able to beat the Mind Stealer. I can! "Really?" A familiar voice sneered. Lance whirled around. There he was. The Mind Stealer in the flesh. An evil smile curled at his thin lips. "I’ve been anticipating this moment for quite awhile. I am going to enjoy your suffering immensely."

