
July 31st A month later

Since the beginning of July I had been talking to Erica off and on. I never was really able see her even though I could. I do have eight months off and I don’t plan to spend all of my off time in my apartment.

Still I felt like something was wrong and also it seemed like she was trying to avoid me for some reason.

Something just wasn’t right and I wish I knew what it was.

Well whatever was happening I hope she would tell me what was going on before she left to return to San Francisco today. Her classes start back up on the 1st of August.

I made my way over to her apartment to say my goodbyes to her. When I got out of my car I noticed that her Jeep didn’t looked packed.

“She’d better hurry and get her stuff in the car she has a flight to catch.’’ I thought as I went into the building.

I took the elevator straight to her floor and went to her apartment door.

I knocked on it.

“I know she’s home. Come Erica I got something for ya.” I said to my self as I held her gift in my hands.

Erica raised her head from the couch and stopped her crying for a moment.

She whipped her eyes.

And got up to answer the door.

She looked through peephole to see JC.

She vastly turned away from the door.

“Oh my God Jacob is gonna kill me. What time is it?’’ She glared at the clock on the wall beside her.

It read 3:20.

“Jacob won’t be home for another five hours. I guess I could let him in. I mean as long as it’s not long. Jacob could call and find out something from the bell hop.” Erica replied softly.

She quickly opened the door.

Erica sniffed and put on a smile for JC.

“Hey college girl!” I smiled but it soon faded as I looked at Erica.

Her hair was in a messy bun and her eyes were red. She had bags under eyes and it looked like she had been crying.

“Ah hey JC do you …………um wanna come in? Erica asked trying to pretend to be her old self.

“Ah sure.’’ I looked at her and walked in.

I took a seat on the couch and starred at her heard. What was wrong with her? Had her and Jacob broke up? Was there a death in the family? Besides the fact that she had been crying the problem was written all over her face. She was hurt but from what? I didn’t know. But wanted to. I wanted her to feel better. I loved Erica when she was joyful and perky. It made me feel good inside. When Erica wasn’t that same type of person nothing was right and I just didn’t feel good.

Erica was my better half and I just had this strange connection with her. I always knew when something was wrong even if she wouldn’t show it. If she suffered so did I. I hated to see her cry I hated to see her hurt in any way. I wanted so badly to take her in my arms and hold her. I wanted to kiss the pain away, but if I did that, what would she say what would she do? I just wanted to comfort her and make her feel better. I wanted her to be honest with me and not be afraid to open up to me. I just hope she knew that I was there for her. I would always be her shoulder to lean on.

“So shouldn’t you be getting ready to go?’’ I asked.

“Go where?’’ Erica looked at me confused.

“Back to school silly.’’ I said.

“Oh well I’m not going back to San Francisco.’’ Erica said a little too easily.

“But why?’’ I asked as I put my gift down.

“Well I really…….um missed my family and uh I found a better school in Orlando. So I enrolled here and now I’m staying. I’m um sorry I should have told you sooner.” Erica lied.

“Erica don’t lie to me tell me what’s really going on. Didn’t you say that no college in Orlando or Florida could add up to your art school in San Francisco? Why are you going with second best? I mean it seemed like you had no problem leaving your folks for the last two years. Why do they want you to stay now?’’ I trailed on.

“Why won’t he just take my word for it and stop asking questions.” Erica thought.

She turned away from me and starred over at the coffee table.

“Erica what are you not telling me? This has nothing to do with your family does it? Jacob made you un-enroll didn’t he? He forced you to stay.” I looked at her angry.

She shook her head no.

I took her chin and turned her face toward me.

“He’s making you stay?’’ I asked knowing I was right.

This seemed so like that selfish bastard. He tells her she never thinks of him and their relationship? That’s the problem she thinks of him and this so called relationship too much. She was forgetting about her self.

“No it was my choice.’’ Erica continued to lie.

“Erica please don’t lie to be just be honest.” I looked at her.

Erica sighed and lightly pushed my hand away.

“Erica.’’ I replied and took her hand in mine and rubbed it slowly.

“I’m here for you okay. You can tell me any thing. I’ll listen. Just open up to me you can trust me. I love you remember?” I said truthfully.

Erica used her other hand to cover her face.

“Who does he think he is? He can’t seriously love me? No one can accept Jacob. It’s just not possible. Look at me I’m not worth the trouble. Can’t he see that?’’ Erica told herself.

“Please talk to me I’m really worried about.” I pressed on.

“JC stop lying to me you don’t care a thing about you should just go.” Erica looked back at me as tears glossed over her eyes.

“Erica how can you say that. You’re the world to me.’’ I told her and pulled Erica toward me.

I whipped her tears away with my thumbs and lightly kissed her forehead.

“Now tell what’s wrong maybe I can help you make it better.” I explained.

“Everything’s fine Jacob I just decided that it would be better for me to be close to home. That’s it. Besides that I’m just upset because I’m going to miss some of my friends in San Francisco.’’ Erica stated.

“I want to believe her but I know she’s keeping something from me. Dammit what the hell is going on? She can’t fool me. I’m not an idiot I know Jacob ass made her stay. Who does he think he is?’’ I asked myself.

“Are you sure that’s the only thing that’s bothering you?’’ I questioned.

“Yeah.’’ She gave me a small smile.

“I can’t force her to tell me anything but maybe I should have a little talk with Jacob?” I thought.

“Ok well here’s my problem I brought you this gift.’’ I picked the box back up and set it on my lap.

“Ah JC why does it have holes in it?’’ Erica asked.

“You’ll see. But I bought you this as a going away present since you told that you didn’t have a roommate in your dorm room. But since your not going to San Francisco I guess I could still give it to you.’’ I smiled as I untied the red ribbon around the box.

“Maybe it will cheer you up a little.’’ I opened the box and pulled out my gift.

“Awww JC it’s a- “It’s a Cocker Spaniel puppy and it’s yours.’’ I interrupted her.

“Here.” I handed it to her.

“Oh my gosh it’s so soft. So that’s why he wasn’t making any nose he’s been sleeping.’’ Erica smiled.

“JC thank you so much. Is it a girl or a boy?’’ she asked.

“It’s a boy.” I smiled.

“Well at least she’s smiling.’’ I thought.

The puppy had a light golden brown tan to it and it had huge brown eyes.

“Oh JC he’s so cute thank you so so much.’’ Erica replied and she started to pet it.

“He doesn’t have a name so when you think of one we can take him back up to the pet shop and get him a collar made.’’ I stated.

“Look he’s waking up.’’ Erica replied as she held him.

I scooted closer to her to look at the dog.

He opened his eyes and yawned and than closed him month.

Than he just starred at Erica.

“Oh JC I can’t thank you enough this was so sweet of you.” Erica looked at me.

“Your welcome.” I looked as her.

He started to bark but Erica stroked his head and he stopped.

“He’s a runner so if you let him out you’d better be ready to chase him. Oh yeah I bought some dog found and some other thing for him. It’s in the car.’’ I stated.

“JC this is too much. Thank you.’’ She smiled but it soon disappeared.

“What’s wrong?’’ I asked.

“JC. I can’t keep him.” Erica put the puppy back in my hands.

I slowly started to stroke him. He licked my hands.

“What do you mean you can’t keep him? It’s yours don’t you want him?’’ I asked somewhat hurt.

“It’s not that I don’t want him or can’t afford to take care of him either. It’s just-” she stopped.

“Jacob doesn’t like dogs.’’ Erica replied.

“So what is he going to do kill the puppy?’’ JC laughed lightly.

“To tell you the truth I don’t know but he won’t like the idea of me having it here and plus he’ll ask where I got it from.” Erica closed her eyes.

“And right now I can’t handle that stress okay. I was a wonderful gesture but JC keep the dog okay?’’ She looked at me as if she was going to break down right there.

“Erica but I got for you. What is Jacob going to do?” I asked as my mind began to wonder.

Their was a long pause until I came up with an idea, “How about I keep the dog at my place and you can come over whenever and play with him?’’ I suggested.

“I guess that would work.’’ Erica bit her lip.

“Still this is the worse idea. I’m not supposed to see him. What if Jacob finds out? What am I going to do?’’ Erica thought.

“Okay so that settles it. How about you accompany me while I take this cute little puppy across town.” I replied as I petted it.

“Call him Tiki.” Erica replied.

I smiled at her, “Alright come with me to take Tiki to my place and get him settled. We can grab something to eat on the way back and I’ll bring you home. How about it?’’ I asked.

“That’s not a good idea.’’ Erica got up.

“Why not we hardly see each other I mean I just want to spend a little time with you. Is that really going to kill Jacob or you more importantly? I mean do you not want to be around me or something?’’ I asked.

“No no! Nothing like that it’s just me and him had plans.” Erica lied.

“Well when does he get home?’’ I asked.

“In about five hours.’’ Erica sighed.

“Well gees we have plenty of time.” I looked at her.

“Okay I guess we can go than.” Erica rose up and grabbed her purse.

I still had that sinking feeling inside of me.

I wish she would talk to me

“Let’s go.’’ I replied as I put Tiki in the box and walked out of the apartment.

Erica followed hesitantly.

What is going on?


I brought her to a small little outside Café in down town Orlando.

It was a cozy little place but although the surroundings were great my company was rather on the edge?

Erica barley ate her food and she was always looking over her shoulder.

“Erica will you tell me what your so worried about?’’ I asked concerned.

“It’s nothing really.’’ She lied.

“Why did he have to bring me here? It’s so close to the museum. Jacob is going to be so angry if he finds me. I can’t even begin to think about what he might do to JC.” Erica thought to herself.

“Nothing? Your looking over your shoulder every single second, your not eating your food, all you’ve been saying since we left your apartment is, “what will Jacob say”, and finally you’ve been acting strange all day. I don’t understand why you’re not telling me what’s going on. You act like I’m going to get upset or walk out on you. Is your life in danger or something? Is there something going on between you and Jacob? What is up? And don’t lie to me because I know that’s what you’ve been doing lately and not just today but ever since that stupid dinner date that the three of us had. So if any one can help it’s me. Be straight with me I am worried about you okay, what is going on?’’ I looked at her hard.

Her lips parted and it looked like she was going to speak but than she swallowed her words.

I groaned loudly.

“JC don’t worry about it ok I’m fine everything’s fine.” Erica stated as she rubbed her neck

“What’s that?’’ I asked.

She looked at me frightened.

“What’s um what?’’ She asked.

“That on your neck I didn’t noticed it before.’’ I pointed.

She vastly pulled her hair over her shoulder and covered it.

“It’s a nothing.’’ She replied uneasily.

“That’s a pretty big nothing.’’ I stated.

She sighed.

“JC I just really wish you would mind your own business ok. I can take care of myself.” Erica stated on the verge of tears.

“Don’t you mean Jacob can take care of you? Better yet he can run you? Did he do that DID HE HURT YOU?’’ I rose up getting more pissed off by the second.

“No no! He would never do that okay. He loves me he would never hurt me physically.” Erica explained.

“Don’t back the stupid fuck up just tell me how it happened.’’ I gritted my teeth and sat back down.

“Ok just chill out. You know I’m pretty clumsy right? Well this morning I was curling my hair with the curling iron and it dropped out of my hands and fell on my neck. I got it off as fast as I could but it still was going to bruise. I rinsed it off with cold water but it didn’t do any thing. It had nothing to do with Jacob.’’ Erica lied.

“She’s not clumsy.’’ I told myself.

“Ok do you believe me?’’ Erica sighed.

I nodded a yes. I was afraid that if I spoke it wouldn’t have been pretty.

“ERICA!” A voiced hollered.

“Oh no I’M DEAD I’M SO DEAD.’’ Erica cried to herself.

“Now what does the bastard want now?” I groaned and watched as he rush toward us.

I watched Erica shake a little and she looked scared to death.

“WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? Jacob looked down at her.

“I was just um…getting something to eat with JC. I mean the frig is practically empty at the apartment and um…….you had the car so I could go out and get any thing. JC came by and um offered to take me to get something to eat.” Erica replied.

He groaned and he pulled her up.

“We’re going!” he jerked her

“But wait what are you doing here?’’ she asked.

“I’m on my late lunch break!” Jacob stated.

“FOR goodness sake chill the fuck out! No one is trying to steal Erica alright!” I yelled at the idiot.


“Does it look like I give a dam? I JUST DON’T APPRECIATE YOUR DUMB ASS THROWING ERICA AROUND LIKE A RAG DOLL! CHILL YOUR PUNK ASS OUT!” I stated showing Jacob I wasn’t scared of him.


“ERICA LETS GO!” Jacob grabbed her practically dragged her away.

I watched as they left.

“I can’t depend on Erica to tell me anything so Jacob is going to have to do. I’m not sitting here in the dark any more.’’ I told myself.

Jacob slammed Erica against the car.

“Oh just wait till we get home just wait bitch.” Jacob gave her an evil smile.

“I’m sorry Jacob please- “Oh cut the shit now! I told you but you never fucking listen!” Jacob interrupted her as he continued to shake her roughly.

“Now get in the dam car!” he pushed her in.

Jacob got into the driver seat and sped off.

