
Erica's eyes fluttered as the sunlight from the window above her bed hit her face. She stretched her arms. She turned to her left and looked at a small fury animal lying on her pillow and continued to look at her.

"Tiki?'' she replied. He barked. "What are you doing here?'' she smiled and took the puppy in her arms. She started to stroke it.

"Jacob's going to kill me.'' She sighed. He hated dogs and also the fact that it was probably really late in the morning and she hadn't fixed his breakfast yet.

"Wait a second why would you be at my-" She shot up from the bed and looked around the room. "Oh my god where in the hell am I?'' Erica squeaked. She put Tiki down and looked around the room that was arranged with her things.

"Was I kidnapped?'' Erica thought to herself. She smacked her forehead and couldn't believe that this was real she had to be dreaming. That was it she was just going to go back to sleep, wake up, and it will all be all right.

Still in all actuality she knew it was a dream it was so real. She tried to remember how she got here and who brought her here.

"JC.'' Erica said barely above a whisper. Last nights events returned quite quickly. She remember them breaking in and herself hitting Justin. She than fast-forwarded to JC putting a cloth over her mouth and Lance holding her down. After that everything went blank JC had done this. He had kidnapped her.

What in the hell was he thinking he drugged her and brought her here. Jacob was probably worried sick and mad as hell. He was going to kill her when she got back.

She continued to reply yesterday but her memories were of words not images. She was knocked out but some how she was able to here but not respond. She only heard JC talking to her.


"I'm never going to let him hurt you again. You'll see I'm right. I didn't want to be right but I am. This is crazy but it's for the best I'm doing this for you not for myself. You know that. I can't let you stay with someone who gets his high from abusing his girlfriend that certainly deserves better. I'll protect you now you don't need to be afraid any more. No one will hurt you again. I promise. I love you."

"A woman like you who just needs to find her independence again shouldn't be in that type of environment."

"Just please don't go back to Jacob ever."

"I don't care what you say or how you act or freak out. You can get angry, pissed, go insane, try to leave, rant, rave, but just don't hate me."

"I did this for you."

"I honestly did."

"Understand that I love you and want you to be respected and treated right.''

"Once again I apologize for all this but you don't know how important you are to me and how crazy I am about you."

"Any way I just want you to know I'm sorry."

"Everything going to be okay.

"We can depend on each other."

"I will always be here for you no matter what.''

"Realize how much I care for you and love you.''

"We can get through this.''

"I love you Erica.''

"No one will hurt you again. I promise."

"I love you.''

"I love you Erica.''

"We can depend on each other."

"I will always be here for you no matter what.''

"I love you.''

I love you...................

**Flash back ended**

She groaned.

Those words repeated vastly more than any thing else. She knew he wasn't right how could she not hate him he was ruining her life. He stole her away from the one she loved. He was making things up. Erica was fine. She was safe. In her mind she was. So Jacob got upset everyone does. There is nothing wrong with that?

She was going to get back to him. She had to she couldn't live without him and now more than ever they had to be together. With her new situation there was no way JC could help her with this. She needed Jacob

Yet and still his words were cutting at her like a knife. Why did it feel like he meant what he said. JC couldn't actually love her it was impossible. Jacob was the only one who could tolerate her. She was an annoyance to JC she knew it he just needed to admit it.

He was a liar and she knew he played mind games he just didn't want her to be happy he wanted her to suffer. Just like Jacob had told her. She could never trust JC. Not after this. Never again.

"Erica?'' JC opened the door.

Erica jumped.

She slowly turned around from where she was standing and looked at him.

"Your awake.'' He smiled. "I was starting to get worried.'' JC replied as his smile soon faded.

Erica just starred at him blankly. "I know what your thinking." JC sighed. He couldn't avoid it any more he was going to have to talk to her sometime.

"Really?'' she looked at him. "Erica I did this for you really I did. I'm not trying to take you away from Jacob. I'm just looking out for you.'' JC started.

"Really because right now you look like a selfish bastard who's ruining my life. I'm not staying here in this hell hole I'm going back to Jacob.'' Erica stated and charged the closet.

"Erica you can't it's too dangerous.'' JC said. "No it's not stop making things up. I told you I'm fine Jacobs fine. So he hits me sometimes. It's no big deal." Erica grabbed her suitcases.


"Why don't you just leave me a lone? I told you to butt out of my life." Erica started throwing clothes in her bags and JC annoyingly put them back into the closet.

"I'm not butting out. This is your safety here. I'm not letting you got back to that killer. He's already given you a black eye, a back that's black and blue, a broken wrist, and don't get me started on your rib cage.'' JC stated.

"None of that is true.'' She lied. "Hmmm." JC pulled her close.

He grabbed her and showed her broken wrist to her face. "Hmm this broken wrist with a cast around it doesn't look like a lie does it?'' JC asked infuriated.

"No.'' Erica began to break down. He pulled up her shirt some to reveal her wrapping around her rib cage. "Well what's this? Why is this here? Looks like some damage has been. Did you do it?'' JC looked at her.

She shook her head no.

He than ran his hand around her left eye. "This black eye looks pretty real to me.'' he groaned.

JC lastly ran his hands up her back. "Feels a little bruised.'' JC replied and turned her around. Her back was completely discolored.

"I wonder if it hurts.'' JC said as he started to rub her back.

"Owe!" she cried out and pulled away.

"It's hurt you idiot.'' Erica cried. "I know that I'm just trying to prove a point.'' JC sighed. He hated the fact that she was crying.

He pulled her close to him and slowly stroked her back. "I didn't mean to make you upset or make you cry but the truth is Erica Jacob abuses you and if you go back to him now he will only hurt you more. And you know exactly what I mean. You don't have to stay with me okay but until I can trust that you will never go back to him it will have to come to this. And Erica you have to tell your parents the truth.'' JC cupped her face.

"No. I can't. That wouldn't believe it. I don't even believe myself. This can't be happening JC. Jacob loves me I know it this is just a dream." Erica cried harder.

"Erica I know this is going to be hard but you have to understand that not me, not the guys, not even your family, want you to wind up in the hospital hanging on for dear life because you raised your voice at Jacob and he didn't like the tone of it or just for any stupid reason. You deserve better. And I want to help you not ruin your life. I would never do that. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't care. I love you Erica I do and I want you to be happy. I want you be treated like a woman should be. Your worth it.'' JC starred in the eyes.

He meant every word.

"I wish you would stop trying to help me. Jacobs not what you say he is." She sniffed.

"Yes he is would someone who was a good person do this to you? Why are you scared of him? Why are you afraid of him if he's a good guy? There is something incredibly wrong with a man who lays a finger on a woman in anger.'' JC explained.

"JC he doesn't mean to really he doesn't." Erica went on. JC sat her down on the bed and got down on his knees. He faced her.

"Than why does he do it?" JC asked. "I just do stupid thi- "No you don't you're a normal person Erica. Jacob feels that woman are not worth anything and don't amount to any thing. So no matter how you act or how much you tippy toe around him he is still going to find something wrong that's not their to piss him off and he is going to put all his anger into you. Yes Erica and you know I'm right and this is exactly why you stay home every single day and cry about, because you know he beats on you and you don't deserve any of it. Jacob beats on you. That isn't love. You know it." JC explained.

"But JC I can't leave him.'' Erica sighed. JC groaned.

"Why not?" JC asked.

"I'm pregnant.''

