
Four Weeks Later

Monday Morning 3:00 a.m.

Erica groaned and glared at the clock in disbelief. The stupid phone continued to ring and she didn't understand way JC wasn't up and freaking out about it. But this was JC and he could basically sleep through anything.

She sleepily pulled her hand out of the bed and picked up the phone.

"Hello?'' she replied groggily. "Erica?'' the voice on the other line replied.

She was praying that it wasn't who she thought it was but half of her wanted it to be him. It had been four long weeks. She had started to be okay with the new living situation and she was starting to realize that Jacob was very bad for her, but as soon as she heard his voice she felt something. And what she felt was either going to make her stronger or make her do another idiotic mistake.

"Jacob?'' she questioned still knowing it was him. "How in the hell did he get this number?'' Erica thought "Jacob how did you get this number?'' Erica asked straight out. "That doesn't matter. I have it though so at least if I can't see you I can call you.'' Jacob explained.

Erica was silent. That completely scared her to death.

"Baby I miss you.'' Jacob replied.

Erica was fully awake now and sitting up.

"Oh.'' She didn't want to admit it but deep down she did miss him. A lot more than she would let herself know and that was going to kill her.

"Oh? Is that all? You don't miss me? You don't need me?" Jacob continued to sound pitiful.

"I really don't know. I'm actually happy without you.'' Erica said uneasily. "God don't let him go off on me," she prayed to herself.

"But that's impossible your only happy when were together not when were apart. I've been trying to forget about you for these past weeks but I can't. It feels like I haven't seen you in ages. All I do now is work and think about you. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't do anything. I'm nothing without you babe. And to make it worse you don't even work at the museum any more. I feel like you shut me out of your life. Don't you love me any more?'' Jacob was trying to lay it on thick.

"I don't know.'' Erica said honestly.

"Keep your answers short and sweet don't break down stay strong.'' Eric told herself. "I still love you and I need you. I don't know why you would leave me like this. Are you mad because I want you to get rid of the baby? Is it because I beat you? Because if it is I've changed now you've got to believe me. I'm not the same. I've had so much time to think. I was so wrong for treating you like dirt. You deserve so much better. Erica I'm so sorry for what I've done to you. Baby please come home. I'm so lonely. I didn't mean to beat you I just didn't want you to leave like all the others.'' Jacob sighed.

"So you thought beating me would make me stay? That's crazy. I can't come home. We need time apart Jacob.'' Erica got out.

"No we don't. And it did work for a while I mean you stayed until the stupid Chasez got in our business. I know that's who you're staying with. Why are you with him? He can't treat you better than I can. It's about the sex isn't it?'' Jacob asked.

"I, "He's been brain washing you and you're believing his ass. How could you cheat on me like that? What have you been telling him? Did you tell him I raped you? I know your sleeping with him. You slutty bitch! I should kill you! You left me for some snot nose pretty boy who sucks cock all day! You'd better come home! Or I'll find you! Trust me I will! I don't know who you think you are trying to be all independent and shit! You're not fooling any one. I don't care what JC is telling you listen to me! You belong to me! Your coming home tomorrow and you getting rid of that child! If you don't I'll do it my self! You hear me? YOUR COMING HOME!" Jacob yelled as he interrupted her.

"No I'm not coming home.'' Erica tried to stay calm but she was breaking. "He's going to kill me he literally going to kill me." Erica told herself as she began to cry.


"Jacob you're scaring me. Calm down. Don't do any thing crazy. I'm not sleeping with any one. The only person I've ever slept with is you and that was against my own will. That was one time. We need some time apart and I'm not giving up the baby. I'll take of it myself if I have to. You need help." Erica got out.


JC had tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't possible not after some idiot was making the phone ring off the hook at 3:00 in the morning. He sighed and threw his covers off.

"Maybe Erica's up.'' JC threw on his boxers and a wife beater.

He yawned one last time and opened his door. He walked down the hall to the guest room.

He heard her voice. "Well I guess she's up.'' JC was about to knock on her door when a thought struck him.

"Is she on the phone?'' He asked himself. He knew he shouldn't be eavesdropping but he wanted to know whom she was talking to so late in the morning.

He would regret it later.

"Jacob you don't mean that. You're just lonely and angry. That's understandable. Still it's better this way trust me. I not saying we have to be apart forever but right now I don't think it's very safe for me to be with you. And you can't make me give up the baby. You don't want to be in our child's life......well no one is forcing you to be. I'll be fine by myself. I need to go now.'' Erica explained.


"I'm going now.'' Erica said bravely holding back tears. "YOUR NOTHING WITHOUT ME! YOUR NOTHING! YOU HERE ME! YOUR NOTHING BUT A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP ON ME I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Jacob screamed but he was hung up on.

Erica let out a long awaited sigh and she put the phone on the hook. "Well at least I didn't give in.'' Erica whispered.

River Stoat Apartments

Jacob threw the phone down in anger as he lay on the couch.

"Jacob you coming back to bed?'' a woman came into the living room. "Yeah.'' Jacob groaned. "Who were you yelling at?'' The woman asked. "You know I brought you here to fuck and you sure are asking a lot of questions. You're here to pleasure me not talk shit.'' Jacob got up and walked toward the bedroom.

"Sorry I'll just do my job than.'' The woman said sarcastically. "Yeah you do that.'' Jacob smirked.

"Did she call Jacob?'' JC asked himself. He knew he was going to regret eavesdropping. Now all these different questions were going to be swirling around in his head.

"She told him off there is nothing to worry about.'' JC told himself. "Just go back to bed.'' He whispered.

"She's not going back to Jacob she wouldn't be thinking that or planning that would she?'' JC thought.

"If it's your business she'll tell you. Now just knock on the door.'' JC thought.

He lightly knocked.

Erica jumped at the sound. She had been in deep thought.

"Erica are you a wake?'' JC asked. "Yeah come on in." Erica said softly.

Erica reached over to her bedside table and flicked on the light.

JC shielded his eyes. "Owe bright light bright light!" JC squeaked as he sat down on Erica's bed.

Erica laughed a little.

"So did the phone wake you?'' JC asked. "Yeah. I'm surprised your up you can sleep through anything.'' Erica replied. "Funny I tried to ignore it because every time I picked it up the person hung up on me. So after a while I got up." JC said honestly.

Erica was silent for a second she was trying to decide weather to tell JC or not.

"Listen Erica I know who it was on the phone. I know it was none of my business but at first I got up to see if you were up and than I heard you talking and I heard Jacobs name. I shouldn't have been eavesdropping and I'm sorry. And I don't do that normally. But I need to ask you. Are going to go back to him?" JC looked at her with a pout.

"Well it's okay at least you were honest. No I need my time away for him. He was really angry JC. He still wants me to get rid of the baby. He also wants me to come home and not only that he thinks I'm cheating on him with you. He was just completely going crazy. At first he was so nice and everything and I can say that I had considered going home but after I said I wasn't it went down hill from there. He was acting so crazy. He kept on saying he was going to find me and that really creeped me out" Erica explained.

"Did he scare you?'' JC asked. "Yeah I'm a little shaken up.'' Erica smirked.

"Don't worry okay. I'll take care of everything. Jacob isn't going to come after you. First thing in the later morning I get my number changed and make sure he can't get through no matter what. I'll even move if I have to. He's not going to touch you again I promise you.'' JC stated.

"Thanks JC.'' Erica nudged him. "So now that we're up what do we do?'' JC asked. "I don't know. You hungry?'' Erica asked. "No. You wanna watch a movie?'' JC asked.

"No. You wanna talk for a while?'' Erica asked. "I've got nothing better to do.'' JC smirked. Erica smacked him hard.

"Your such a meanie.'' Erica replied. "Well you bring out the best in me.'' JC lied.

"I'm gonna lay down do you mind?'' Erica asked. "No just along as you don't go to sleep and as long as I can lay down beside you.'' JC looked at her.

"I guess but no touching! I know how you pen up boys are.'' Erica laughed. "I'm not Justin Timberlake so you have nothing to worry about.'' JC stated.

"Whatever. The sweet and serious ones are just as bad.'' Erica pointed out as she lay down on her pillow.

JC was right next to her looking her dead in the face. "JC will you stop doing that!" Erica squeaked. "What?'' JC replied. "You're looking at me." Erica sighed. "And your nice to look at and besides you started it." JC lied.

"You are so second grade.'' Erica replied. "Whatever valley girl. I'm not hurting you am I? I'm just looking at you. I like looking at beautiful things. Would you rather be ugly?'' JC asked.

"No it's just weird...you know what I mean." Erica sighed. "No I don't your just paranoid.'' JC stated.

Moments later.

"STOP IT JC!" Erica sighed.

"Chill man.'' JC replied. Erica turned away from him.

"Fine I'll just look at your fat ass!" JC smirked.

"You know you can leave." Erica replied.

"Okay I'll leave you alone." JC groaned.

"This is weird as hell. I should have stayed in my own room.'' JC thought.

The next thing JC knew the lights were off. "Why did you turn off the lights?'' JC asked.

"I want to sleep.'' Erica said simply.

"Okay I'll see you later than.'' JC replied as he started to rise up from the bed. Erica felt the weight on the bed lesson and she grabbed JC's arm.

"What?'' He asked. "Why are you leaving?'' Erica asked. "You said you wanted to sleep so I thought that you wanted me to leave as well.'' JC replied. "Do you want to go?'' Erica asked. "Not really.'' JC replied.

"Than lay back down. You can go after I fall a sleep. Just stay till than." Erica directed. "Yes ma'am." JC laid back down.

He wasn't expecting for Erica to cuddle up next to him. "Dam this is really giving me bad idea's. Lord let her go to sleep fast." JC thought.

"Can I play with your hair?'' Erica asked. "Sure do whatever.'' JC said leisurely.

"You look better with curls.'' Erica replied. "Well thanks ...I guess.'' JC smirked. "I didn't mean it like that you've always been attractive but you just chose really bad hair styles." Erica replied as she ran her fingers through his head.

"Uh huh sure.'' JC sighed. "Your hairs really soft.'' Erica sighed. "Uh huh." JC closed his eyes.

To him her touch felt so good. It was hypnotic. He never wanted her to stop touching him.

"Are you ever going to tell your parents?'' JC asked. "No.'' Erica replied. "You should especially since your pregnant. They need to know.'' JC had a point. "I don't think I can. JC I've always been their little girl. What if they look down on me? I mean I was supposed to wait until I was married. I'm not going back to school and I'm also in an abusive relationship. JC they're going to disown me. All their hopes and dreams they had for me will be out the window. They going to think I'm some tamp or something. My parents are going to hate me JC. I can't tell them I mean at least not until I've gotten everything under control." Erica explained.

"Erica these people love you. They wouldn't turn their back on you like that. It's going to be hard on them at first but they will be there for you and they will forgive you for what you've done. And Erica everything's going to get better. I'm serious. I mean you not going to stop going to college. After the babies born and you are fully situated you can enroll back into school in San Francisco. You're not a tramp. You're a woman who made a terrible mistake and is learning from it. Jacobs out of your life and things are going to get better. Your family is going to be there for you. All you have to do is explain the situation to them. They'll understand trust me. And if it's hard for your family to except it at first give them time because this is a lot of baggage. You have nothing to worry about. Just be honest and tell them soon. The longer you wait the harder it's going to be and if any thing you parents are going to be angry with you because you weren't truthful with them sooner. Everything is going to be okay. The family is going to support you and I'm going to support you." JC explained.

"I guess I'm going to have to take a visit down to my parents house this week.'' Erica sighed. "If you need moral support I can come with you." JC volunteered. "Would you?'' Erica squeaked. "Of course.'' JC said.

"Oh thank you so much. JC you are the best you know that.'' Erica pulled him into a tight hug. "Well you bring out the best in me and I mean that." JC hugged her tighter. "Uh huh.'' Erica sighed happily.

"God I love her.'' JC told himself. "What are you doing?'' JC asked. "Scratching your head.'' Erica replied.

"Why?'' JC asked. "Because I can now shut up and enjoy it!" Erica replied. "Dam this is turning me on.'' JC thought.

JC decided to get comfortable and he buried his face into Erica's neck. He tried to silently moan but her fingers gently scratching against his scalp felt so good and he was enjoying himself.

"Mmm that feels so good." He whispered. "Don't get too comfortable." Erica replied. "Yeah whatever just keep scratching." JC groaned. JC was enjoying their closeness more than ever. Ever since he had brought Erica here things had started to get better between them. She wasn't distant and she was more inviting to do things with him.

Things were going well. JC wanted Erica to change her feelings toward him but he knew he couldn't ask for that much. He wanted her to fall for him so badly. Still JC was prepared to wait wait and wait.......

JC tangled his legs with Erica's and she seemed to not mind. If he had his way he wouldn't be leaving at all.

"Ah yeah a little to the left....down just little....over just a little bit.no over the other way....ah yeah there it is....that's my spot....scratch it Erica....dam.....mmm......yeah....a little be harder....I'm in heaven." JC squeaked.

"Will you chill out? I'm only scratching your head. I don't know why your having a freaking orgasm.'' Erica laughed.

"Dammit it feels good now stop talking. You can scratch my back next." JC sighed in happiness.

"No your leaving after this.'' Erica sighed. "I don't wanna go I wanna sleep with you.'' JC cried in a child's voice. "You have your own room. I can't sleep with you in here.'' Erica laughed.

"Please. Please!" JC begged.

"No.'' Erica sighed. "Please baby please baby! I'll be good I swear! And if you let me stay I'll take you to the mall and we can go shopping tomorrow! You can buy whatever you want.'' JC suggested.

"Are you trying to bribe me?'' Erica asked. "Maybe is it working?'' JC asked. "No you can stay but your not spending any money on me.'' Erica said. "Okay but I wouldn't mind.'' JC smiled at her. "Sure but I don't like hand outs.'' Erica said.

"I guess but it seems like I'm getting the better end of this deal.'' JC smirked. "Yeah I'm getting so screwed.'' Erica lied.

"Hey! Do you know how many women would die to be doing what you're doing with me right now? If you asked me you're a pretty lucky.'' JC boasted.

"Please I would only be lucky if Justin was here.'' Erica lied. "Ouch your killing me.'' JC lied.

"You know you need to shut up I need some sleep." Erica stated. "Why you're not doing anything tomorrow. Your working on Wednesday.'' JC stated.

"Still I need my beauty sleep.'' Erica played. "Okay I need mine to." JC replied.

A little bit later

"Erica can I ask you something?'' JC replied. "Sure.'' She said almost a sleep.

She was now lying on JC's back and her face was buried into his neck. They both were under the covers.

"What really happened between you and Jacob? What I mean is I know how much chastity is important to you and ever since you told me you were pregnant....well I've just been thinking and questioning the whole situation. I know none of this is my business but did, "JC don't go there okay." Erica interrupted him.

"Alright but if you ever want to talk about it, "No I won't because nothing happened.'' Erica stopped him from finishing again.

"Erica are you sure I mean I know your scared but, "JC stop talking about it okay Jacob did not rape me.'' Erica lied and interrupted Josh again.

JC sighed he didn't want to get her angry but that's all he had been thinking about since she told him she was pregnant.

JC knew she was lying. He wanted to kill the bastard. Oh yeah he knew he was going to get his. He raped her Jacob was a dead man. JC was going to get him so good. There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to jail but he wanted his vengeance while he was still out on streets. He had to plan this out good and make sure that Jacob would realize to never lay a hand on a woman again. He was going to regret the day he crossed him.

"Ok but if you just want to talk about anything I'm here. I'll listen okay?'' JC said. "You won't judge me?'' she asked worriedly. "No just as long as your honest.'' JC stated.

She was silent after that.

"JC?'' Erica muttered. "Yeah.'' He sighed. "Do you think the baby is going to be okay without a father?'' she asked. "Yeah I mean you may think it's impossible for you to raise the baby by your self but after while you'll be happy you made that choice. Besides your baby couldn't be given a better mother." JC commented.

"But JC I'm a terrible role model especially right now. How can I tell my child how I met their father who didn't want them to begin with and probably never will? How can I explain how he treated me and how can I tell my baby that I'm most likely will never be over him. I mean I'm having a hard enough time letting him go now. What if I never fall in love with any one else for the rest of my life? My child's not going to respect me." Erica exclaimed.

"Erica you did everything wrong but your going to make everything right. I know explaining all these things are going to be hard but your going to have to do it. You made a mistake and some of the best people are the ones who fell off track and got back on. Your baby is not going to think any thing less of you. Your child is going to understand your struggle for independence and they are going to respect you for it not hate you. And like I said your not raising it by your self. You have your family and you have me. I think when you truly realize how bad Jacob is for you'll forget about him and your find someone who is right for you. This time you'll know better. It's going to take time and a tremendous effort but you'll get over him. Don't worry so much your going to be a great mother. I have faith in you and I know everything's going to be all right.'' JC explained.

"I still don't think I can do it without Jacob. I just don't think my baby will turn out right if their father isn't their.'' Erica said.

Later that morning

JC woke up around 11:00

He sighed and thought it was a good idea to get up and make some chow for the both of them.

JC started to lift himself up when he realized Erica was still sleeping on his back. He lightly pulled her off. "I can sleep through any thing hmm?'' JC whispered.

JC pulled the covers over her and got off the bed.

He quietly left the room.

After JC got a shower and freshened up and he went down stairs to make some brunch for Erica and himself.

"Knock knock.'' Justin said retardedly as he entered the kitchen.

"I wish you guys would call before you came over." JC sighed as he stuck his head out of the frig.

"Well you don't really mind do you?'' JC sat down at the island. "Yes. It's starting to get annoying.'' JC replied.

"I told ya'll we should have called first.'' Lance sighed.

"We're family we should be able to drop in any time we want.'' Chris grinned. "Well even family get tried of family Chris.'' JC sighed.

"Any ways what are you about to cook?'' Justin asked. "Brunch.'' JC replied.

"How about we order out or better yet we get some lunch period.'' Chris suggested.

"I can cook.'' JC smiled. "You have your moments when you can actually make something good and there are times when you can send someone to the emergency room.'' Justin lied.

"You know all of you can leave.'' JC pointed out. "Okay so how about we give this amazing cook a day off and go out to eat together. Is Erica up?'' Lance asked. "No. I can wake her up though.'' JC replied as he started to remember what they talked about earlier in the morning.

"She's always worrying about the baby.'' JC replied.

"She not even showing yet and she's still going crazy about that?'' Joey asked. "Yeah see she's wants the baby to have a father and she keeps on wanting Jacob to be the father, but she knows that can't happen. Erica really is afraid to raise the baby by herself weather she says that or not I can tell." JC replied.

"I can understand where she's coming from.'' Chris stated. "This must really have you worried you don't think she's going to do anything stupid like, "No I don't think so or at least I hope not, but I keep on telling her she going to be alright and also that she has her parents and me so she's going to be fine.'' JC stated.

"But she still doesn't think that's enough?" Justin asked. "Yeah.'' JC sighed.

"Wait a minute what are you thinking about doing JC?'' Lance asked. "I don't know I mean she so scared and I don't want her to go back to Jacob just so the baby can have a father figure in it's life. And Jacob's completely wrong for that and besides he doesn't want the baby any ways." JC went on.

"Your thinking, " No I'm not thinking I going to if she let's me. I wanna adopt the baby.'' JC interrupted Justin.

"Well if you can't have a child take somebody else's.'' Chris grinned. "Not funny.'' Joey replied.

"I've always wanted a family and I'm so in love with Erica. I mean I think it will work. I think I would be a good father." JC said.

"Are you sure your ready for this I mean are you sure you actually want to do this? Your not just doing this because you have pity on Erica are you?'' Justin asked.

"No I really want to. I think we'll make a good family and I would take care of everything. I want the baby to have a father in his life. I may not be related by blood but I can love that child just as much and that's what I really want to do." JC explained.

"Okay but how are you going to take care of the baby when we start back up in 2003?'' Chris asked.

"I'll figure something out. If I want this bad enough than I'll have to work for it. I'm prepared for that." JC said.

"JC I hope you wanting to do this doesn't make you think that this will automatically make Erica fall in love with you do you?" Lance asked.

"No. (sigh) This isn't about us. That type of miracle could take forever.'' JC said sadly and honestly.

"Well we can't stop you if you really want to do this.'' Lance said. "It's not a bad idea either so you'll have our support.'' Justin commented. "Really?'' JC looked at his four best friends. They nodded.

"Yeah but you'd better make us uncles.'' Chris sighed. "Of course.'' JC smiled. "Do you think she'll let me adopt the baby?'' JC sighed. "She may have to think about it for some time. You know she's stubborn but if any one was going to father a child between the four of us....leaving out Joey..you'd be best fit for the job." Justin stated.

"Thanks. I just hope she let's me do this. I really want this baby. I really want it to have a family." JC stated.

"She will I don't know why she wouldn't.'' Justin said bluntly.

"What's going on in here?" Erica replied at the kitchen door.

