
Four Months Later (Erica is now six months pregnant)

"Hello Erica I'm Ms. Anderson I'll be your obstetrician during your pregnancy. Are you ready for your ultra sound?" Ms. Anderson asked in the doctor's office.

Erica glared up at JC and he gave her a huge smile and a reassuring nod.

Erica squeezed onto his hand. "Yeah we are.'' Erica said.

"Well come over here and lay down on the table." Ms. Anderson directed. JC sat down in the chair beside the table. The doctor set up the monitor.

JC steadily held onto Erica's hand and waited for the doctor's lead. Erica soon felt her shirt come up and the doctor put gel on her stomach.

"This is your first child right?'' Ms. Anderson asked. "Yes.'' Erica nodded. "Well I can't speak much for the birth or you going into labor but this is a wonderful experience. From what I've seen in your physical you and the baby are very healthy. Your eating the right things and the baby is growing, as it should. Keep the good job up." Ms Anderson replied.

Ms. Anderson put the transducer over Erica's stomach and moments later an image formed on the computer monitor.

"Well here's your baby. Here's the head.than theirs the left hand.right hand.the body.and .the legs.. and the feet." Ms. Anderson pointed.

"JC there's our baby." Erica looked at him. "I can't believe this.'' JC looked at the screen.

Ms. Anderson smiled. "Do you want copies of your babies first picture?'' she asked. "Yes.'' They both said in unison. "Alright.'' Ms. Anderson stated.

"I'll be right back.'' Ms. Anderson replied and excited the room.

Erica nodded. "Can you believe this?'' JC looked at her. "No it's just so amazing." Erica replied. The sight she saw on the screen was breath taking. That child that beautiful bring was growing inside of her. She never thought she would be any happier but she was.

"He's so beautiful JC." Erica stated. "How do you know it's a boy?'' JC asked. "I don't know I just have a feeling that's all." Erica stated.

Erica sat up and sighed.

"Well everyday we're getting closer and closer.'' Erica stated. JC agreed.

"I love you Erica.'' JC starred her in the eyes. Before Erica could say any thing JC kissed her.

JC moaned at the fact that her lips felt so soft and tasted so sweet. He had wanted to do this since he'd first laid eyes on her. His body was on frenzy and he tingled all over. JC didn't want this wild ride to stop. He wanted this fire that was burning inside of him to never stop. One simple kiss just one simple touch of togetherness made JC so turned on and aroused that he couldn't believe that, that's all it took.

To his surprise Erica pulled away faster than it even started.

"JC!" she squeaked. He sighed. As always he knew it was too good to be true.

She whipped her mouth with disgust. "Well dam was it that bad?'' JC snapped.

"JC don't you ever do that again!" Erica replied. "Dammit Erica why the hell not? I know you enjoyed it. I loved it matter a factly! I wish you would stop hiding your feeling for me. You're killing me." JC explained.

"JC I never said that I didn't enjoy it I'm just saying that it wasn't right. JC we've already been through this. I just want to be friends. I need you as a friend not as a lover." Erica stated.

"Well what about what I need? It's always about you Erica. Always. Have you ever consider being with me? Have you ever thought how I good I would be for you? I mean Erica you're so blind! Are you scared? What have I done to not make you want me or love me the way I love you?" JC trailed on.

"JC please no more alright. I knew you adopting the baby was a terrible idea. I knew all you wanted was to get next to me. I'm selfish? Please. You have some nerve.'' Erica protested.

"You know dam well that's a lie. I did this for the baby not you. Don't flatter yourself. And you are selfish! Why won't you just give into me? What do I have to do to get into your good graces? With me being in your life constantly I thought eventually you would come around. This wasn't some plan I was running. And as usual I went with my emotions with the kiss. I'm sorry but I just don't get you, "JC you should be sorry and like I said before my answer is still no. I'm sorry too but I just can't be with you JC. Now please can we just end this here? I don't want to talk about this any more." Erica interrupted.

"As usual Erica you always get your way. Fine. But were talking about this later." JC stated.

"I just want a reason dammit.'' JC muttered under his breath.

"Okay does the happy couple want to know the sex of the child?'' Ms. Anderson came back into the room smiling more than ever.

"What does that suppose to mean?'' Erica asked. JC sighed.

"What she means is we're not together. We're not dating and she's not my girlfriend.'' JC groaned at his last few words.

"Yes the biological father doesn't want the baby so- "I happen to be a good friend of Erica's and I asked to adopt the baby. So now I guess you could say I'm some what am the father." JC interrupted Erica.

"But not biologically. "Only because you don't want me to be. I just don't get it I'm good enough to be helping you with the this child but not good enough to be with you.'' JC got angry and stopped Erica from talking.

"Excuse him.'' Erica sighed. "No don't excuse me. This is so stupid. Why won't you just be with me? Put your petty pride a side. Act like an adult and stop acting childish. There is no legitimate why we shouldn't be together. Admit it your just scared." JC stated.

Ms. Anderson was starring back and forth between the two.

"How about this for a reason? I'm not in love with you! Get it through your head Joshua! No. Never. Not going to happen. This conversation is over.'' Erica stated.

"No it's not we're just getting started. How could you lead me on like this? Your actions speak larger than words Erica and from what I've seen I know you want to be with me. I know you're in love with me. Stop being silly and get with me!" JC squeaked.

"I'm sorry Josh obviously you can't separate love from personality because what you've seen all along isn't affection it's me being myself. I'm not in love with you and I never will be. I beginning to regret letting you adopt the baby.'' Erica stated.

"You need to stop lying and admit the truth. Erica you know I can't breathe without you! You're scared. You're scared that I'm going to turn in to Jacob. You're scared that I'm going to hurt you. Erica come on you know me better than that. I would never treat you like that. I respect you remember? I love you. Why can't you see the good instead of the negative all the time? Has anything that I've done for you until now showed you just how much I've loved you? We're a perfect match. You know it. How many times do I have to tell you? What else do you need me to prove? What else do you need from me? What can't you love me?'' JC shouted.

"Ms. Anderson my I please know the sex of my child.'' Erica ignored JC. "Well um.you are having a boy.'' Ms. Anderson stated, as she was still bewildered.

"Great.'' Erica replied.

JC just groaned. It wasn't that he wasn't happy about the news but he was angry. He rose up out of his seat.

"Where are you going?'' Erica asked.

"Some where that you aren't. call me when you realize we should be good together." JC walked out of the room and slammed the door.

"Men." Erica groaned. "He's right.'' Ms. Anderson replied. "What you can't be serious?'' Erica looked at her.

"No how about you be serious? You have a very good man there and even though I know little about you and your "friend" or whatever he is to you he does love you. So from woman to woman wise up before you lose that guy." Ms. Anderson said bluntly.

Erica looked at her like she was crazy but she knew what her doctor was saying was true.

Back At The Apartment

JC sighed as he watched TV. He wasn't amused with it at all. All he seemed to be doing was think about Erica. Maybe he was out of line with the "kiss" today but he had the right to say what he had said.

She was playing games. The way Erica acted around him was not the way she was with everyone else. She wasn't some faker either. He felt loved when he was with her. He loved being with her. He just wanted her to stop denying him of what he deserved the most. He deserved her. They deserved each other and that was the truth.

JC wanted to settle down with her real soon. If he had his way they would be making wedding plans right now. He didn't want to let Erica go but how long would it take? How long does he have to wait? He just wanted an explanation. He wanted her to admit to him what she truly felt. He needed her. They needed each other. Why can't she see that dammit?

Jacob should be passed them now and she should have no need to ask questions about how he would treat her.

"There has to be something I can do. I need to show her. Still why do I have to show her. I've already done enough. Maybe I'm just not good enough to be with her after all? Maybe I'm not meant to fall in love and be loved back? Maybe I just need my "music" and that's it?" JC said out loud.

JC jumped when he heard his cell ring. "Erica?'' JC asked.

"No dumb ass.'' The voice replied. "Well who in the hell is this?'' JC asked.

"An old friend.'' The person laughed. "Listen I don't have time for this crap, "You do and you will make time. Besides the only thing you're doing is sitting in your living room and watching TV. You have nothing planned for the rest of the day.'' The person interrupted JC.

"How in the hell do you know that?'' JC asked. "Doesn't matter. Now how's Erica doing? I hear my son is well and healthy.'' The person replied.

"Jacob leave us the fuck alone! You leave Erica alone!" JC screamed. "Calm down calm down boy. So you adopted my son? You know you can't replace me? You have some nerve. Get your own dam kid.'' Jacob spit.

"Go to hell!" JC yelled. "Where's Erica?'' Jacob pressed on. "Out with the guys.'' JC lied. "You liar. Well I really don't have time to talk much but give Erica a message for me. Tell her I'll be coming to see her soon and also that I keep my promises. I'm going to get that baby. It won't be born." Jacob smiled.

"You sick bastard I swear to god I'm coming after- "Well go a head and look for me. It's about fucking time. Although if you want my advice screw looking for me at the River Stoat apartments. I've moved out. Any ways tell the bitch I'll be coming.'' Jacob hung up. JC screamed out in anger. He threw his cell phone against the wall.

"JC what is wrong with you?'' Erica came into the apartment. "We need to go.'' JC rushed over toward her.

"What? Why? Where?'' Erica asked. "Because I don't want to live here any more. We're moving.'' JC replied.

It was the quickest idea JC could think of. He had to make Erica safe. He didn't want to worry her so then and there he decided not to tell her that Jacob had contacted him .The last thing she needed was stress.

"But JC you just can't up and leave like that you have to give me a reason. What's wrong what is going on?'' Erica asked.

"Nothing I just want to leave now. We can get the stuff later okay?'' JC started to push her out of the door.

"JC where are we going to stay if we aren't staying here?'' Erica asked. "I don't know we'll find some place it's doesn't matter. Let's just go.'' JC replied.

"JC I'm not moving an inch until you tell me what the heck is going on.'' Erica stated. "Erica don't be diffcult please we need to go the longer we stay the closer he'll get. Darn it.'' JC cursed himself. He gave it away.

"JC did you talk to Jacob? You won't going to tell me were you?'' Erica hit him. "Owe and no! I didn't want you to stress out like you are now. He said he was coming after the baby and you. So I am suggesting that we leave and find somewhere else to go." JC replied.

"JC that's pointless he'll just find us like he found us here.'' Erica stated. "So what do we do than?'' JC asked. "We need to go to the police." Erica stated.

