
"JC where are you going?'' Erica yawned as she walked into the living room the next day.

It was 12:00 in the after noon.

"Oh well I'm going to take a quick visit to see my mother. She claims that I've been so wrapped in you that I'm neglecting her so she wants to have lunch with me. I won't be long.'' JC stated as he threw on his coat.

"You sure?'' Erica came closer to him. "Yeah and if I am gone longer than I plan to be I'll just bring my mother back here so we can talk or I can always pick you up and the three of us can hang.'' JC smiled at her. "Okay I'm just a little worried for some reason.'' Erica stated.

"There is nothing to worry about. There are two bodyguards outside and they both are armed. No one is going to get by them and you also have Larry." JC pointed to him on the couch.

"No worries Erica your safe.'' Larry smiled at her. "Thanks Larry.'' Erica smiled.

"Alright I'll see you in a little bit.'' JC replied as started to walk out the door. "Hey!" Erica squeaked.

"What?'' JC asked. "Your not leaving until I get a kiss.'' Erica put her hands on her hips. "Sorry.'' JC laughed lightly.

JC gave her a quick peak. "Stop being funny.'' Erica snapped. JC giggled. "Alright.'' JC replied as he kissed her passionately. "Hey save it for the bed room you two.'' Larry said from the couch.

"Shut up.'' JC said. "Hurry back and bring your mother by. I love you.'' Erica kissed him quickly. "I will. I love you too. Bye babe.'' JC said and excited the apartment.

Erica sighed happily. "Larry I'll be in my room taking a nap. Feel free to help your self to some food if you want.'' Erica started to walk down the hall to her room. "Okay but haven't you been napping all morning?'' Larry yelled. "Hey I took a shower earlier besides I'm pregnant I have my reasons.'' Erica yelled back.

"Okay sleep well princess.'' Larry laughed. Erica giggled and closed the door to her room.

His eyes watched JC pull out of the parking lot and drive off.

He smiled and jumped out of the car.

He easily got past security pretending to be a friend of JC and showing proof of so.

He took the elevator up to the eleventh floor and as the steal doors opened he took from him pocket a small ball and rolled it out into the hallway.

Within seconds the ball popped open and withdrew smoke filling the entire hallway. He closed the elevator doors shut until he heard two load thumps to the ground.

He covered his face so he to wouldn't fall into the sleepy trance of the guards who were now out cold on the floor.

He carefully picked with the lock and within seconds the door slipped open. The room he saw before him was empty. Yet he knew there had to be some presents there since the TV was on.

He got the idea to search around in the kitchen since he knew the surrounding pretty while. He would deal with the last bodyguard and than tend to Erica while she was sleeping.

He finally reached the kitchen and saw the person he was looking for. He saw the man with himself in the frig. He pulled out the knife he had hidden and slowly and silently creped up behind him.

He grinned as the man was humming a little tune. "Won't be singing in a second.'' He thought. With one quick swipe Larry fell to the floor. Blood was spurring everywhere from his neck. Larry shook violently as he tried to breathe but his lungs were now filling with blood and he started bleeding from the mouth.

"Sorry but it had to be like this but she should have stayed and got rid of the baby like I said." He smiled and walked out of the room.

As he walked by the living room he turned the TV up louder and started up the stereo system in the same room. It was playing Remy Zero - Save Me. Jacob vastly walked down the hall to Erica's room. He knocked on the door like an idiot.

"Anybody home?'' he laughed.

He knew she was sleeping and that just made it more fun for him. Jacob walked into the room and closed the door. He saw Erica under the covers all cuddled up.

Jacob pulled the covers back down to her thighs and than brought his knife out again. "This is going to hurt you more than me.'' He whispered. "But remember I'm only doing this so we can be together. I'm doing this so you can realize how much you hurt me and when I'm done and you've suffered some I'll forgive you. You'll never leave me again my love.'' Jacob whispered.

Jacob quickly cut is own finger to make sure it was sharp enough. Blood formed quickly and he knew it would do perfectly.

Jacob slowly brought the knife to her stomach and with out hesitation he rammed it into her abdomen deeply.

With an immediate reaction Erica's eyes shot open and let out a scream so loud it could probably break glass.

"Get up my pet I want to have some fun.'' Jacob pulled on her. "No..Jacob.'' she cried as she held onto her stomach which was now bleeding uncontrollably.

"I said get up!" he yelled. She hurt like hell she couldn't bear to move but still JC pulled her up and dragged her along.

"SOME- "I suggest you don't do anything stupid. You speak and I'll cut your throat next." Jacob interrupted her.

He threw her into the hall and she fell to the floor in a loud crash. Jacob jumped on her back forcefully. He put her head in a headlock from behind and pressed the knife against her neck.

"We're gonna start slow and than go faster." Jacob squeaked. Tears were running vastly from Erica eyes. She had to get to the hospital she was going to die. She just knew it. Her mind just continued to think what had happened to the protection and she was angry at herself for not going with JC. She had an uneasy feeling why in the hell didn't she got with it and leave with him.

"Why you'd leave me babe I mean we were perfect together right? Why did you leave?'' Jacob asked.

Erica couldn't breathe so she couldn't respond. She would never say a word to him any way.

"HUH ANSWER ME BITCH! ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" Jacob pressed the knife hard into her neck. Jacob soon smirked as he felt blood on his fingers

Erica shrieked.

"Did you sleep with him? Did you sleep with him you little whore? YOU CHEATED ON ME DIDN'T YOU? DIDN'T YOU?'' Jacob asked.

"TELL ME YOU CHEATED TELL ME YOU WERE UNFAITHFUL!" Jacob screamed and only pressed the knife harder.

Erica cried out again but she was unheard. "FINE YOU LITTLE FUCKER YOU WANT TO PLAY GAMES THAN WE WILL!" He screamed.

He threw Erica up and began drag her. He threw he down and picked her back up. Erica was now unconscious.

Jacob looked at her. "WAKE UP WAKE UP!" he shook her but he got no reaction. "DAMMIT YOU STUPID BITCH!" Jacob yelled.

He groaned in anger and pulled Erica's limp body along the living room and up the stairs to the kitchen.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP YOU DUMB SLUT WAKE UP!" He panted and started to slap her face at the top of the stairs. Still he got nothing.

Jacob was furious and with no reason at all he just started to kick her in the abdomen. "FINE DON'T' WAKE UP JUST GO TO HELL BITCH! DIE YOU UNFAITHFUL LITTLE SLUT!" Jacob replied and with one push her body went rolling down the stairs.

"Now no will want you now not even JC.'' Jacob laughed crazily. He heard a loud pounce to the floor and started to walk down the stairs leisurely.

"Love you baby cakes.'' Jacob smiled as he walked over her body at the bottom of the stairs.

I'm telling you mom she amazing your going to love her." JC smiled as he was in the elevator with his mother.

"Well I'm happy that your finally content with someone.'' Mrs. Chasez smiled. "When we get up to the apartment you have to see the ultra sound of the baby.'' JC stated.
