
June 4th London Airport

JC glared down at his watch it read 1:30 p.m.

He was so nervous especially since he sent off the package to Erica she hadn’t called him back or answered his calls. He was really scared that his invite might have scared her off or offended her. He really didn’t know how that was possible but he couldn’t count that out.

All he could do was wait for her and hope she came.

“Listen guys just wait right here for me alright.’’ JC replied.

“I think our friend Jace here is ashamed of us guys?’’ Justin turned to the other three.

“Yeah. You think we’re going to embarrass you?’’ Joey looked at him up and down.

“You want the truth?’’ JC asked them.

They nodded yes.

“Hell yeah, but I’m not ashamed of you. If she comes I want her to see me first and not be bombarded by four guys that she doesn’t know.” JC had somewhat of a point.

“Sure….whatever you say.’’ Chris replied.

“You guys are going to meet her so don’t go crazy on me now.’’ JC replied.

“Flight 118 from Orlando, Florida now un loading.” A woman announced over the intercom.

“Well don’t just stand there go do your thing.’’ Justin pushed him toward the gate.

JC waited patiently behind the poles he was restricted some what but it was no big thing.

If he had to wait any longer he would be sweating like a pig. He stuffed him hands into his pockets so they wouldn’t shake so much.

“She didn’t come I just know it.’’ He told himself as he looked through the crowd as they came through the gate.

He hadn’t seen her yet.

“JC looks like a nervous wreak.’’ Lance pointed out as they watched him.

“You don’t think that she, “Nope don’t even go their Joey she wouldn’t stand him up not after he went through all that trouble.’’ Justin interrupted Joey.

“Erica don’t let me down girl come on.’’ JC told himself, as he still hadn’t seen her.

“Ah ma’am ah ma’am wake up.’’ The stewardess shook Erica.

Her eyes fluttered and she turned herself from the window and looked at the woman that was shaking her.

“Yes.’’ She yawned and covered her mouth.

“Ah we’re in London, England and you’re the last one on the plane.’’ The woman replied.

“The last one………..oh crap don’t let him think I stood him up.” Erica said shocked and whipped out her mirror and purse.

“You meeting a guy?’’ the stewardess smiled.

Erica nodded as she fixed her lips and her face.

“He must be real special.’’ The woman went on.

Erica smiled at the thought of JC.

“Yeah you could say that.’’ Erica fixed her hair.

Erica shot up and quickly sprayed some breath freshener in her mouth.

She grabbed her purse and stood in front of the stewardess.

“Ah how do I look?’’ Erica asked.

She was wearing some hip hugger dirty jeans with some new Sketchers and a light coco one-strap tank top that had glitter all over it. A dirty blue jean jacket that matched with the pants and with her tank was over it. She was matching all around.

She finished off her look with her long jet-black hair down. She looked off the hook.

“You look great but you really didn’t need any work.” The woman replied.

“Oh thank you and thanks for waking me up.’’ Erica smiled and gave the woman a quick hug.

“Welcome now go see your guy friend.’’ The woman replied.

Erica smiled and walked vastly off the plane with her dirty jean purse.

“She stood me up.’’ JC started back toward his friends.

“See Joey you jinxed us! She stood him up dam you!!’’ Chris jumped as they watched JC come toward them.

Erica stopped rushing as soon as she went through the gate.

She scanned around until she spotted JC and started running toward him

“Hey that’s her?’’ Lance pointed.

“Yeah it is yo yo JC do a u- turn!” Justin hollered.

JC gave him a funny look and turned around to Erica who jumped on him.

“Erica I thought you weren’t coming.” JC smiled at her as she hugged.

“Oh you know I wouldn’t miss seeing my sweetie pie especially since you took care of all the arrangements. Which I thank you for.’’ Erica buried her face in his neck and JC held her tighter.

“God it’s so good to see you.’’ He whispered.

“You too.’’ She jumped down.

“Erica I know I don’t know you that well but……………….girl I missed you so much!” JC replied and picked her up and twirled her around.

Their goes my heart again.’’ JC told himself.

JC finally put her down and still Erica hugged him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

“Okay I think I’m done now but I just can’t stop smiling.” Erica looked at JC with her bright hazel eyes.

He laughed.

“Alrighty come on and meet my four band mates or should I say very strange friends.” JC grabbed her hand and walked her over to the guys.

“Well hello there Erica.’’ Justin looked at Erica.

“Hi Justin right?” she shook his hand he nodded.

“Almost thought you weren’t coming girlie.’’ Joey shook hand.

“I fell a sleep on the plane.’’ She laughed.

“Nice to meet you Erica.’’ Lance shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you to Lance.” Erica smiled.

“And you must be Chris the hyper one?’’ Erica gave him her hand.

“Well now it’s nice to know how JC feels about me.” Chris grinned.

“Okay any one up for some lunch?’’ JC asked

“I’m pretty hungry.’’ Joey looked at his stomach.

“You just ate.’’ Chris replied.

“I’m a growing boy.’’ Joey protested.

“Well that sounds good the plane food sucked.’’ Erica replied.

“Well Erica since you’re the guest it’s you’re the choice where we go.’’ JC replied.

“And do us a favor go some where, where we can actually recognize the food. We were very stupid to let Joey pick where to eat yesterday. It wasn’t pretty.’’ Justin explained.

“I promise but can we get my stuff bags first?’’ Erica asked.

“Oh crap almost forgot about that.’’ JC hit his forehead.

“Come on then.” JC replied as they walked toward the baggage claim.

Pop Odyssey Concert

“Bye Bye Bye!” the fab five finished the concert off. They soon disappeared.

After they excited the stage Erica was still screaming and jumping like the other crazed fans around her.

She had to give it to them N’sync really could work a crowd and they did have an amazing melody together or sound.

Erica knew she had heard one or two of their songs before, but seeing them live is why better than hearing and watching them on TV. It was more personal in a way. She was even more amazed by JC “just melt me” voice. Of course Justin could sing all of them could, but JC……. he could just make a girl faint.

And another thing she could have sworn that JC kept making eye contact with her through out the concert and that definitely gave her jealous glares and words from the girls around her.

She really didn’t understand what was up with his stares but it was probably just a friendly gesture. (Hint number one!)

Still her opinion of the Pop Odyssey or rating from one to ten was a TEN!!!!!


JC was finally finished and out of the shower as well as clothed.

He came out and clicked off the light.

He was still drying his hair with a towel.

“I’m done!” he exclaimed and shook his wet hair on Erica.

She giggled and tried to shield the water.

“Stop JC stop you crazy man!” Erica squeaked.

Some moments later he stopped.

“Ok I’ve had enough.’’ JC sighed as he went to sit on the couch in the huge living room area. The hotel room was like a huge deluxe apartment and more.

He started to smile once again. He wasn’t able to stop and that also went for his heart beating fast as well.

“So Erica um how have you and Aaron been?’’ JC really wasn’t interested but couldn’t think of anything else to ask.

He couldn’t believe that he could actually hate a guy that he had never talked to or met.

“Well……..right now we’re separated. I knew we weren’t going to last long but dam.’’ Erica replied and went to sit beside him.


“Erica I’m really sorry………. but why did you two break up any ways?’’ JC tried to be fakely sympathetic as he could and Erica believed him.

“It’s okay like I’ve been telling you for a while now things haven’t been exactly going good with us lately. But the main reason why we broke was because I found out that he was two-timing me with another girl. Still it’s no biggie like I said he’s not my soul mate.” Erica laid back.

JC basically felt that maybe Erica knew that he did have more than friend’s feelings for her. How couldn’t she? He did invite her all the way out here and paid for everything. He doesn’t just do that anybody. Also the way that he acted today at the airport wasn’t that a huge clue right their? And what about the stares at the concert? If this woman didn’t know that he was head over heels for her than what would he have to do besides telling her in words that he was falling for her?

All those late night talks that the two went back and forth with had to mean or tell Erica something?

“Well like you said it’s no big deal and hopefully you’ll find him.’’ JC looked at her hard after he said those last words.

“I hope I will but JC I’m just really tired of waiting you know? I just really want it to happen right now. But I know it takes time I’m just really sick of feeling half empty and I want to be whole just complete.’’ She said seriously.

“I know where you’re coming from…. I feel like that all the time. I just really wanna it to happen soon.’’ JC looked at her again and she still didn’t get it.

“Ah JC why do you keep starring at me like that? Your acting like your trying to tell me something?’’ She looked at him strangely.

“Oh sorry I do that sometimes. Nothing personal.’’ JC turned away from her and groaned silently.

“Hey JC?’’ she replied.

“Hmmm?’’ He looked at Erica.

“Have you been dating any one lately?’’ She asked.

“Erica does it look I have time to? I mean I’ve seen a few good looking woman but there is no one I’ve really thought about except this um …….one woman though that I’ve been interested in.’’ JC looked toward the big screen TV and switched channels.

Erica got excited.


“Ok well does she know?’’ she nudged him.

“No she’s totally clueless.” He shook his head.

“Dam JC don’t let her get away I mean she might just be your (air quotes) dream girl.’’ Erica grinned.

“I swear if someone says that one more time I’m gonna go off.’’ JC told himself.

He laughed a little.

“I feel she is but like I said before she doesn’t have a clue.’’ JC continued to look at the TV.

“JC keep trying don’t let her get away.” Erica stated.

“That’s gonna be heard.’’ JC said silently.

Even if she is totally clueless I’m still glad the girls here at least for a day.

At least I can be with her and see her beautiful face for a little while.

“You know Erica you really scared me today.’’ JC laughed some.

“JC I told you already I fell a sleep on the plane……….and besides I wouldn’t have turned you down for the world. The six hours on the airplane was so worth it. Your performance tonight is beyond words trust me. I just loved it JC. And JC with your white assed fine self-singing tonight I was like whoa! You trying to make a girl faint ain’t you?’’ Erica looked at him.

He blushed some.

“Thanks you really though I sounded good?’’ JC asked.

“JC if I thought you sucked I would tell you and I also I would have passed up the offer! But JC you got flow!” Erica laughed.

“Erica you are one of the weirdest women I have ever met. You’ve got issues.’’ JC laughed.

“JC take me seriously you go flow. I mean you seriously got the flow!” she exclaimed.

“I got flow?’’ he pointed to himself and tried to stop laughing.

“You got flow. We got flow. I got flow. You got flow.’’ Erica replied.

“Girl what have you been smoking?’’ JC cracked up.

“Hey ask Chris he passed it to me when I was back stage with you after and before the concert.’’ Erica replied.

“Hmmmm.” JC shook his head.

JC watched Erica yawned. She looked so adorable. She reminded him a small little kitten when it yawned.

“Well it’s…….12:00 and maybe it’s not late for you but it is for me and I’m very exhausted.” Erica got up and stretched.

“Yeah.” He looked at her.

“Are the guys back yet?’’ Erica asked him still standing up.

“Nope since they went clubbing they probably won’t be back till 3:00 and will be tired as hell when we have to take you back to the airport tomorrow.” JC hated and dreaded tomorrow when he had to leave her again.

“Dam today went fast.’’ She yawned again.

“Cute little kitten.’’ He said silently.

“Well thank you so much I had a great time today.’’ Erica hugged him and JC pulled her down closer to him and wrapped his arm around her tighter.

“I’m glad you had a good time I would do it all again in a second.” He replied against her neck.

“I’m serious JC this is one of the nicest things any friend has done for me or just any guy period. I don’t know how I’m going to repay you for this but I’ll find some way. Still today is undoubtly one of the best days of my life. I came to London, got to see London’s amazing sites, met Nsync, saw them in concert, and spent the day with one of the most sweetest people I know.” Erica replied.

“Your welcome Erica.’’ JC sighed he was enjoying this.

It just felt so right.

“Thank you so much my big sweetie pie.’’ Erica replied as she smothered him with kisses on his cheek.

Now that really got him blushing.

She finally let go.

“Well night sweets see you in the morning.’’ Erica gave him one last peck on the cheek and went to the bedroom.

“Night Erica…..I’m gonna miss you when you leave.’’ He turned around and looked at her.

“I’m gonna miss you too! No goodbyes now I don’t want to start crying I’m terrible with that type of stuff.’’ She smiled.

JC just laughed a little.

“Night.’’ He replied once again.

“Night sweets.’’ She gave him one last heart melting smile and than went into the bedroom and closed the door.

JC slowly turned around and sank down into the couch. (JC isn’t sleeping on the couch but there are two king size beds in the bedroom. Just a little note.)

“Girl you should be my girlfriend.’’ JC whispered.

