I was up in my room deeply in thought about the phone call and how I would protect the guys. I was glad that I had told them but in a sense I wasn't. I mean, now they have something new to worry about. Especially when we thought it was all over.

" But it's not over. It's beginning all over again." I whispered to myself. I put my mind back on track. I needed to figure out a way to keep an eye on the guys.

"Think, think." I said repeatedly to myself. I was thinking as hard as I could and nothing was very appealing to me. After another 15 minutes of frying my brain I decided to give up. I wish this would just go away I thought.

"That's it! Maybe, just maybe, if I pretend that this problem is non-existent it will go away." I was so happy that I had finally figured out, what I thought was the best plan.

I was about to think of something else now that I got that out of the way, when I heard Chris yelling up the stairs for me. I glanced at the clock. It read 1:32. I wonder where we are going I asked myself. I took a look out the window and saw a moving van. I wonder who they are and where they came from. I didn't have any more time to ponder about it cause I heard Chris calling my name again. I ran out the door and to the top of the stairs where I saw Chris with his arms crossed looking at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Are you deaf? I was calling your name for 10 minutes!" He looked at me but didn't wait for an answer and continued, "Jc thinks it would be a good idea for all of us to go to the park and get our minds off things." He explained.

"Ok. Do you think the others will want to play football?" I questioned him.

"I think so. Why don't you go grab it."? He said. I nodded and headed for the basement where the football was. By the time I found it everyone was already waiting in the car for me.

"Did you get lost, sweetie?" Joey joked. I shook my head as I squeezed between Justin and Lance. We got to the park a little bit later. I was glad that I came. It was a beautiful day. It wasn't too hot and the wind blew every once in a while.

"What a nice day it is!" exclaimed Jc. I nodded my head and we began heading toward the others.

"Football, everyone?" Justin asked. He looked around at all of our faces and saw no objections. We began the game. It was Jc, Lance, and I. And of course, Joey, Justin, and Chris. Sadly to say, we lost by one touchdown. We had fumbled it on the one-yard line. We were now tossing the ball around after hearing Joey, Chris, and Justin gloat for a half hour. Lance threw the next one to me and it went way over my head.

"Good shot, Lance." Joey joked.

Lance blushed a little. "I guess I don't know my own strength."

"I'll get it!" I stated before taking off running to fetch the ball. I found it lying at the foot of some boy. I looked up from the grass after I picked it up and examined him. He looked cute. He had brown puppy dog eyes and short spiky hair.

"Sorry about that." I said as I felt my cheeks turn a light pink.

"It's ok. I'm Steve Hope. I think you live right next door to me. I just moved in a couple hours ago."

"Oh ya, sorry. My name is Jasmine Chasez. I think I saw the moving van in your driveway at like 12." He nodded.

"That's a pretty name." He commented.

"Thanks." I said as I began to blush again. "I have to go now but maybe we can hang out tomorrow. I could show you around…" I began. I looked at him and his eyes lit up.

"That would be great. Thanks. What time should we meet up?"

"How about 11. I will ring the door bell when I get there and maybe I could meet your parents."

"Ok sure. See you then."

"Ya. Bye." I said as I turned and waved. As I started to near the guys I could see that they were smiling. They must have seen me talking to Steve I thought. I reached them and threw the ball to Justin.

"Who was that?" Jc questioned curious as to why I was talking to a boy that he had never seen before.

"It was Jas's boyfriend." Chris joked. I looked his way and gave him a dirty look that told him to shut up.

"He is not my boyfriend. His name is Steve and he just moved in right next door to us. I offered to show him around and he agreed. Is that ok, Jc?"

"Of course. I was wondering whom you were talking to that's all. I'm glad that you are making more friends." He explained but I really knew he meant that he was ecstatic that I was making a friend. I haven't really met anyone since we were always on the road but now they decided to take a year off. So maybe I could start making more friends I thought.

"I think we should leave. It's getting kind of late." Lance said as he looked at his watch.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost 9 o'clock."

"Already, man the day flew." I exclaimed.

"It should of, I mean, you have a boyfriend, you lost a football game, and did I mention you have a boyfriend?" Joey joked.

"He is not my boyfriend!" I shouted as I tackled him to the ground. But soon found myself lying on my back with Chris sitting on my stomach. Man is he heavy I thought as I began to run out of breath and could feel my lungs burning for air.

"Chris…" I said barely above a whisper trying to get his attention so that way he would get off of me and I would be able to breathe again.

I think Justin started to notice my hard time breathing and said, "Chris man. Get off of her! She's turning purple." Chris immediately looked down and saw what a hard time I was having breathing and jumped off immediately. I sighed a breath of relief when I could breath again.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to suffocate you like that." Chris apologized.

"Na, it's ok. I'm cool. Just don't sit on me next time, deal?"

"Deal." We both shook on it to make it official. I looked Jc's way and I could tell he wanted to scream at Chris but I shook my head and gave him a look that said 'I'm fine. He didn't do it on purpose.' Jc just merely shook his head slowly to say that he was not pleased with what happened.

The whole ride home I was thinking about how much he really did act like a father. He is very protective and gets mad at the stupidest things. And yet he still lets us have fun. My dad would be proud that someone is taking care of me just like he would I thought as I remembered what my life was like a little less than a year ago. Before everything happened. I felt that I owed my dad a thank you. If it wasn't for him telling me to leave I never would have met them and get to see the real side of Nsync.

"Thanks dad. Thank you." I whispered just loud enough for Justin to hear and cock his head at me but not loud enough for him to make out what I said.

