
I was slowly gaining consciousness. As I was coming to, I could the pain on my body intensify. My eyelids felt heavy and I wasn’t sure as to why. I was drowsy and exhausted. When I finally gained complete consciousness I tried to get the feeling back in my body by wiggling my fingers. I think someone noticed cause I heard a voice.

“I think she’s gaining consciousness.” I felt someone’s hand intertwine mine with theirs. After a couple more tries I finally got the strength to open my eyes. At first I was afraid of opening my eyes cause I didn’t know where I was and how the others were. I looked to my right to see who was holding my hand…it was Jc.

I wasn’t sure where I was. Overcome with curiosity and afraid we were somewhere dangerous I asked, “Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital. Don’t you remember what happened?” Joey questioned. It then donned on me why I was here and what happened. I looked around the room to make sure everyone was accounted for.

I saw Jc sitting in the chair next to my bed on the right, Justin on the left of my bed, and Chris and Joey were at the end of my bed. I saw no Lance though and I was scared of what happened to him. “Where’s Lance?” I asked afraid of what answer I would get.

“Don’t worry. He’s out in the waiting room talking to Johnny.” Chris explained. I sighed a sigh of relief. I was just glad him and the other guys were ok. I looked up at Jc. He had tears in his eyes.

“Why do you look so sad?” I asked concerned that I caused this pain he was feeling.

“I’m not sad, I am happy. We thought we were going to lose you.” He explained cautious to make sure that he didn’t upset me.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused as to why he would be scared of losing me.

“When you got shot in the stomach, you lost a lot of blood. The doctors were able to transfer it well but they said you might not make it through the night since you lost so much blood.” Justin said with tears in his eyes too. I looked around and everyone did.

“You don’t have to worry. I would never leave yins.” I said full of emotions. We all got into a small group hug. It wasn’t too big though cause they were afraid of pulling out the wires in my right arm. Just as we parted the doctor entered.

“I’m glad to see that you are awake.” He said while showing off his dimples. His hair was gelled and looked fairly young. Probably in his thirties I thought.

“When can I go home?” I asked not wanting to be in here anymore.

“Not for awhile sweetheart. We have to keep you at least a couple more days. Just to make sure everything is going good. For now, get some rest.” He said. I shook my head and he sighed. I was deeply disappointed, that was not the answer I was looking for. I couldn’t stand to be here and be immobile. After saying that he left.

“I think I will go get Lance and we will go get some coffee. I’m sure Chris is just dying without his caffeine high.” Justin said trying to get me to perk up a bit. We all laughed at that. Everyone left me alone to get Lance. I saw Lance about to come in but was stopped by Jc. He was telling Lance what we had talked about and what the doctor said. He walked in with a smile on his face.

“Hi! How are you?” He asked. He came and sat next to my bed where Jc was sitting just minutes ago.

“I guess they already told you everything.” I stated as a fact, not as a question cause I knew it was true.

“Ya they did. Why are you refusing to go to sleep? The more rest you get, the sooner you will be out of here.” He said in a tone that said you need the rest so why are you refusing.

“I’m scared.” I didn’t even wait for a why I just continued on. “I’m scared that when I go to sleep that I might not wake up. That he will come and kill me while I can’t do anything to try to protect myself.” I said. I looked up at him after I finished. He looked a little surprised from my answer.

“You don’t have to worry about that. I will lay with you until you go to sleep. Somebody will be with you at all times, I promise.” He said sincerely. I looked up into his eyes. They had black circles under them. He’s the one that needs the sleep I thought. I only merely nodded at what he said and closed my eyes.

I didn’t go to sleep. I just simply laid there as still as I could for an hour, waiting for him to fall asleep so I could escape before the guys got back. I was about to fall asleep when I heard him snoring. I figured that he was asleep and everything was clear.

I opened my eyes, threw the covers to the side, and slid my legs to the edge of the bed. I stood up and pain from my leg and stomach shot up my body. I took a few deep breaths and was about to walk when the door opened.

Chris was the first one in the room. “What on earth are you doing? Get back into bed.” I made no move to get back to bed. Joey had heard what was going on and came over to me. He scooped me in his arms and put me back in my bed. Just as I was about to protest about what was going on Jc came in and I decided to shut my mouth until he knew what was going on.

Chris had explained what he saw to Jc. He turned to me and said, “What were you thinking? You haven’t even been awake for 24 hours and you are already trying to leave!”

Lance had heard the yelling and woke up to see what was going on. He saw me in bed, Joey holding me down, and Jc’s face beat red from anger. “What is going on?” He asked confused as to what was going on.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” Jc said still fuming and was taking it out on Lance.

“It wasn’t his fault. I purposely waited till he was asleep for me to escape.” As I explained this it donned on him. I was surprised he didn’t know sooner. I kinda hinted to him that I didn’t want to be here I thought.

“Sorry Jc. I just don’t want to be here when I know that the guy is still out there.” I said starting to regret that I wasn’t sleeping. I was tiring myself even more by fighting and trying to escape.

“Don’t worry we’ll make sure nothing happens to you. We love you and wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” He said with all anger gone.

I was really tired now. As I was starting to fall asleep I whispered, “I love yins too.” I then fell asleep. When I woke the next day, the doctor said that I was doing great and that I could go home. I was overjoyed. We all hoped in the car after Justin helped me put on my clothes since I only had one hand and wasn’t really allowed to bend over too much.

When we got home there was cops there. They were waiting around for us. The cops were fat and Chris couldn’t resist a good joke.

“I think they should lay off the donuts.” Chris whispered jokingly. We both laughed. The others gave us a weird look but we just shrugged it off.

“Who are you looking for?” Joey asked the cop suspiciously.

“We heard about your situation. One of yins called it in.,” he said as an answer to the question on all our minds. He looked at me and noticed I was in a wheelchair.

“What happened to you?” He asked knowing that this did not happen with no reason behind it. I decided that I had no choice but to tell him everything. After he was done asking questions he left us promising that he would call if they caught the guy.

“Are you happy to be home?” Jc asked already knowing the answer. I simply nodded my head.

“Who’s up for some N64?!” Chris asked while jumping up and down out of excitement.

“I will!” I said enthusiastically.

Everyone looked at me skeptically, like I couldn’t do it with one hand. “Ok. That’s your problem. I’m going to kick your butt you one-armed girl!” Chris said. Everyone had decided to bet on who would win after they saw that I didn’t do too bad with my injury.

“I bet Jasmine will kick his butt.” Justin said. Lance and Jc quickly agreed and added ten dollars to the pile. I ended up winning but not by much. Chris only lost cause his car flipped over when another car rammed into him and made his back loose control.

“Chris, I can’t believe it! You got beat by a girl that was injured. You’re losing your touch man!” Joey joked. We all laughed. It felt good for things to start getting back to normal. The phone started ringing and Chris left the room to answer it.

When he came back in he had a look of shock on his face. “What’s wrong Chris? Who was on the phone?” We all asked anxious to find out what caused his shocked face.

