
"I think we should go to bed." Jc said when he came downstairs after putting a very drunk Justin in his room.

"That's a good idea. Where do I sleep?" asked Mrs. Sheid.

"In Jasmine's room." Chris said. So we all headed to our rooms to get ready for bed. When I came out of the bathroom that's connected to my room, I saw Mrs. Sheid writing again. I hope she's writing something good, I thought.

I was about to fall asleep when she asked "What do you think of living here and do you think they are doing a good job caring for you?"

"I think it's great. I learn a lot and have fun. In my opinion, they are doing a wonderful job."

"Well thank you. Good night."


I woke to the sound of birds chirping. I was in a good mood. Today was the last day she would be here. I hope I get to stay with them, I thought. I threw on some jeans and a tee and headed downstairs.

When I got down there she was finishing her interrigation with the guys. They were finished once I reached the kitchen.

"Good morning." She said.


"Would you like to know the results?" She asked to everyone. We all nodded our heads.

"Well let's see, you have sworn, one of you has been drunk, but you guys have your good points too. Your loving, caring, responsible for the most part, and kind. That's all you basically need to be a good parent. So Mr. Chasez, if you still want her, it's fine with me."

"Yes I do. Thank you." Jc said with the biggest smile of the world.

"I think I should be going now. Don't forget to stop at the orphanage to make it completely legal."

"We won't and thank you." Said Justin just as happy as anyone in the room. Joey and Justin carried her luggage to her car.

Once she left we all got into a group hug. "I can't believe we did it!" Said Chris.

"Ya, so let's go make this legal." Joey said. We all piled into the car. Once we arrived there Jc signed some papers and I had to sign some too. It only took an half hour. We all were smiling from ear to ear.

"Let's play football!" Justin said all pumped up.

"What do you say?" asked Jc.

"I say, whose ready for some major butt kicking?!" I said glad to have a new family.

The football game was fun. It was Lance, Justin, and Chris on one team and Jc, Joey, and myself on the other. We scored the first touchdown and did our own little dance. The game ended in a tie so that way no one could gloat or fight.

They all were hungry and were going to order out but I told Jc to take me food shopping and I would cook dinner. All the guys were a little skeptical. So now we all are sitting around the table eating my chicken and rice combination.

"This is delicious!" Chris said.

"Ya, you are going to have to cook more often or teach us how." Joey said.

"Thanks, my mom taught me how so I will teach yins." I said with my pittsburgh accent coming out.

Once we were all done with dinner, we decided to go to bed cuz of it being a long day.

I was watching a movie in my room since I couldn't sleep. I was almost asleep when the phone rang. I picked it up.

"Hello." I said.

"Congrats on becoming Jasmine Chasez." The voice said.

"Who is this?" I asked regreting I answered the phone.

"Are you telling me that you don't remember the person that killed your own family?" He asked.

"What do you want?" I asked trying not to sound scared with my voice trembling.

"Just to let you know that I am still after you. So if I were you I would sleep with one eye open." Then he hung up.

Now I really regretted picking up the phone. Why did he have to bring this up 2 weeks after it happened and things were getting back to normal? I began to cry since he broke open the wound. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't tell the guys, especially Jc. He would make such a big deal out of it and they are happy. I won't ruin it for everyone.

