Chapter 2: Life Repeats Itself.

I was gone one day on a hunting trip. I had come home and got that same everything-is-too-calm feeling I had the day my family was killed. I didn’t hear a scream, but crying. I went to our daughters’ bedroom and saw her in her crib, beating at the wooden bars. I picked her up out of it and carried her to her brothers’ room. She was merely two and he was three.

He was sitting in the floor cleaning a dagger. I asked him were his father was. He pointed to the main bedroom and I told him to follow me there. I took his hand and held Mina in my other arm.

“Whatever you hear or see Kayden, say not a word. Same goes for you Mina.”

They nodded and we quietly entered the room. It didn’t matter. Whoever was there had heard Mina stop crying.

“Ready to die?” a menacing voice asked.

“It depends really.”

I set down Mina and told her to stay there. Same as I told Kayden. I drew my sword and stepped into sight. It was the same two lackeys as before when I was eight. They’d come for Leon and me.

“Take it your arm got better...........Never got your name you know.”

“Camus and this is Casey, my younger brother.”

“I take it you still hate me, eh?”

I smiled and winked at Leon. I was signaling that his sword was under the bed and if I could hold these two idiots long enough, he could get to it.

“Hate is such a strong word little girl, let’s try something like loathe,” he growled.

“Oh, touchy are we?”

I laughed my demonic laugh and heard my children leave the room.

“You want to die now or later?”

“Whenever you think your good arm can catch me,” I replied grinning, flashing my vampire like teeth.

He charged at me and I dodged sending him head first into a wall.

“Mina! Kayden! Hide! Go now!”

I ran out of the room and outside to the field with Casey following me.

“Catch me if you can human!”

“I’ll get you all right, and then you’ve had it!”

He charged at me again and I dodged again tripping him.

“You don’t remember things to well do you?”

He looked at me questioningly first,” I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I leaned over and pinned him to the ground,” That day, before I left you three at my home, I took care of the wounds I had caused you. Just because you killed my family I wasn’t going to kill you. I showed you the one thing no hunter has ever been shown by a demon. I showed you mercy. Now pay back the favor and go home and be happy.”

I let him up and he nodded walking to his horse and mounting it. I waved and walked back inside the house to the bedroom where the other lackey was.

“I’m back, sent Casey home with a new idea on life. Let’s see if Camus is just as easy.”

I walked in to see the two with their blades drawn and in the best fighting stances.

“Well, well. Camus, you really have outdone yourself. I take it you don’t remember that well either?”

He turned and looked at me and raised my hand signaling for Leon to keep his guard up but not to attack.

“Camus, do you remember ten years ago?”

“Yeah, what’s it to you?”

“I spared you and your brother that day. I took care of every wound I caused you knowing you’d survive. I showed you mercy now do the same and take that damn chip off your shoulder and go home and be happy.”

I sheathed my sword and Leon did the same. Thus showing Camus he was in no danger.

“Go home Camus. I think you might like what awaits you there.” He did the same as Casey and left. About two hours later he came back riding his horse as fast as the poor creature could go.

“It happened! Oh, I have a boy!”

He jumped off his horse and hugged me and Leon both.

“Thank you for doing whatever you did back there. My wife had her baby! I have a son!”

He jumped and ran in circle hollering like a child with a new toy. He thanked us again and went towards his home at top speed. I smiled and picked up my two children. Thank goodness I was as deceitful as I was. I was tricky and that was the best gift I could have.

It was getting dark and I cooked some of the game I had brought back from the hunting trip. After everyone had eaten I put Kayden and Mina in bed and played my fief for them.

“You are a great person and you had plenty to offer. It made no difference to me.”

I smiled. He hadn’t forgotten. I was grateful to have him and I was sure he felt the same. I dressed for bed and curled up next to him. Being a demon with my cat-like tail and ears, I put my tail next to my nose as I had done since I was born and drifted into sleep.


My voice made an echo and I looked around. I saw a field, my house, and papa and Joey training in the front yard. Mama had little me in her lap and was singing the moon song to me.

It was a memory dream. The one I hated the most. Same day same people only I got to watch how everything happened. How they died, the whole nine yards. I wanted to wake up but I had to stay asleep and watch. It was like torture.

Finally as the dream ended I was able to blink my eyes open and get to the bathroom before I threw-up. I went outside and it was still dark, so I sat on a stump and sang the moon song to myself as the tears formed and my voice cracked.

“Brightly shining
Big then small then big again
The moon graces
Thine eyes with beauty
And I see my baby girl
She is the moon Goddess herself.”

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped.

“Shhh, it’s okay. It’s just me,” Leon said soothingly, wrapping me in his arms.

“I had the dream again Leon. I just want everything to stop,” I replied, crying.

I cried for a good while ‘til I heard something in the woods rustle. I snapped my head up and whispered to Leon,” Go get our swords and my archery things.”

He did so and I circled the place where I had heard the sound. He came out a few moments later and handed me my things. I shot an arrow, missing on purpose, to scare what or whoever it was. I heard a yelp and a small child scampered out.

“Please miss, don’t hurt me! I’m not worth much!” She was another bounty hunter’s victim. I smiled warmly and put my bow down.

“Come here child, I won’t harm you.” I kneeled and put my arms out, showing her I would cause her no harm. She put her arms down and ran into my arms crying.

“Hush now. It’s okay,” I said as soothingly as a demon could. After she stopped she told me a group of hunters had burned her house and killed her parents. She was in the cellar getting things to surprise them with a good breakfast. That was how she lived. I told her she could stay with me and Leon. It’d be good for Mina to have an older sister. Oddly enough she was three as well and had the same birthday as Kayden did.

I brought her in the house, clothed and cleaned her, then made her breakfast along with Mina and Kayden.

“Mina, Kayden, this is Sapphire. She is just like Mama only younger. Kayden, she’s just as old as you and has the same birthday.”

I wasn’t sure he’d heard me. He was just sitting there staring at her. She had long brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. I guess that’s how she got her name; Sapphire.

Mina nodded and hugged her after climbing out of her highchair. I smiled and so did Sapphire. She was given a second chance just like me. Kayden had spent all day outside with Sapphire and I sang the moon song to Mina. Leon had gone hunting that day so I got to be with Sapphire and be a good mother to her as well. She asked me what my name was and who Leon, Mina, and Kayden were. I told her they were her new family and she smiled and ran off to pick flowers. I told Kayden to watch her and bring her home before dark.

He did and they told me all the things they did together.......
