I blinked my eyes open and looked around. Everything was blurry and my head hurt. I wondered why I wasn’t home then remembered the raid call. For all those days I wondered what had happened to my family but Sapphire told me not to worry. She’d heard a fief playing. She told me it was a soft sound coming quick and short, then long with clicks. I smiled and told her the raid was over and many survived. I knew she was leaning over me because a tear drop fell and landed on my cheek. But I felt some one else’s presence, I man’s presence. I told her to tell me who was there and why was I here. She told me his name was Anvet and he was an angel. He was sent to help me. I smiled and thanked him. I still could barely see and ended up bumping into something. I tripped and Anvet caught me. “Thank you, my eyes seem to be failing me today.” “I can fix that,” he said warmly. He waved his hand over my face and everything cleared up. I thanked him again and he told me to head south to a river and then east and I’d find my family in a beggar’s house. I thanked him greatly for telling me that and he gave me a feather for each person in my family and told me that if they kept it they’d be blessed and would go to heaven. I took the directions and found the river. I followed it east and found the shack but the beggar told me they had went west to the ocean and I thanked him. I went west and found the ocean but didn’t see them. I was very hungry as well. I ran for five days non-stop without hunting and carrying Sapphire on my back. I saw the tracks but was too tired to follow them, I knew if I didn’t the tide would wash them away. Against my own will I trudged along side the track ‘til I saw a small house-in-the-works type building. I smiled feebly and walked to the house and noticed nobody was there but I heard a fief and knew this was the right place. I collapsed on the floor and Sapphire curled up on the grass couch next to me and we waited. I slept but was woken-up by the joyous screaming I heard when Kayden opened the door and saw us there. Kayden and Sapphire hugged each other; Mina and Leon came to my aid and brought me to the bed. I asked them how long I had been gone and they told me I was gone for a good year. “What?! It took Anvet that long to make me wake-up?!” Leon cocked his head,” Who’s Anvet?” “Anvet ‘as tha angel ‘o took care of mama,” Sapphire explained. “When I was gone, I fainted in a field and woke-up in a strange house. Anvet was an angel sent to help me get back to you. He gave me these to give to all of you. He said keep them and you will stay blessed and go to heaven,” I said handing them each a feather he had taken from his wing. I wanted so badly to tell you everything was going to be like the end of fairy tale but it wasn’t that easy. I hunched over in pain and coughed up blood. I thought it was just from lack of food and rest but as a demon I contracted a deadly disease. Demons of my class died young because of an internal screw-up. “Mama!” Kayden cried. I managed to say,” It’s okay, Mama’s just going to lie down and she’ll get better.”

What a lie. I stayed in that bed for two days before I finally died. My last words to my family were,” Never forget me and I’ll always be with you.” As I write this I am a ghost communicating through my daughter Sapphire thus I bid my farewell to you and let her tell you the rest of this enchanting tale………

