Ryou hung up the phone and turned around to see Bakura staring out the window, he eyes almost seemed to be full of wonder… Ryou had never seen him like that before.

“Hey Bakura, do you want to go outside?” Ryou asked the chibi.

“Wealwy? Yay!” Bakura looked up at him.

“Sure.” Ryou led him to the door, then as soon as they were through it; he shut it again and locked it. Then they were on their way to Yugi’s.

It was going surprisingly well, until it started raining... Chibi Bakura started whining that he was cold and wet. Ryou took off his jacket and put it over the smaller yami’s head. He was getting soaked, but he didn’t really care, it had momentarily stopped Bakura’s whining. They were almost to Yugi’s, anyway. He was walking at a brisk pace, but wasn’t really running. He was keeping a close watch on Bakura, making sure that he wouldn’t suddenly run off, or trip or something. He then heard some loud footsteps behind him. Then someone yelled and suddenly Ryou was thrown to the ground and a sickening crack! was heard.

“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!” He faintly heard who ever it was that had knocked him to the ground ask. He could feel the weight left off him, then he could just barley hear the next question before the world around him turned black.



Yugi hung up the phone and turned to Yami, who was looking up at him with expectant eyes.

“Now cwan we pway?” Chibi Yami asked. Yugi smiled and laughed.

“Why don’t we wait to start ‘til they get here?” Yugi more told the Chibi than asked him. Yami pouted, but nodded.

“Good. Now, why you go and wait for them down stairs?” Yugi asked, Yami smiled and nodded. Yugi walked out the door and into the hallway and watched as Yami ran out of their room and down the stairs.

He wasn’t sure if leaving the Chibi alone down stairs was a good idea, but he needed to look for some toys for Chibi Yami, and soon to be there, Chibi Bakura. He turned around and looked for the door to the attic. Once he found it, he pulled up a chair, and reached for the sting to pull the door down. He completed in getting the door open and the stairs came down for him to climb up.

He scrambled up the stairs and was now in the attic. Yugi searched around for boxes of old toys his Grandpa had probably kept form when Yugi was younger. He found one and began searching through it, immediately finding some toys that might do. Suddenly, he heard a loud crash from down stairs...

Yugi gathered up the toys and ran down the attic steps, once he was off the steps, pushed them back up, with the assistance of the chair. A scream suddenly filled his ears. He ran down the stairs to see what had happened, what the scream and crash were about.


Yami had wandered into the kitchen, waiting for whom ever it was to show up so they could play ‘Hide-en-go-sweak’. Yami looked around the room with wonder and curiosity. And, as the saying is, ‘curiosity killed the cat.’ Well, Yami would soon find the meaning of this saying. Yami’s eyes finally rested on what looked like a weird mixer-thingy with a big curricular pot at the bottom. Interested, Yami climbed up the counter and crawled to the pot-thingy. He sniffed, it smelled funny. He reached his hand out to touch it, but when his hand made contact, he immediately recoiled it. It hurt!

“Owie...” The small Yami rubbed his hurting hand. He all the sudden got made at this thing! How dare it hurt him! He was just a little curios... He swatted at the thing, mad at it. The machine fell over and, needless to say, the hot liquid spilled on him. Then the machine fell to the floor and Yami started wailing. That’s when Yugi ran in.

“Yami!” Yugi yelled, looking at the mess, then at the screaming child. Yami had knocked over the Coffee machine and got some coffee spilled on him. Yugi grabbed a dishtowel and ran up to the still wailing Yami.

“Shush, it’s ok.” Yugi said, trying to clean Yami of the coffee and calm him down a bit. Yami stopped crying. “It huwts...” Yami commented, and leaned into Yugi, and was soon asleep. Yugi laughed a bit, then sighed. He knew he shouldn’t have left Yami alone, and now look had happened. A mess he’d have to clean up. A flash of white a little ways away from the mess somehow caught his eye.

He walked over to it and picked it up, Yami still in his arms. He looked it over, it was a note from his Grandpa saying that he had left on a trip, a dig in Egypt, and wouldn’t be back for a few weeks. Yugi sighed. Well, at least he wouldn’t have to explain about two Ryou’s, when Ryou and Bakura got here, that is, to his Grandpa. At that persice moment, the doorbell rang.

