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  1. Data:

  2. Information:

  3. Management Information System: (MIS)

  4. GIGO:

  5. Computer System:

  6. Hardware:

  7. Input Device:

  8. Central Processing Unit: (CPU)

  9. Bit:

  10. Byte:

  11. Primary Storage:

  12. Control Unit:

  13. Program:

  14. Arithmetic Logic Unit: (AIU)

  15. Output Device:

  16. Secondary Storage:

  17. Hard Disks:

  18. Software:

  19. System Program:

  20. Language Program:

  21. Application Program:

  22. Database:

  23. Batch Processing:

  24. Real&-Time Processing:

  25. Word&-Processing Programs:

  26. Electronic Spreadsheets:

  27. Database Management:

  28. Modem:

  29. Computer Graphics:

  30. Microcomputer:

  31. Minicomputer:

  32. Mainframe:

  33. Supercomputer:

  34. System Architecture:

  35. Centralized System:

  36. Decentralized System:

  37. Computer Network:

  38. Local Area Network: (LAN)

  39. Wide Area Network:

  40. Debugging:

  41. Transistor:

  42. Integrated Circuit:

  43. Microprocessor Chip:

  44. Large&-Scale Integration:

  45. Artificial Intelligence:

  46. Expert System:

  47. Electronic Mailbox:

  48. Fax Machine:


Managing Information with Computers


Raw facts and figures.


A meaningful, useful interpretation of data.

Management Information System: (MIS)

A system designed to transform raw data into information that can be used for decision making.


"Garbage in, garbage out." If a computer is given the wrong data to process, it is likely to give back incorrect information.

Computer System:

An electronic method of turning data into information. Its five components are hardware, software, people, control, and data.


The physical components of a computer system.

Input Device:

A device through which data are entered into the computer system.

Central Processing Unit: (CPU)

The part of the computer system in which data processing takes place.


A way representing data in a computer as one of two digits (0 or 1); abbreviation for binary digit.


A series of eight bits that, together, represent a character in a computer.

Primary Storage:

The part of the computer's (PU that houses the computer's memory of those programs it needs in order to operate.

Control Unit:

The part of the computer's CPU that locates instructions, transfers data to the arithmetic logic unit for processing, and transmits results to an output device.


A sequence of instructions to a computer.

Arithmetic Logic Unit: (AIU)

The part of the computer's CPU that  performs logical and mathematical operations.

Output Device:

The part of a computer system that presents results to users, either visually on a screen or in printed form.

Secondary Storage:

Any medium that can be used to store data and information outside the computer's primary storage facility.

Hard Disks:

Rigid metal disks that are permanently enclosed in the computer; used for storing data and information.

Floppy Disks:

Portable disks that can be easily inserted into and removed from the computer; use for storing data and information.


Programs that instruct the computer in what to do.

System Program:

A program that tells a computer what resources to use and how to use them.

Language Program:

A program that allows users to give the computer their own instructions.

Application Program:

A program that processes data according to the special needs of the user.


A centralized, organized collection of related data.

Batch Processing:

A method of transforming data into information in which data are collected over a period of time and then processed as a group or batch.

Real&-Time Processing:

A method of transforming data into information in which data are entered and processed as soon as they are collected.

Word&-Processing Programs:

Application programs that allow computers to store, edit, and print letters and numbers.

Electronic Spreadsheets:

Application programs that allow the user to enter data and determine the effect of changes in one category (e.g., materials costs) on other categories (e.g., expenses and profits). 

Database Management:

Applications programs that keep track of all relevant data in a business.


A computer&-to&-computer link via telephone wires.

Computer Graphics:

Applications programs that convert numeric and character data into pictorial information such as graphs and pie charts.


The smallest, slowest, least expensive form of computer available today.


A computer whose capacity, speed, and cost fall between those of microcomputers and mainframes.


A computer whose capacity speed, and cost fall between those of minicomputers and supercomputers.


The largest, fastest, most expensive form of computer available today.

System Architecture:

The way in which a computer system's data&-entry and data&-processing operations, database, data output, and computer staff are located.

Centralized System:

A form of computer system architecture in which all processing is done in one location, using a centralized staff of systems analysts and programmers with a centralized database.

Decentralized System:

A form of computer system architecture in which processing is done in many locations using separate databases and computer staffs.

Computer Network:

A group of interconnected computer systems at different locations that are able to exchange information with one another.

Local Area Network: (LAN)

A network of computers and work stations, usually within a company that are linked together by a cable.

Wide Area Network:

A network of computers and work stations located far from each other and linked together by telephone wires or by satellite.


Removing problems from a program so that it can be carried out smoothly.


A tiny electronic device that controls the flow of electric current without the need for a vacuum tube; used by the second generation of computers.

Integrated Circuit:

A group of transistors and other electric components integrated onto a silicon chip used by the third generation of computers.

Microprocessor Chip:

A single silicon chip the size of a paper clip that contains the computer central processing unit; used by the fourth generation of computers.

Large&-Scale Integration:

(LSI), very&-large&-scale integration (VLSI) The inclusion of many circuits with different functions on a single chip; used by many fourth&-generation computers.

Artificial Intelligence:

The construction and programming of computers to imitate human thought process.

Expert System:

A form of artificial intelligence that attempts to imitate the behavior of human experts in a particular held.

Electronic Mailbox:

A computer system that can electronically transmit letters, reports, and other information between computers.

Fax Machine:

A machine that can transmit copies of documents and graphics over telephone lines.