Introduction To Human
The study of human
relations helps us understand how people fulfill both personal growth needs and
organizational goals in their careers. Many organizations are beginning to
realize that an employee's life outside the job can have a significant impact
on work performance, and some are developing training programs in human
relations that address the total person. Increasingly, organizations are
discovering that many forces influence the behavior of people at work.
Human relations is
not a set of foolproof techniques for solving people&-related problems.
Rather, it gives people an understanding of basic behavior concepts that may
enable them to make wiser choices when problems arise, to anticipate or prevent
conflicts, and to keep minor problems from escalating into major ones.
The development of
the human relations movement has involved a redefinition of the nature of work
and the gradual perception of managers and workers as complex human beings. Two
landmarks in the study of motivation and worker needs are 'Frederick Taylor's
work in scientific management and Elton Mayo's Hawthorne studies. Many industry
leaders predict an increased emphasis on human relations research and
application. The reasons for this trend include higher educational of employees
and managers, worker organizations pressing for attention to employee concerns,
a weakening of the traditional work ethic, and increased federal legislation
affecting organizations.
Seven major themes
emerge from a study of human relations: communication, self&-awareness,
self&-acceptance, motivation, trust, self&-disclosure, and conflict
management. These themes reflect the current concern in human relations with
personal growth and satisfaction of organizational objectives.