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  1. Ultra Vires:

  2. Unconscionability:

  3. Undue Influence:

  4. Unfair Labor Practice:

  5. Uniform Commercial Code (UCC):

  6. Uniform Partnership Act:

  7. Unilateral Contract:

  8. Utilitarianism:

  9. Utility Patent:



Ultra Vires:

Acts beyond the scope of the powers of a corporation, as specified under state law and in the corporation's charter. Such corporate acts are unlawful and have no effect.


A doctrine under which a court may refuse to enforce all or part of a contract whose terms are unreasonably favorable to one of the parties, if the victimized party had no meaningful choice or did not realize what he or she agreed to.

Undue Influence:

In contract law, the abuse of a relationship of trust or confidence in order to lead another person to agree to the terms of a contract.

Unfair Labor Practice:

A practice by an employer or a union that is prohibited by the National Labor Relations Act because it interferes with the rights of employees to form and join unions, bargain collectively, and engage in concerted activities.

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC):

A statutory code, adopted in substantially the same form in every state, governing commercial transactions.

Uniform Partnership Act:

A uniform source of law governing the creation, operation, rights, and obligations of partnerships. The UPA has been adopted in all states but Georgia and Louisiana.

Unilateral Contract:

A contract in which one party promises to do (or refrain from doing) something in return for the other party's performance of a specified act, rather than in return for a promise.


A theory holding that an action is morally right if it produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Utility Patent:

A patent covering a new machine, manufacturing process, manufactured article, or substance.