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Tactical and Operational Planning

Describe the nature of tactical planning and related managerial roles.

     Tactical plans usually cover one year, though they may run longer or shorter to fit the needs of the particular business. In tactical plans, managers define activities to complement strategic objectives. Middle managers decide on annual objectives, express them through budgets, and break down major tasks into controllable activities to be accomplished.

Define the key elements of a marketing plan and a marketing program.

     A marketing plan outlines functional objectives and the activities needed to implement them in support of major strategies. The marketing plan in a diversified company is called a "business&-level strategic plan," but for a smaller firm, the marketing plan is a functional plan that breaks down the strategic plan into marketing activities. A marketing program details specific tasks in developing product characteristics, creating price scenarios, formulating advertising and promotional activities, and refining distribution channels.

Explain production planning and how it relates to marketing projections.

     Production planning starts with a solid sales forecast. Then an aggregate production plan is formulated for each tactical planning period. With a clear idea of total sales expected, production planners can formulate a plan for meeting demand in the most cost&-effective way. The sales forecast determines objectives, and production capabilities determine aggregate production schedules together, they define tactical activities.

Describe human resource planning from a tactical perspective.

     Human resource planning is concerned with people joining and leaving organizations. Tactical human resource objectives are to meet organizational needs with skilled personnel provide the training required for operational success, and coordinate with other managers the assignments of people to accomplish their tasks. These objectives are achieved through periodic "needs assessments  based  on strategic plans and proposed activities in functional areas such as marketing and production.

Discuss the responsibilities of financial managers in tactical planning.

     Most financial planning is viewed as strategic, but financial planners have to be involved with tactical and operational planning so the  can match resources with organizational needs. During a tactical planning period, financial planners are concerned with profitability, cash flow, and budgeting expenditures so that annual marketing and production objectives will be met. They also interact with other managers to formulate plans consistent with financial limitations imposed by the company  and by the economic environment.

Describe operational planning responsibilities and the critical task of scheduling.

     Operational planning focuses on immediate activities and performance objectives. Planning activities include three categories of responsibility: scheduling, resource allocation, and productivity planning. Most first&-line managers, participate in carefully designed operations budgets and  schedules For lab or, materials, and overhead. Scheduling concerns affect production   managers, accounting managers, and training supervisors, among others.