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  1. Incremental Change:

  2. Strategic Change:

  3. Top&-Down Change:

  4. Bottom&-Up Change:

  5. Participative Change:

  6. Organizational Development: (OD)

  7. Organizational Socialization:

  8. Mentor:

  9. Conflict:

  10. Competition:

  11. Stress:

  12. Distress:

  13. Eustress

  14. General Adaptation Syndrome: (GAS)


Managing Change and Conflict

Incremental Change:

An adjustment that can be implemented within the existing framework of operations.

Strategic Change:

A major effort that redefines an organization, its objectives, or its methods of doing business.

Top&-Down Change:

The traditional approach to change that emphasizes unilateral decisions by superiors who direct how organizational change is to occur.

Bottom&-Up Change:

An open environment for change where employees are encouraged to take independent action, initiating or recommending organizational adaptations.

Participative Change:

A strategy of implementing change through cooperative efforts, team decision making, and group initiatives.

Organizational Development: (OD)

The process of changing organizations through behavioral science techniques such as consulting, intervention to improve performance, leadership, and decision&-making systems.

Organizational Socialization:

The process of accommodating to the values, behavior, and role expectations required to be accepted as an organizational member.


An experienced employee assigned to help a newcomer by fulfilling the roles of counselor, coach, role model and sponsor.


An effort by one party to purposely interfere with another's ability to perform or attain objectives, thereby creating tension and discord.


A systematic approach to evaluating a company's competitive position relative to its industry and economic power in society.


Associated with tension and anxiety, stress can be destructive both physically and psychologically, but it is also essential for life.


The destructive dimension of stress, which exceeds the normal tension associated with healthful living and threatens an individual physically or psychologically.


The constructive dimension of stress, which is essential for a healthy mind&-body response to life.

General Adaptation Syndrome: (GAS)

The psychophysiological (mind&-body) reaction that is a natural mobilization and recovery process to stress stimuli.