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  1. Productivity:

  2. Quality:

  3. Total Quality Management: (TQM)

  4. Product Control:

  5. Production Control:

  6. Program Evaluation and Review Technique: (PERT)

  7. Critical Path Method: (CPM)

  8. Statistical Quality Control: (SQC)

  9. Statistical Process Control: (SPC)

  10. Manufacturing Cell:

  11. Purchasing:

  12. Inventory Control:

  13. Economic Order Quantity: (EOQ)

  14. ABC Inventory System:

  15. Materials Requirements Planning: (MRP)

  16. Just In Time: (JIT)

  17. Kanban:

  18. Integrated Manufacturing System:

  19. Manufacturing Resource Planning: (MRP II)


Production and operations Management Control


The relationship of combined inputs such as labor, materials, capital, and managerial verve to outputs such as products or services. It is the summation of quality performance that results in more efficient utilization of organizational resources.


The concept of doing things better, not just more efficiently.

Total Quality Management: (TQM)

The comprehensive approach to quality by everyone in an organization to provide  customers with reliable products and services.

Product Control:

Product control is concerned with reducing costs associated with poor quality and unreliable products.

Production Control:

Production control is concerned with controlling the manufacturing process.

Program Evaluation and Review Technique: (PERT)

A network model that identifies sequential events necessary  to complete a project while defining activities that individually lead to the next event.

Critical Path Method: (CPM)

A network scheduling technique for planning and controlling operations (usually projects) based on critical time increments to complete defined tasks.

Statistical Quality Control: (SQC)

A method of analyzing deviations in manufactured materials, parts, and products.

Statistical Process Control: (SPC)

A method of collecting information and analyzing results during operations to improve quality and in&-process performance.

Manufacturing Cell:

An integrated process of related activities based on group technology that includes individuals or autonomous work teams responsible for a set of operations, equipment utilization, and product quality.


The acquisition of needed goods and services at optimal costs from competent, reliable sources.

Inventory Control:

The management of incoming materials and supplies, work&-in&-process inventory, and finished products.

Economic Order Quantity: (EOQ)

A mathematical model for determining the optimal quantity of materials or inventory to purchase based on inventory usage, carrying costs, and purchasing costs.

ABC Inventory System:

A formal method for rank&-ordering inventory and matching cost&-effective controls to items with relatively different values.

Materials Requirements Planning: (MRP)

A computer&-integrated process of coordinating master production schedules, purchasing, inventory control, and resource allocation based on projected orders.

Just In Time: (JIT)

A comprehensive system that seeks to eliminate inventory by purchasing materials just in time for use in production, producing just in time for shipment, and shipping just in time to meet customer orders without errors or quality defects.


An inventory system based on scheduling cards prepared for each order and used in production to track progress and alert management to problems.

Integrated Manufacturing System:

A system that includes plans and controls linking together all organizational activities to ensure quality performance.

Manufacturing Resource Planning: (MRP II)

A comprehensive planning system that encompasses production resources and activities of MRP plus financial, capital, and marketing resources and activities.