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  1. Creditor:

  2. Debtor:

  3. Frictional Unemployment:

  4. Indexing:

  5. Natural Rate Of Unemployment:

  6. Real Income:

  7. Seasonal Unemployment:

  8. Shortfall Unemployment:

  9. Structural Unemployment:



Macroeconomic Problems and Macroeconomic Goals


A lender. The holder of a loan instrument or negotiable debt security acknowledging the debt of a borrower.


A borrower. An is suer of a loan instrument or negotiable debt security.

Frictional Unemployment:

Unemployment which occurs as workers move between jobs in the normal course of job separation and job search.


Tying income and wealth items to a cost-of-living index to protect them against purchasing power losses caused by inflation.

Natural Rate Of Unemployment:

Pragmatically, the unemployment rate at which increases in aggregate demand begin to spill mostly into increases in prices rather than increases in output. More precisely, the unemployment rate occurring where the labor market is clearing and actual and expected inflation is the same.

Real Income:

Aggregate income in constant dollars.

Seasonal Unemployment:

Unemployment which recurs at the same time each year because of seasonal factors.

Shortfall Unemployment:

Unemployment which occurs because of a shortfall of aggregate demand.

Structural Unemployment:

Unemployment which occurs even when there is no shortfall of aggregate demand because qualiFications and requirements of job-seekers do not match requirements of jobs to be filled.