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  1. Capital Consumption Allowances:

  2. Change In Business Inventories:

  3. Civilian Labor Force:

  4. Consumer Durable Goods:

  5. Consumer Price Index:

  6. Consumption Expenditures:

  7. Disposable Personal Income:

  8. Final Goods And Services:

  9. Government Purchases Of Goods And Services:

  10. Government Transfer Payments:

  11. Gross National Product:

  12. Gross National Product In Constant Dollars:

  13. Gross National Product In Current Dollars:

  14. Gross Private Domestic Investment:

  15. Imputation:

  16. Index Number Problem:

  17. Indirect Business Taxes:

  18. Intermediate Goods:

  19. National Income:

  20. Net Exports Of Goods And Services:

  21. Net National Product:

  22. Personal Consumption Expenditures:

  23. Personal Income:

  24. Proprietors Income:



Measuring The Economic Aggregates

Capital Consumption Allowances:

The estimate of capital goods used up in production during a specified period.  

Change In Business Inventories:

The change (plus or minus) in business inventories of final and intermediate goods.

Civilian Labor Force:

The sum of employed and officially unemployed workers, excluding members "of the armed forces and employed workers under sixteen years of age.

Consumer Durable Goods:

Consumer goods which have useful lives of one year or more.

Consumer Price Index:

The price index reflecting prices of goods and services purchased by U.S. urban consumers. (Before January 1978, it reflected those purchased by urban wage earners and clerical workers only.)

Consumption Expenditures:

Expenditures for final goods and services by consumers.

Disposable Personal Income:

Personal income (which includes transfer payments to persons) less personal tax and nontax payments to government.

Final Goods And Services:

Goods and services delivered to consumers, including the investment goods delivered to producers for consumption in production.

Government Purchases Of Goods And Services:

Government spending for items which reflect production of final goods and services. Government transfer payments are not included.

Government Transfer Payments:

Government expenditures which are transfers of income rather than payments for productive activity occurring during the period in which they take place.

Gross National Product:

The aggregate national output for a specified period. Final goods and services produced by factors of production owned by domestic residents.

Gross National Product In Constant Dollars:

Gross national product with quantities valued in terms of prices of a specified base year.

Gross National Product In Current Dollars:

Gross national product with quantities valued in terms of prices of the year to which the measure relates.

Gross Private Domestic Investment:

Gross expenditures for business plant and equipment and residential housing plus the change in business inventories.  


Assigning a market value to production which does not actually pass through a market, so that its value can be included in the aggregate output estimate.

Index Number Problem:

The upward bias created when backyear weights instead of current-period weights are used for weighing items as to importance in an aggregate price index. The upward bias results from consumers tendencies to shift expenditures away from the items whose prices have increased the most.

Indirect Business Taxes:

Taxes, such as sales and excise taxes, which are imposed on the value of transactions rather than directly on business and personal incomes and wealth.

Intermediate Goods:

Goods which have been produced or partially produced but have not yet been sold to business or consumer users.

National Income:

Essentially, the income payments received by the private sector for sales of factor services used in production (not including retained earnings in the form of capital consumption allowances).

Net Exports Of Goods And Services:

Exports of goods and services (including factor services) to foreign residents less imports of goods and services (including factor services) from foreign residents.

Net National Product:

Gross national product less capital consumption allowances.

Personal Consumption Expenditures:

Expenditures for consumer durable and nondurable goods and for consumer services.

Personal Income:

The income of the personal sector before personal tax and nontax payments. It includes transfer payments and those components of national income not retained by the business sector or government.

Proprietors Income:

Profits of unincorporated businesses.