Identify the functions performed by wholesaling intermediaries.
intermediaries provide time, place, and ownership utilities. They do this by
performing the basic marketing functions of buying, selling, storing, transporting, risk taking,
financing, and supplying market information.
Explain how wholesaling intermediaries improve channel efficiency.
Wholesaling intermediaries
improve channel efficiency by cutting the number of buyer&-seller
transactions required. For example, if 4 manufacturers marketed their output to
4 different retail outlets, a total of 16 transactions would be needed. Using a
wholesaling intermediary, however, would reduce the total number of
transactions to eight.
Explain the channel options available to a manufacturer that desires to bypass
independent wholesaling intermediaries.
The most commonly used
approach to bypassing independent wholesaling intermediaries is to establish a
salesforce to call on retail customers and industrial purchasers. This may
involve the establishment of regional sales branches from which orders are
filled from inventory carried in stock at the branch. Other approaches include
the establishment of sales offices, the use of permanent exhibits of company
products in merchandise marts, or the periodic display of the manufacturer's
offerings in trade fairs.
Identify the conditions under which a manufacturer is likely to assume
wholesaling functions rather than use independent wholesaling intermediaries.
Products are marketed
directly by manufacturers through company&-owned wholesaling facilities
for a variety of reasons. Some products are perishable, either in terms of
physical perishability or a limited life due to rapid fashion changes. Some
products require complex installation or servicing; others require aggressive
promotion; still others are high&-unit&-value goods that the
manufacturer can sell profitably to the ultimate
Distinguish between merchant wholesalers and agents and brokers.
Merchant wholesalers
take title to the goods they handle. Agents and brokers may take possession of
the goods, but they do not take title.
Identify the major types of merchant wholesalers and the situations in
which each might be used.
The two major categories
of merchant wholesalers are full&-function merchant wholesalers, such as
rack jobbers, and limited&-function merchant wholesalers, including cash&-and&-carry
wholesalers, truck wholesalers, drop shippers, and mail&-order
wholesalers. Full&-function wholesalers are common in the drug, grocery,
and hardware industries. Limited&-function wholesalers are sometimes used
in the food, coal, lumber, cosmetics, jewelry, sporting goods, and general&-merchandise
Describe the major types of agents and brokers and the situations in which
each might be used.
Commission merchants,
auction houses, brokers, selling agents, and manufacturers' agents are
classified as agent wholesaling intermediaries because they do not take title
to the products they sell. Commission merchants are common in the marketing of
agricultural products. Auction houses are used to sell tobacco, used cars, art,
livestock, furs, and fruit. Brokers are prevalent in the real estate, frozen
foods, and used machinery industries. Selling agents are used in the coal,
lumber, and textile industries. Finally, manufacturers' agents are used by companies
to develop new sales territories, firms with unrelated lines, and smaller
Outline how a wholesaling strategy is developed.
other marketing strategies, a wholesaling strategy starts with determining the
target market, which can be defined in terms of product line, customer size,
customer needs, and promotional strategy employed. After the target market is
set, a marketing mix is developed. The wholesaling intermediary's product
strategy is primarily a matter of the width, length, and depth of its inventory
assortment. Wholesaling pricing strategy depends on the extent of the services
offered. Distribution strategies employed vary among wholesaler intermediaries.
Finally, promotional strategy basically emphasizes personal selling.