Selling of domestically produced
goods and services in foreign countries.
Purchasing of foreign products
and raw materials.
A nation's communication
systems, transportation networks,and energy facilities.
Price of one nation's currency
in terms of other countries' currencies.
International agreements that
deal with many aspects of commercial relations among nations.
Tax levied against imported
International trade agreement
that has helped reduce world tariffs.
Trade restriction that limits
the number of units of certain goods that can enter a country for resale.
Complete ban on the import of
specified products.
Method used to regulate the
privilege of international trade among importing organizations by controlling
access to foreign currencies.
Controversial practice of selling
a product in a foreign market at a price lower than what it receives in the
producer's domestic market.
Agreement in which a firm
permits a foreign company to either produce or distribute the firm's goods in a
foreign country or gives it the right to utilize the firm's trademark, patent,
or processes in a specified geographic area.
Agreement in which a firm shares
the risks, costs, and management of a foreign operation with one or more
partners who are usually citizens of the host country.
Firm with significant operations
and marketing activities outside its home country.
Standardized marketing mix with
minimal modifications that a firm uses in all of its foreign markets.
Application of market
segmentation to foreign markets by tailoring the firm's marketing mix to match
specific target markets in each nation.
International product and
promotional strategy whereby the same product marketed in the home market is
introduced in the foreign market using the same promotional strategy.
International product and
promotional strategy wherein product modifications are made for the foreign
market, but the same promotional strategy is used.
International product and
promotional strategy in which the same product is introduced in a foreign
market with a unique promotional strategy for the new market.
International product and
promotional strategy in which modifications of both product and promotional
strategies are employed in the foreign market.
In international marketing, the
development of a new product combined with a new promotional strategy to take
advantage of unique foreign opportunities.
Form of exporting whereby goods
and services are bartered rather than sold for cash.