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  1. Exporting:

  2. Importing:

  3. Infrastructure:

  4. Exchange Rates:

  5. Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation (FCN) Treaties:

  6. Tariff:

  7. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: (GATT)

  8. Import Quota:

  9. Embargo:

  10. Exchange Control:

  11. Dumping:

  12. Foreign Licensing:

  13. Joint Venture:

  14. Multinational Corporation:

  15. Global Marketing Strategy:

  16. Multinational Marketing Strategy:

  17. Straight Extension:

  18. Product Adaptation:

  19. Promotion Adaptation:

  20. Dual Adaptation:

  21. Product Invention:

  22. Countertrade:


Global Dimensions of Marketing


Selling of domestically produced goods and services in foreign countries.


Purchasing of foreign products and raw materials.


A nation's communication systems, transportation networks,and energy facilities.

Exchange Rates:

Price of one nation's currency in terms of other countries' currencies.

Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation (FCN) Treaties:

International agreements that deal with many aspects of commercial relations among nations.


Tax levied against imported goods.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: (GATT)

International trade agreement that has helped reduce world tariffs.

Import Quota:

Trade restriction that limits the number of units of certain goods that can enter a country for resale.


Complete ban on the import of specified products.

Exchange Control:

Method used to regulate the privilege of international trade among importing organizations by controlling access to foreign currencies.


Controversial practice of selling a product in a foreign market at a price lower than what it receives in the producer's domestic market.

Foreign Licensing:

Agreement in which a firm permits a foreign company to either produce or distribute the firm's goods in a foreign country or gives it the right to utilize the firm's trademark, patent, or processes in a specified geographic area.

Joint Venture:

Agreement in which a firm shares the risks, costs, and management of a foreign operation with one or more partners who are usually citizens of the host country.

Multinational Corporation:

Firm with significant operations and marketing activities outside its home country.

Global Marketing Strategy:

Standardized marketing mix with minimal modifications that a firm uses in all of its foreign markets.

Multinational Marketing Strategy:

Application of market segmentation to foreign markets by tailoring the firm's marketing mix to match specific target markets in each nation.

Straight Extension:

International product and promotional strategy whereby the same product marketed in the home market is introduced in the foreign market using the same promotional strategy.

Product Adaptation:

International product and promotional strategy wherein product modifications are made for the foreign market, but the same promotional strategy is used.

Promotion Adaptation:

International product and promotional strategy in which the same product is introduced in a foreign market with a unique promotional strategy for the new market.

Dual Adaptation:

International product and promotional strategy in which modifications of both product and promotional strategies are employed in the foreign market.

Product Invention:

In international marketing, the development of a new product combined with a new promotional strategy to take advantage of unique foreign opportunities.


Form of exporting whereby goods and services are bartered rather than sold for cash.