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  1. Price:

  2. Robinson&-Patman Act:

  3. Unfair&-Trade Laws:

  4. Fair&-Trade Laws:

  5. Profit Maximization:

  6. Target Return Objectives:

  7. Profit Impact of Market Strategies:

  8. Customary Prices:

  9. Demand:

  10. Supply:

  11. Pure Competition:

  12. Monopolistic Competition:

  13. Oligopoly:

  14. Monopoly:

  15. Elasticity:

  16. Cost&-Plus Pricing:

  17. Breakeven Analysis:

  18. Modified Breakeven Analysis:


Price Determination


Exchange value of a good or service.

Robinson&-Patman Act:

Federal legislation prohibiting price discrimination that is not based on a cost differential; also prohibits selling at an unreasonably low price to eliminate competition.

Unfair&-Trade Laws:

State laws requiring sellers to maintain minimum prices for comparable merchandise.

Fair&-Trade Laws:

Statutes enacted in most states that permit manufacturers to stipulate a minimum retail price for a product.

Profit Maximization:

Point at which the additional revenue gained by increasing the price of a product equals the increase in total costs.

Target Return Objectives:

Short&-run or long&-run pricing objectives of achieving a specified return on either sales or investment.

Profit Impact of Market Strategies:

(PIMS) project Research that discovered a strong positive relationship between a firm's market share and its return on investment.

Customary Prices:

In pricing strategy the traditional prices that customers expect to pay for certain goods and services.


Schedule of the amounts of a firm's product that consumers will purchase at different prices during a specified time period.


Schedule of the amounts of a good or service that a firm will offer for sale at different prices during a specific time period.

Pure Competition:

Market structure characterized by homogeneous products in which there are so many buyers and sellers that none has a significant influence on price.

Monopolistic Competition:

Market structure involving a heterogeneous product and product differentiation among competing suppliers, allowing the marketer some degree of control over prices.


Market structure involving relatively few sellers and barriers to new competitors due to high start&-up costs.


Market structure involving only one seller of a good or service for which no close substitutes exist.


Measure of responsiveness of purchasers and suppliers to a change in price.

Cost&-Plus Pricing:

Practice of adding a percentage of specified dollar amount (markup) to the base cost of a product to cover unassigned costs and to provide a profit.

Breakeven Analysis:

Pricing technique used to determine the number of products that must be sold at a specified price in order to generate revenue to cover total cost.

Modified Breakeven Analysis:

Pricing technique used to evaluate consumer demand by comparing the number of products that must be sold at a variety of prices in order to cover total cost with estimates of expected sales at the various prices.