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  1. Wholesaler:

  2. Wholesaling Intermediary:

  3. Sales Branch:

  4. Public Warehouse:

  5. Sales Office:

  6. Trade Fair:

  7. Merchandise Mart:

  8. Merchant Wholesaler:

  9. Rack Jobber:

  10. Cash&-and&-Carry wholesaler:

  11. Truck Wholesaler:

  12. Drop Shipper:

  13. Mail&-Order Wholesaler:

  14. Agents and Brokers:

  15. Commission Merchant:

  16. Auction House:

  17. Broker:

  18. Selling Agent:

  19. Manufacturer's Agent:




Wholesaling intermediary that takes title to the goods it handles; also called jobber or distributor.

Wholesaling Intermediary:

Broad term describing both wholesalers and agents and brokers that perform important wholesaling activities without taking title to the goods.

Sales Branch:

Establishment maintained by a manufacturer that serves as a warehouse for a particular sales territory, thereby duplicating the services of independent wholesalers; carries inventory and processes orders to customers from available stork.

Public Warehouse:

Independently owned storage facility that stores and ships products for a rental fee.

Sales Office:

Manufacturer's establishment that serves as a regional office for salespeople but does not carry inventory.

Trade Fair:

Periodic show at which manufacturers in a particular industry display wares for visiting retail and wholesale buyers.

Merchandise Mart:

Permanent exhibition facility in which manufacturers rent showrooms to display products for visiting retail and wholesale buyers, designers, and architects.

Merchant Wholesaler:

Wholesaling intermediary that takes title to the goods it handles.

Rack Jobber:

Full&-function merchant wholesaler that markets specialized lines of merchandise to retail stores and provides the services of merchandising and arrangement of goods, pricing maintenance, and stocking of display racks.

Cash&-and&-Carry wholesaler:

Limited&-function merchant wholesaler that performs most wholesaling functions except financing and delivery.

Truck Wholesaler:

Limited&-function merchant wholesaler that markets perishable food items; also called truck jobber.

Drop Shipper:

Limited&-function merchant wholesaler that receives orders from customers and forwards them to producers, which ship directly to the customers.

Mail&-Order Wholesaler:

Limited&-function merchant wholesaler that utilizes catalogs instead of a salesforce to contact customers in an attempt to reduce transportation costs.

Agents and Brokers:

Independent wholesaling intermediaries that may or may not take possession of goods but never take title to them.

Commission Merchant:

Agent wholesaling intermediary that takes possession of goods when they are shipped to a central market for sale, acts as the producer's agent, and collects an agreed upon fee at the time of sale.

Auction House:

Establishment that brings buyers and sellers together in one location for the purpose of permitting buyers to examine merchandise before purchase.


Agent wholesaling intermediary that does not take title to or possession of goods and whose primary function is to bring buyers and sellers together.

Selling Agent:

Agent wholesaling intermediary responsible for the total marketing program of a firm's product line.

Manufacturer's Agent:

Agent wholesaling intermediary who represents a number of manufacturers of related but noncompeting products and receives a commission based on a specified percentage of sales.