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  1. Derived Demand:

  2. Discounting:

  3. Human Capital:

  4. Investment Decision:

  5. Loanable Funds:

  6. Loanable Funds Market:

  7. Obsolescence:

  8. Physical Capital:

  9. Present Value:

  10. Psychic Returns:

  11. Roundabout Production:


Capital, Interest, and Investment

Derived Demand:

The demand for capital goods depends on the demand for the end products that these capital goods help to produce.


The process of calculating the present value of payments that are to be received in the future.

Human Capital:

That part of the productive capability of individuals that has been developed thorough earlier expenditures for education, job training, and health care.

Investment Decision:

A decision a firm makes about whether to provide for the creation of new capital and, if so, how much.

Loanable Funds:

The money demanded and sup  plied for loans.

Loanable Funds Market:

The arrangements and procedures needed to carry out transactions be-tween people who want to borrow money and people who want to lend money. 


The condition of becoming less useful in production.

Physical Capital:

The factory buildings, ma chines, and equipment that make it possible for companies to produce more efficiently.

Present Value:

The value at the present time of a sum of money to be received in the future.

Psychic Returns:

Nonmonetary return from in vesting in human capital.

Roundabout Production:

Using natural re sources and labor to first produce capital which in turn is used to produce consumer goods.