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  1. Absolute Advantage:

  2. Dumping:

  3. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):

  4. Import Quota:

  5. Tariff:


Gaining From International Trade

Absolute Advantage:

A situation in which a nation, as the result of its previous experience and/or natural endowments, can produce a product with fewer resources than another nation.


The sale of a good by a foreign supplier in another country at a price lower than the supplier sells it in its home market.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):

An organization composed of  most non-Communist countries designed to set the rules for the conduct of international trade and reduce barriers to trade among nations.

Import Quota:

A specific quantity (or value) of a good permitted to be imported  into a country during a given year.


A tax levied on goods imported into a country.