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  1. Break-Even Point:

  2. Income Mobility:

  3. Marginal Tax Rate:

  4. Means-tested Income Transfers:

  5. Negative Income Tax:

  6. Poverty Threshold Income Level:


Inequality, Income Mobility, and the Battle Against Poverty

Break-Even Point:

Under a negative income tax plan, the income level at which one neither pays taxes nor receives supplementary income transfers.

Income Mobility:

Movement of individuals and families either up or down income  distribution rankings when comparisons are made at two different points in time. When substantial income mobility is present, one's current position will not be a very good indicator as to what one's position will be a  few years in the future.

Marginal Tax Rate:

The amount of one's additional (marginal) earnings that  must be paid explicitly in taxes or implicitly in the form of a reduction in the level of one's income supplement. Since it establishes the fraction of an additional dollar earned that an individual is permitted to keep, it is an important determinant of the incentive to work.

Means-tested Income Transfers:

Transfers that are limited to persons or families with an income below a certain cut-off point. Eligibility is thus dependent on low-income status.

Negative Income Tax:

A system of transferring income of the poor, whereby a minimum level of income would be guaranteed by the provision of income supplements. The supplement would be reduced by some fraction (less than 1) as the family earned additional income. An increase in earnings would always cause the disposable income available to the family to rise.

Poverty Threshold Income Level:

The level of money income below which a family is considered to be poor. It differs according to family  characteristics (for example, number of family members) and is adjusted when consumer prices change.