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  1. Average Revenue:

  2. Competition:

  3. Marginal Revenue:

  4. Monopolistic Competition:

  5. Oligopoly:

  6. Perfect Competition:

  7. Price Taker:

  8. Pure Competition:

  9. Pure Monopoly:

  10. Total Revenue:


Pure Competition

Average Revenue:

Total revenue divided by the quantity of goods sold.


Rivalry among sellers or buyers; also, a label for a specific market type.

Marginal Revenue:

The extra revenue that a firm receives when it sells another unit of output.

Monopolistic Competition:

A market type in which there are many sellers, entry is easy, and each firm sells a somewhat different product.


A market characterized by few sellers.

Perfect Competition:

A market characterized by the same features as pure competition plus the added attributes that buyers and sellers have complete and continuous information or knowledge of all bids and offers made in the market and the full mobility to take immediate action.

Price Taker:

A firm that accepts the equilibrium market price as given and does not adjust its own sales so as to try to influence that price. It is the distinguishing characteristic of a firm in a purely competitive market.

Pure Competition:

A market characterized by a large number of firms, a standardized product, and easy entry so that each firm acts as a price taker.

Pure Monopoly:

A market characterized by a single seller, no product differentiation, and blocked entry.

Total Revenue:

The price a firm charges multi plied by the quantity of output that it sells.